So here's what I found poking around in a couple of junk drawers.
The ash tray on the top left is from the 60s. It still has ashes in it from 2009, which is when I stopped smoking. The two hairclips were my roach clips. Notice how gunked up the ends got from combustion crap.
In the top centre is a cheap old
cigarette joint case, also from the 60s, along with another hairclip for holding roaches. The film canister is the only one left out of countless numbers that served as stash containers.
At top right is my old tin storage box that I kept everything else in (except the ashtray, of course). I don't recall exactly when I got this, but it was early 70s at the latest.
The three matchboxes in the centre are all from my smoking days. I know I have one from the 60s but I can't find it. These are all more recent vintage. The left one has matches, the centre one has some seeds, and the right one has tinfoil.
The tinfoil (actually aluminum foil) was for making bowls for the two pipes on the bottom. Both of these are from the 60s, although I can't find the mouthpiece for the one on the left. You would not believe the crud inside these things. Back in the day, the screens would clog up too quickly so we (I was by no means alone here) would make a little bowl out of tinfoil and punch a few holes in it. Amazingly, I still don't have whatever that Al's thingy is. Now what was I saying? Oh yeah, those seeds are probably from the early 2000s, when I still was getting stuff that had a few. By then, it was mostly bud but there was still a little garbage in every ounce. I do have seeds from the 70s, however—a lot of them, about 800 g, or 28 ounces. A few months ago (stop me if I've told this before) I had the brilliant idea to sift the shake out of them. I got back 18.1 g. It has a perfume-like taste that doesn't resemble anything I remember from back then. It still delivers a buzz. If you look at it with magnification you can still see some trichomes.