Onward Thru the Fog
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@Alevin: I've been experimenting with a number of different non-rebuildable atty's that are suitable for use on a thin (16mm) eGo style battery. (Not that they won't work on a monster). My needs were something that would work just fine at 10 Watts or less, and was suitable for all manner of dispensary concentrates (wax, shatter, budder, whatever), but NOT diluted stuff in a clearo or syringe and NOT stuff that fails the foil-burn-test.
My current favorite is the Joyetech 510 Atomizer (2.2Ω), BUT... they require some surgery before they'll work at all; more on that below. So I've tried maybe a dozen different "plain, ol' atty's" over the past year, and most of them are pretty good. In the beginning I tried some with a bridge or plate above the coil, but they all sucked and wasted lots of good stuff; great for e-juice, but not for us. For our needs, only the "bridgeless" dripping atty's did the trick. They all were of similar design, with a ceramic cup, surrounded by nickel mesh, holding a kanthal wrapped silica wick. Some had a short barrel, some had a longer barrel.
Yeah, I know, this is getting too long. Time for some pictures:
Before, top view, focused far:
Before, top view, focused near:
Before, side view:
After, with bridge removed:
These are pictures of the inside of a Joyetech 510 Atomizer (2.2Ω), looking down the barrel from the top (where the drip tip goes), before and after I removed the bridge. The first three give you an idea how "tall" the bridge is. With the bridge in, the atty sucks big time (=worthless) with dispensary concentrates. Without the bridge, it works better than any other atty I've tried. How do you remove the bridge? It's really easy. Just grab the bridge on the sides (right and left in the before pictures) with a needle nosed pliers and pull it straight up and out. I've operated on ten patients and they all went on to live happy lives with zero problems.
It works best for me at 7.5W to 9W (4.0V to 4.5V), depending on what type of concentrate is loaded, and whether it's a fresh load, or a gooey mess totally surrounding the coil. I have two in constant use for a couple of months with no burn outs. I torch (the outer shell) briefly with a mini blowtorch every few days or so to melt the condensed oils on the inside of the shell back down to the bottom. They just work. With every kind of dispensary concentrates. They work on tiny eGo 350mAh batteries and they work on Vision Spinner VV eGo style batteries and they work on my itaste VV V3 battery and they just work on anything.
They can be had, on occasion, for about $2 each. (Last time I bought 10 of them @ $1.75 each). I haven't shopped for them in a while, so I don't know their going rate, but I do know that $2 each was a bargain. Here's a link to where I got them, though they're currently out of stock.
Hey haywood ... what is your preferred method for non pure gold extracts. What dripless atty do you use? Just curious because while i've had trouble with it, the sapphire carts changed the pure gold / travel game for me and I found it via your suggestions so i'm just curious.
@Alevin: I've been experimenting with a number of different non-rebuildable atty's that are suitable for use on a thin (16mm) eGo style battery. (Not that they won't work on a monster). My needs were something that would work just fine at 10 Watts or less, and was suitable for all manner of dispensary concentrates (wax, shatter, budder, whatever), but NOT diluted stuff in a clearo or syringe and NOT stuff that fails the foil-burn-test.
My current favorite is the Joyetech 510 Atomizer (2.2Ω), BUT... they require some surgery before they'll work at all; more on that below. So I've tried maybe a dozen different "plain, ol' atty's" over the past year, and most of them are pretty good. In the beginning I tried some with a bridge or plate above the coil, but they all sucked and wasted lots of good stuff; great for e-juice, but not for us. For our needs, only the "bridgeless" dripping atty's did the trick. They all were of similar design, with a ceramic cup, surrounded by nickel mesh, holding a kanthal wrapped silica wick. Some had a short barrel, some had a longer barrel.
Yeah, I know, this is getting too long. Time for some pictures:
Before, top view, focused far:

Before, top view, focused near:

Before, side view:

After, with bridge removed:

These are pictures of the inside of a Joyetech 510 Atomizer (2.2Ω), looking down the barrel from the top (where the drip tip goes), before and after I removed the bridge. The first three give you an idea how "tall" the bridge is. With the bridge in, the atty sucks big time (=worthless) with dispensary concentrates. Without the bridge, it works better than any other atty I've tried. How do you remove the bridge? It's really easy. Just grab the bridge on the sides (right and left in the before pictures) with a needle nosed pliers and pull it straight up and out. I've operated on ten patients and they all went on to live happy lives with zero problems.
It works best for me at 7.5W to 9W (4.0V to 4.5V), depending on what type of concentrate is loaded, and whether it's a fresh load, or a gooey mess totally surrounding the coil. I have two in constant use for a couple of months with no burn outs. I torch (the outer shell) briefly with a mini blowtorch every few days or so to melt the condensed oils on the inside of the shell back down to the bottom. They just work. With every kind of dispensary concentrates. They work on tiny eGo 350mAh batteries and they work on Vision Spinner VV eGo style batteries and they work on my itaste VV V3 battery and they just work on anything.
They can be had, on occasion, for about $2 each. (Last time I bought 10 of them @ $1.75 each). I haven't shopped for them in a while, so I don't know their going rate, but I do know that $2 each was a bargain. Here's a link to where I got them, though they're currently out of stock.