@Roth I have alot fewer leaks and flooding issues with the KFL than the Aerotank. I don't think it is the raised deck (I mentioned it before), but the raised air tube that really helps with this issue. I'm getting better with the Aerotank but I still get lots of leaks, especially after I fill the tank. It works well with little juice in it, but that makes the tank kind of pointless. I use storebought meds, so leaks are very expensive for me, beyond being a source of irritation.
As for KFL+ vs KF3.1, the air intake system is such that you can break it down and wipe up reclaim there. The KFL+ is shorter, dispensing with the fancy air intake system, and uses a side venthole. If it leaks, it will leak out the side. The good news is I have gotten zero leaks after my first snafu overfilling. As you can see from the pic, the build deck has to flood SO MUCH before any of it ends up in the air hole. If you do go the KFL route, I suggest getting an EHPro clone rather than the Tobeco clone, the difference in machining quality is worth the few bucks in retail price.
@chronickiller7 you do not want your coil touching your steel deck. You will short out your coils. You run a mechanical mod, so you have no backup protection. You can be careful in always metering your aty before firing up the battery, but you have nothing protecting you from intermittent transient shorts that may occur if your coils move a little. Ceramic decks, on the other hand, do not have this problem. You mentioned flat kanthal earlier, and I had mentioned the Immortalizer RDA (and its clones) as having a ceramic deck. The Immortalizer happens to be designed for use with flat/ribbon wire, and its hole posts are suited to it. The clones for this RDA from Fasttech tend to have very poor QC.
You are new to this thread and want to remind you that people are discussing two different vaping paradigms in the same thread:
e-dabbing onto coils
tank set ups with passive wicking
hybrid setups with a wick but no tank
This thread was started by
@TrueNorthStar who took a less elegant approach to the e-nail. He uses a hot coil low on the deck, and fills his deck with concentrate, then pulls the trigger. Concentrate that isn't immediately vaporized by the intense heat melts and pools on the floor of the deck. It gets me hella high but the burnt tasting yuck at the bottom of the deck is good concentrate gone to waste.
2clicker has a better e-nail setup. It is a flat spiral coil, and he sleeves his coil in voven ceramic fabric. He drops errl on the sleeved coil and pulls the trigger. Concentrate that isn't immediately vaporized by the intense heat melt into the fabric rather than dripping onto the deck.
Then there are the tank people. They use a smaller heating element, that only needs to vape a little at a time. Using a passive wick, the atomizer is continuously fed with more concentrate, so they can hold the trigger down and take hits as big as their lungs allow. (or until their regulated mod timeout kicks in). These people need a wick that can MOVE warm concentrate well. Braided ceramic is the wick of choice here, because it can move concentrate as well as natural fibers do, but can doesn't burn, and doesn't taste yucky when hit dry (like silica). In a tank setup, there are always intermittent dry spots, especially if the wick isn't warm enough to get concentrate to flow.
Finally there are the hybrid folks. They use a smaller heating element like the tank people do, that only needs to vape a little at a time. Using a wick longer than the heating element itself, they can load the whole wick with concentrate. As a bonus, the wick sits on the deck of the floor, mopping up any excess concentrate. This is alot like how the micro-skillets work, except micro-skillets tend to be really small and cheaply made. And micro-skillets have small wicks that don't sit in the juicewell. Porous ceramic rod is the wick of choice here, because it can hold alot of oil, and doesn't need to move it very much. This approach is most akin to the "ecig dripper".
That brings me to you. My initial comments to you were directed at your situation: You needed a solution to inhale concentrate ASAP because you couldn't use your nail rig. The easiest thing to do is load some concentrate on top of your coils and hit the trigger. As you noticed, there is only so much oil you can load at a time, without getting it on your cotton wick. If you did have ceramic rod around, it would have been an easy rebuild for you - you could have kept your coils. Your rods could be as long as your deck is wide. You would then load concentrate onto the entire heated rod. If you placed the rod at an angle, you could have one end sit on the floor of your deck.
If you are willing to dedicate a your RDA to concentrate (you still need to get your nic' somewhere), the best approach is
@2clicker's e-nail. It did take me like a week to get my order from RBASUPPLIES though.