more coils = more metal to heat = higher ohms
I normally run it on an Itaste vv, the igo is just what I screwed it onto to take it apart and take the pic. Are you thinking I may not be giving it enough juice to hit like it should? I started wondering if the bigger diameter coil is more of a hindrance than help myself. Any advice is greatly appreciated, as I am not really using this lately. It is easier to load then the dabbler, but delivers nowhere near the hits...
Lots of fake VTC5's floating around some reputable dealers at the moment in the ecig industry, it's a better idea to go with VTC4's or comparable 18650's from other brands.You only need one 18650, the Sony's are really good, and they and mech mods are CHEAP on ebay.
Ok, so I managed to sneak a picture of the bogus batteries bei. carried by a store I will choose to remain nameless.
The first pic is of my legitimate Sony VTC5. I just so happened to leave the sticker on that comes with it from Sony, just so it would be easier to differentiate between the one VTC5 and two VTC4's in my possession. The first thing that catches my eye in comparing the legitimate sticker from Sony to the sticker on the battery in question, is the size of the sticker. From Sony, the sticker is almost as long as the battery, not quite the whole length, on the BIQ (battery in question(lol)) the sticker is significantly smaller. The next major difference is the font. It's not so easily apparent in the photographs, but in person its very distinguishable, the size and style of font used is totally different between both battery stickers, and both VTC4's that I purchased ( not from the nameless store ) had the same font that my VTC5 has in the photo, which are totally different then what you'll see in the photo of the BIQ. I wasn't able to verify by handling and comparing to mine, but I'm almost positive that their is a slight size difference, as well as differences in the size of the lines under the heat shrink wrapping on the + end of the battery indicating where the cell ends and the + node begins, in that it was 2 or 3 mm's larger then on the legit VTC5 I own, indicating to me a different interior construction for the node end, a big red flag that they aren't from the same manufacturer. So here goes...
The first pic is of my guaranteed legit Sony VTC5 with its factory sticker still on it...
And finally, the BIQ, or BIQ's... lol
Why not name them? If anything it ensures none of us order from there?Ok, so I managed to sneak a picture of the bogus batteries being carried by a store I will choose to remain nameless.
Because of two main reasons.Why not name them? If anything it ensures none of us order from there?
I'm kind of surprised that you say they know what your using it for, but still gave you a cotton wick, which is the worst wicking option for concentrates, at least in my opinion. And yes, atty choice really does fall under preference more then function for the time being, their isn't one yet that's better then all the rest, it's really the same iteration company to company, just different styles and finishesHey, I'm new here. I just got a second atomizer specifically for vaping oils and bubble. Right now I'm using the krillex evo 2 and have already found some things I don't like about it compared to the patroit that I normally use for vaping juice. Is there a particular go to atty for vaping oils and bubble or is it really personal preference? I'm fairly new to mechanical mods and have the guys at the Vapor Labs shop do my builds. They know what I'm using the evo for and hook me up. I'm clueless as to the ohms it's currently running at, but could easily find out if anyone would like to know. Generally I have cotton in it, but I took it out for cleaning and pictures
Hello Kitty Drip Tip / Hexohm v2 (110 watt)
What kind of wick do you suggest? Looks like most people on here are using silica or something called readywick. Is there a difference in the two?