Age of the FC Community plus a lot of nostalgia

What age range do you fall in.....

  • 15 ---- 18

  • 19 ---- 25

  • 26 ---- 35

  • 36 ---- 48

  • 49 ---- 60

  • 61 ---- 70

  • 71 ---- 80

  • 80 +

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"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
It is disconcerting to see there are no longer any votes in the 80+ category. For a long while there was 1.

Who was that masked man?
(Answer: I don't know, but he left behind this silver bullet.)
from The Lone Ranger
well lone ranger ... if I had to guess ... it may be our old crewmate @ataxian. With his stories about all his life experiences I'm sure he was pretty much of the way up there ...



Staff member
well lone ranger ... if I had to guess ... it may be our old crewmate @ataxian. With his stories about all his life experiences I'm sure he was pretty much of the way up there ...

I've hung out with @ataxian and he is not in that age bracket. If I had to guess, I'd say he's mid sixties. I do miss that crazy bastard and I hope he comes around again. And yes, his wife is as hot as he loves to brag about.:nod:



Well-Known Member

(A few months ago, actually...wonder how Tiffany is doin'...? 🤔😍🙄 :tup::peace:)
Yeah but Neil Young is 79!

Prior to 1968, I'd only had some crap passed off as weed, didn't really do much. THEN, in1968, my best friend came home from Vietnam. He wrote to a friend who then sent him ten Pall Mall size joints of Vietnam's finest weed. DAMNNNNNN! You'd take three hits and trip! We'd take three hits and hurry into our favorite bar that had live music, order a beer then sit there and trip for 6 hours! We'd watch the music come out of the speakers....
Got paranoia one time so bad, was sure I was going to die lol!

We found a source of some decent weed after that, considering we lived East Podunk in northern NY, it was amazing to find any, not to say good weed! But then, I discover hash! My friend shared some with me and I was hooked! We stumbled onto a local bar that was the drug capital of about 5 counties.. you could get anything there. I'd go on friday night and score hash and usually got some top grade stuff. Lebanese, Moroccan, even got a brick of it from India with a tax stamp on it once! Now it's almost impossible to find hash in my area unless you make it yourself. Or buy concentrate from the dispensary, which doesn't thrill me.


Well-Known Member
in my summary for the Intro thread i remarked that i smoked reefer again (my state went legal) in 2023 after a 30 years absence !
Back then any kind of vaporization was remote, while we knew it was theoretically possible no one had a table top vape or knew how to do it! There was little if any selection. Never anything like what Pop22 described. I do remember Thai Stick which was quite the sight! I love Thai strains to this day! (my Fave is Thai-ger King by Evermore )

We also discussed the prospect of legalization and i think our biggest concern was that the tobacco industry would swallow up everything WHOLE!! LOL well at least that hasn't happened.

I don't mind the Dispensary markets. Its a job for some people and it usually means that your supply is pure (nothing like paraquat for home grown!). I always chuckle when i hear people complaining about the dispo systems and all i can say is Grow your Own!!! I have been to dispensaries in like 5 other states. What we have in MD is not so bad.

Has your state become legal? Dealing with all that hassle is something i don't mind at all these days! !


Well-Known Member
in my summary for the Intro thread i remarked that i smoked reefer again (my state went legal) in 2023 after a 30 years absence !
Back then any kind of vaporization was remote, while we knew it was theoretically possible no one had a table top vape or knew how to do it! There was little if any selection. Never anything like what Pop22 described. I do remember Thai Stick which was quite the sight! I love Thai strains to this day! (my Fave is Thai-ger King by Evermore )

We also discussed the prospect of legalization and i think our biggest concern was that the tobacco industry would swallow up everything WHOLE!! LOL well at least that hasn't happened.

I don't mind the Dispensary markets. Its a job for some people and it usually means that your supply is pure (nothing like paraquat for home grown!). I always chuckle when i hear people complaining about the dispo systems and all i can say is Grow your Own!!! I have been to dispensaries in like 5 other states. What we have in MD is not so bad.

Has your state become legal? Dealing with all that hassle is something i don't mind at all these days! !
The day NY went legal, may lady and I went out ans sat at our picnic table and smoke a joint! And I twitched every time I heard a car out on the road. Almost 60 years of paranoia was hard to overcome! A few days later, about ten family members and I. sat on a front porch in town, smoking out of a bong, at three in the afternoon with cars going by! I was sweating bullets lol!
My first dispensary visit was in Phoenix Arizona. It was very cool! The one lonely disp. we have here sucks. You don't even get to see the product, you pick fro a printed catalog..... Blahhh....! but I'm a long time grow mine own guy so I'm not missing out on anything. Yeah there are like 9000 varieties these days but you know what? They have gotten so they all smell and taste them same, there seems to be vary little true variety any more. Other than a few hybrids, and those of older origin, I now grow mostly landrace and heirloom cultivars. Better distinct flavors hand highs are to be had that way. And what a joke, when they talk about how strong weed is today. I love Mazar i Sharif, it's my favorite Indica and it has been tested at 21% THC and 3% CBD. Yep, there are stronger hybrids, but who cares? THC levels don't tell the whole story, there are old varieties that only test out to 10-12% that can kick ass, I've never chased THC, I chase a high that pleases me!
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