That being said, one complaint over regular use of cannabis used to be called the anti-motivational syndrome. Some say long-term use of cannabis might cause some disassociation from the reality of having to move forward in life. Some also have a reduced affect which makes it hard to emotionally engage with others. Finally, there may be executive function issues where, like in addiction, there seems no path forward. All these things look like they might be a part of what you're going through. With the additional stressor of a break-up, your coping mechanisms might not be healthy enough to overcome the problem.
Good for you.
But is the time without weed the same compared to the time with?
Can you relax just as good?
Do you wish you could consume then ?
I dont believe any daily toker that the enjoy some time without herb.
Do you think many of us are cannabis addicts in denial? I guess that could be true from a certain perspective but to me that seems like an exaggeration.
I wouldn't consider the drinkers I mentioned alcoholics because they seem reasonably healthy and happy and "functional". I'm not an expert so I can't really judge.
this a one theory.
it disables the theory of the a-motivational syndrome.
what comes first.
the chicken or the egg ?
does weed end personal development or do be people with peronality devolopment proplems use cannabis ?
no one knows.
this does not claim to be true for everyone.
there seems to be a vulnerability trait in some people.
I really would like cannabis to be my cure.
maybe I have to accept that it is my poison.
The same in what sense .....? If im an honest life can be just as good without herb . And yes I can relax just as good . With a clear head . Is it different than a herb smoker of course . But that doesn't make herb better .. do I wish I can consume when I'm not consuming no absolutely not I don't .... if I did I wouldn't be not consuming . I don't have a problem going off of herb and having a clear mind .... even though I'm someone that smokes every day and have been known to smoke all day I have no problem going clean and never coming back ...I actually enjoy a long breaks where I break free for a little while I come back because I choose to not because I miss itGood for you.
But is the time without weed the same compared to the time with?
Can you relax just as good?
Do you wish you could consume then ?
I dont believe any daily toker that the enjoy some time without herb.
Yea, I think a lot of people here are addicted to Cannabis, especially those who use it all day.Do you think many of us are cannabis addicts in denial? I guess that could be true from a certain perspective but to me that seems like an exaggeration.
I wouldn't consider the drinkers I mentioned alcoholics because they seem reasonably healthy and happy and "functional". I'm not an expert so I can't really judge.
I'm a daily user but I don't consider myself an addict ... why ....simply put .... because unlike the government would like everyone to believe I can quit weed whenever I feel like it ..... should've been around when I tried quitting smoking and drinking now that's another story
If im an honest life can be just as good without herb . And yes I can relax just as good I wish I can consume when I'm not consuming no absolutely not I don't ... I don't have a problem going off of herb and having a clear mind .... even though I'm someone that smokes every day and have been known to smoke all day I have no problem going clean and never coming back ...I actually enjoy a long breaks where I break free for a little while I come back because I choose to not because I miss it
Actually I can do that no problem I guess it's hard for some people to understand that not every cannabis smoker is the same .... and I'm sure I'm not the only one ... I can tell you my son smokes cannabis to and we are two opposite peoples when it comes to consuming and how we treat and how we act about cannibis ..and in my opinion this is merely an opinion you're truly not living if you think you need cannabis to live...and believe me I'm not against cannabis in anyway shape or form I use it and I've left it many a times out of choice ...there are plenty of ways in this world to live and relax and enjoy life without vaping a plant ...obviously you feel that that is a good challenge for me because it must be a difficult thing for you but just because it's a difficult thing for you doesn't mean it's difficult for other peopleYea, I think a lot of people here are addicted to Cannabis, especially those who use it all day.
Would you be willing to not consume any form of Cannabis (and not replace it with something else) for the next two weeks, starting now, as an experiment?
You say that you enjoy life just as much, relax just as well, and don't have a problem with stopping, so it shouldn't be something you'd oppose.
I agree that not all people are the same. I took a voluntary 199 day break in 2017, after years of daily use, so I know it's doable.Actually I can do that no problem I guess it's hard for some people to understand that not every cannabis smoker is the same .... and I'm sure I'm not the only one ... I can tell you my son smokes cannabis to and we are two opposite peoples when it comes to consuming and how we treat and how we act about cannibis ..and in my opinion this is merely an opinion you're truly not living if you think you need cannabis to live...and believe me I'm not against cannabis in anyway shape or form I use it and I've left it many a times out of choice ...there are plenty of ways in this world to live and relax and enjoy life without vaping a plant ...obviously you feel that that is a good challenge for me because it must be a difficult thing for you but just because it's a difficult thing for you doesn't mean it's difficult for other people
A friend told me of a recent article, among the list of yahoo news articles, that discussed marijuana addiction. The author implied that those who use cannabis each day would be considered addicted to marijuana.
Can you really judge addiction by frequency of use alone? If so then I would be addicted because I vape about .1 of a gram each evening (Maybe a bit more on weekends) .
However, I'm able to maintain my life and job very well. In fact, I believe that my daily use contributes to my overall mental health by reducing stress and other bullshit in life.
I've had to travel and "go without" for weeks at a time, and while I'd rather have a session before bed, I wasn't twitching in the corner.
Am I addicted to marijuana?
You're absolutely right.
I had to stop doing cannabis after 24 years of a daily use. After 3 clean months, for me I can say it is my cure.
I'm doing things without thinking about first, some wired stuff I can't speak about here,
Is there anyone (other than yourself), that knows of your cannabis usage and does not think it a negative in your life? If they are positive contributors in your life you need to talk with them and find out why.Mr Sifter was so clever to tell his psychotherapist that he uses cannabis daily.
BOOM, sifter will loose his therapy place because "we cant work on your problems when you keep numbing yourself down with this stuff".......
sifter: but it helps me to get along with myself...
door closes....
Mr Sifter was so clever to tell his psychotherapist that he uses cannabis daily.
BOOM, sifter will loose his therapy place because "we cant work on your problems when you keep numbing yourself down with this stuff".......
sifter: but it helps me to get along with myself...
door closes....
Symptoms of Cannabis Use Disorder
According to the DSM-5, (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition) the criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder is as follows:
- Use of cannabis for at least a one year period, with the presence of at least two of the following symptoms, accompanied by significant impairment of functioning and distress:
- Difficulty containing use of cannabis- the drug is used in larger amounts and over a longer period than intended.
- Repeated failed efforts to discontinue or reduce the amount of cannabis that is used
- An inordinate amount of time is occupied acquiring, using, or recovering from the effects of cannabis.
- Cravings or desires to use cannabis. This can include intrusive thoughts and images, and dreams about cannabis, or olfactory perceptions of the smell of cannabis, due to preoccupation with cannabis.
- Continued use of cannabis despite adverse consequences from its use, such as criminal charges, ultimatums of abandonment from spouse/partner/friends, and poor productivity.
- Other important activities in life, such as work, school, hygiene, and responsibility to family and friends are superseded by the desire to use cannabis.
- Cannabis is used in contexts that are potentially dangerous, such as operating a motor vehicle.
- Use of cannabis continues despite awareness of physical or psychological problems attributed to use- e.g., anergia, amotivation, chronic cough.
- Tolerance to Cannabis, as defined by progressively larger amounts of cannabis are needed to obtain the psychoactive effect experienced when use first commenced, or, noticeably reduced effect of use of the same amount of cannabis
- Withdrawal, defined as the typical withdrawal syndrome associate with cannabis, or cannabis or a similar substance is used to prevent withdrawal symptoms.