oxide remover? works well for SS and safe for our use? sounds perfect. im gonna test it by torching a piece of 316L letting it get really oxidized and see how clean i can get it.
Will take care to purge this solution before use, just in case.
and why not use glass with your one hitter quitter? you can easily use an oring or piece of tubing to seal the drip tip of the atty to the gong of the glass. another reason why a wicking coil is ideal... it can be ripped upside down without losing the dab.
Because glass isn't needed. The hits are deceptively light. 20mg in a quick, easy draw. Hold it, if you like. No coughing. Tellin' ya, somebody needs to try this.
and why are you suprised youre getting good flavor from the 316L setting? isnt that whats its for? sorry im hungover today so maybe im missing something here...?
Each level diminishes in heat from the preceding one - like a stove-top. What does the temperature setting mean with a coil like this? Sometimes need to raise the TCR, sometimes lower. No idea why, but sure there's a scientific explanation. This one is just right.
oh and what RDA is that??? interesting deck and “post” configuration. very interested!
It's Tendou's Tokugawa. Perfect for these builds. Voluminous, 3D space and great airflow. About 70USD.
I would love to see a melt shot or some pictures from your dabbing mesh in action
(Edit: always a step ahead - Accept started 'vandy vape mesh' with pictures)
Here, here! Does it look the same?
That seems to be an exciting new idea to vaporize concentrates with an rda the easy way - I like that

and it doesn't take as much time as
@Accept's great alien inception coil project
A very cool method, IMO. Ideal for travel. Wonder if you could pre-pack dabs? Maybe sandwich a dab between two strips of mesh. Load and go.
You're missing the point,
@Vapology. There is no dab more satisfying than the one after thirty minutes spent wrapping one of these coils. It's like fly-fishing. Half the fun is tying the flies, and the other is testing them.
even with my DNA device i cant seem to not get the dull red glow. it seems it only happens to the portion of the mesh that has any residue left from the dab. i can see the residue and then can see the glow come over that part of the mesh. and that basically is butning off whatever was left from the dab. this is bad imo. for my use anyway. i dont want any chance of catching any of that in the tail end of a rip. i dont want that at all.
Sorry to hear that, but not surprised. Have you tried programming? Do you think that the residue is causing the glow or that the same thing caused both the residue and the glow?
Happen to have a strip of mesh with a little residue on it. On the EHPro, at 450F (90W), can't see any glow at all with the lights out.
again i feel the reason for this over heating is because of the diameter of the wire in the mesh supplied by Vandy Vape. it is very fine. and its woven together tightly. i think we need more porosity and larger wire diameter for mesh to work well with concentrates.
The DNA chip has something to do with it, but you may be right that it will perform more reliably with different mesh.