Havelock Vetenari
Well it did give us this song :
Burn the mother down! 
Well it did give us this song :

64 in a couple of weeks.
Me, too, in just a few days. I mentioned it earlier in this thread. The age sure seemed a lot older once upon a time.64 in a couple of weeks.
Your avatar is nostalgia for me.... Enoch / Land of the LostLOL..that is awesome!
Happy Birthday....Me, too
Sid and Marty Croft.. Man that's FRIGGEN OLDSCHOOL! I used to watch this way back in grade school. Where there two more shows? I remember a Sea Monster one and I thought there was a 3rd?Your avatar is nostalgia for me.... Enoch / Land of the Lost
I miss those days!!!
Big BattleStar Galactica fan here too!Sid and Marty Croft.. Man that's FRIGGEN OLDSCHOOL! I used to watch this way back in grade school. Where there two more shows? I remember a Sea Monster one and I thought there was a 3rd?
Damn I used to love this show.. Some sweet childhood memories right here!
My friend was a Sleezestack for Halloween in 84 and I think I was a Cylon from BSG If I remember right!
Big BattleStar Galactica fan here too!
If I recall properly, Sigmond and the Sea Monster & HR PuffinStuff (which is definitely a code name for a toker if i've ever heard one!)
Back in the early days when I was in my 20s we would buy an ounce of cannabis for $50.We had this square Tupperware container that I would use to separate the seeds. I would tip the container and the seeds would roll to one side.
I had this little roller and some papers and rolled it all into joints. This cannabis in the picture is real green our weed was more brown and golden with tons of seeds and stems. It also had that earthy taste. I didn't use a grinder, I just used my fingers to make it more of a finer consistency to prepare for rolling.
Remember when you would accidentally get a seed in with your joint while smoking? You don't want that hot seed landing on your lap or the shag carpeting.
Vaporing is sooooo much better.
The above picture I found online. It's not one of mine. Our weed would have had more stems and seeds. An ounce 1/2 was seeds and stems. I would use 2 papers so the joint would burn slower. With a roller it was easy to roll too tight. I never did learn the art of rolling a joint like some of you.
Saturday nights we would play poker with friends, smokes joints and watch the greatest show Saturday Night Live with the original cast. We had never seen anything like it. A few years later we were shocked when John Belushi died of an overdose.
The above picture I found online. It's not one of mine. Our weed would have had more stems and seeds. An ounce 1/2 was seeds and stems. I would use 2 papers so the joint would burn slower. With a roller it was easy to roll too tight. I never did learn the art of rolling a joint like some of you....