i also follow this guy, always cool to watch his stuff, some interesting ideas too. music is just not my thing most of the time though haha - http://instagram.com/aspirakles
I'm looking to get a new setup, but the stumpy RDA I was going to get is currently out of stock on fasttech. Are there any other good 2 post RDAs people recommend? I'm also trying to decide on which TC mod to get. I want it to be as low profile as possible, but I also need temp control and regulation. Thinking of the IPV D3 or the istick pico. Istick has a bad rep, so I'm hesitant to go for them, but the pico looks nice. I've also considered going for an even smaller mod like the volt mini.
I'm also interested in hearing other peoples opinions about using oil in the super low profile RDAs. My plan is to get 5 or 6 RDAs that I can preload and fit in my pocket so I don't have to bother with reloading when I'm out. I should also not I'm only using this for oil, so I don't need the extra battery power for ejuice.
still use and like my aeronaut and evil monk rda. always looking for something new to try but never really see anything. i really need a taller cap for my evil monk, mine is too low, not enough room for bigger coils i want to try.
just saw these, interested in trying them out. maybe with a quartz rod as a wick type deal - http://www.lightningvapes.com/collections/wire/products/ijoy-tss-coil-3-5mm-10pcs-for-tornado-rta
oh wow, that uwell rda looks awesome if you can remove that middle post, great find. uwell makes good quality stuff too. gonna pick one up on friday when i get paid.
i watched a few videos on both of them.
i really like the rafale x, its pretty much perfect for what we want. im excited to get one and build on it. i might buy 2 just to have a backup ready to go.
the goon is really nice, i love the clamping plates on them. but if you were to cut it down to open up the build area, you would give that feature up. how would you attach the leads securely if you trimmed that extra screw off?
the build area on the goon is still pretty large, i might get one later to mess around with. maybe even try a dual coil setup.
at this point, im not even looking at my evil monk or aeronaut anymore haha. oh well, they were clones and cheap enough.
What gauge ti wire are you using @2clicker ? Nice looking build. I will give it a go.
I got my RafaleX and some new ti wire in and copied your design as best as I could @2clicker .
I think it came out a wrap shorter somehow on the clapton outer coil so it came in at .24 ohms but it works really well. The flavor so far is better than the Fc2000 wicks I think but I can definitely hold more oil in the fc2000 doughnut wicks/cup design for now.
With fc2000 wicks, the flavor does seem to drop off after a while so I am going to put this wickless design to the test.
I could not get the wraps to stay as tights as I wanted (like your picture above) but it's pretty close. I think I can hold more oil if I could get the coils a little tighter somehow?
I might try to heat up the wire with a lighter to take some spring out of it, on my next attempt.
I found that the 1/8" fc2000 wick rod fits perfectly inside the inner coil and can be inserted and removed from the side without messing with the coils. This solves my capacity and the run off issues.
Pull the wick out, torch it, reinstall when loaded up.
Edit: After looking at the above picture again, on my build, the outer coil has a little more space between it and the inner coil. This may be adding to my capacity holding issue and function as well.
I had a lead wiggle loose i think and it jumped into power mode @ 35w. It's amazing how much this wire moves around on a large build like this..post a pic of your coil if you can. interested to see it.
I had a lead wiggle loose i think and it jumped into power mode @ 35w. It's amazing how much this wire moves around on a large build like this..
After that, one end of the small coil would start glowing before it was up to temp.I already tore it out and have not had much better luck getting the coils tighter.
I tend to overload after using the cups in the rose atty. I can literally fill the cup until it is bubbling oil out the top of the doughnut and I can hear it bubbling for the first 2 hits. This keeps my coil constantly soaked in oil usually. A dry coil always seems to make ti wire glow after a bit for me. Maybe i need to lower the watts and turn the temp up?
what are your settings?
my Ti never glows. well there was one time when i pinched the coil while firing and the leads started to glow and turned the Ti blue and green. clearly that was because i was manipulating it while firing. since then i never pinch. just build, mount, dry fire to ensure no hot spots, and run that shit.
I think I was at 35w @ 380f but it jumped into power mode when it glowed on me.
Normally I can dry fire it in temp mode with no glow. But once it has glowed from power mode, something about the wire changes and it gets weaker and it glows in that area of the wire.
Great build. You've really perfected your design idea here. I love how you incorporate the three leads all together at the end - so clean. I'm sure it works a treat.so unfortunately when i did the Ti build i didnt snap pics, but i think the pics below will tell you everything you need no know if interested. when i ordered the Rafale X rda i also copped one of those coil masters jigs. works very well for making the inner core coils nice and tight, for wrapping the loose clapton, and then use the coil master rod for mounting into the rda. i used the 3mm rod for this build for both the inner core coil and the loose clapton. the loose clapton sprung back and provided a nice space for oil to hide. you can see in one of the pics below that the inner core and outer coil are separated. and when you load a dab and watch it warm on the coil you can see that void getting filled up by warm oil. and because i have never had an rda with this much room to work with i have never made one this large. this coil can def give you a "dab" like experience. i loaded it well on the first rip to "prime" the coil and it knocked me on my ass. i was coughing so long haha. fuck. anyway on with the pics.
again here is the rda... Rafale X by Uwell
for whatever reason in this pic the wire looks dull and sorta dirty still, but i assure you i cleaned the shit out of it. here you can see the "loose clapton" wrapped on top of the 3mm contact coil.
in this pic you can see the space between the inner and outer coil. and how to splice the inner and outer coils together. one side turned out nicer than the other. heh
this one shows the coil after a couple of dabs. seen through the cap with the drip tip removed.
this coils weighs in at .28ohms and holds a hefty dab. much larger than i normally use at once, but great for a party. also using smaller amounts seems to work fine. this is the first coil i have built that i would deem worthy of the term "one hitter quitter". with temp control this coil provides a very good dabbing experience. i am going through my stash a bit faster because i cant put it down. titanium, wickless, and temp control. oh and after about a .75 g of oil there is not a spec of oil on the deck. this coil doesnt lose your dab it just vapes it. ive got some POM replacement drip tips coming from slowtech and plan on modding one to act as a male gong connection.
FWIW i am running this coil/rda setup on a Joyetech Evic VTwo mini. 380deg F, 35 watts, .28ohms.
Great build. You've really perfected your design idea here. I love how you incorporate the three leads all together at the end - so clean. I'm sure it works a treat.