thoroughly vaped
@grokit - I vaguely remember the drills but don't remember feeling fear. Perhaps I wasn't a particularly bright child?![]()
Not too much fear from me, either. I was cynical at a very young age. In 3rd grade I had to go talk to the principal because I had the nerve to stand up and raise my hand during an "air raid" drill (like they wouldn't be ICBM's!) and ask, "How is this going to protect us from an atomic bomb? Shouldn't we go to the bomb shelter in the basement?" Principal assured me that we would be totally safe curled up against the walls in the hall because it kept us away from the windows and walls were cinder block. Then gave me a hard time because I dared to stand up to ask. Didn't take me too long to figure out there wouldn't be room for everyone in the basement (also our small cafeteria), and that would prevent us from doing the drills in the specified time. What a crock!!!
We also had what I think they called the "quick drill". Duck and cover under our desks. I only asked about that one once, too. "How would they know whether we should just curl up under our desk or go into the hall?" Teacher assured me (and the other freaked out 3rd graders) they would tell the principal when they called with the warning (whoever "they" were). I thought her head was going to explode when I asked how "they" would know what room we were in because our wing of the school was newer with different windows!
Poor teachers! They knew much better how much total bullshit it was, and still had to conduct drills while probably being graded on well they got us all "safe".
Can you imagine if they still did this silly crap today? Parents would show up to school board meetings with torches and pitchforks!