710 coils


Well-Known Member
Another order made it to Spain, safe, sound and fast!

Upgraded to the 30mm, and feel like rediscovering dabbing again hihi this thing rocks.

Together with the free stickers, free ruby pearls and sic pearls and them sour sweets, I dunno what more one can ask as a customer. Oh waith, there is the customer service too, Second to none!

The ruby pearls work really great, and I am amazed at how long they keep the heat stored. So if these pearls work, then... So here comes my 'complaint' lol

Now, being this happy with my set up there is something really upsetting I want to share... @710Coils why I am staring at those ruby inserts the whole time? I tought I was happy for a minute and then realized happier exists... Is this the beginning of BAS syndrome?
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Another order made it to Spain, safe, sound and fast!

Upgraded to the 30mm, and feel like rediscovering dabbing again hihi this thing rocks.

Together with the free stickers, free ruby pearls and sic pearls and them sour sweets, I dunno what more one can ask as a customer. Oh waith, there is the customer service too, Second to none!

The ruby pearls work really great, and I am amazed at how long they keep the heat stored. So if these pearls work, then... So here comes my 'complaint' lol

Now, being this happy with my set up there is something really upsetting I want to share... @710Coils why I am staring at those ruby inserts the whole time? I tought I was happy for a minute and then realized happier exists... Is this the beginning of BAG syndrome?
Now that you have the 30mm banger, and the ruby pearls, just seems to make sense that you would get the 30mm (22mm) ruby insert to match ... really ... you should likely order one and maybe a whole backup setup as well! :lol:


Man I swear I break a banger almost every time I go to clean my fucking enail. Sorry for venting guys, I'm just getting so fed up with quartz, especially when it doesn't seem like anyone else has this problem. I hoped the axial coil would help but I just snapped another neck off trying to get my banger out for a soak.

Any tips for avoiding this? I guess I could have turned it on and tried to remove it while hot.


Hash Vacuum
I still say my method (which works for all nail/insert materials except perhaps porous ceramics) is much, much faster and as good if not better at cleaning, not to mention breaking your banger with this method would be quite difficult unless you were being flat out careless (shrugs)

For what its worth, yet again,

Leave everything attached to the banger (minus power), take a half a teaspoon baking soda in the banger, a few drops of distilled water to make a thick paste, rub either gently or hard with a qtip or 3, everything will be clean in less then a min if you do it correctly, then take a few droppers of water and fill the banger to the neck, then wipe and dump a few times....while it is a bit more work, its so much faster (total time is like 3 mins tops) then any soak method and I put the results up against a soak any day.

Also should go without saying (unless you use "dirty" rosins) that a proper clean routine after every dab will mitigate having to do a deep clean like this almost indefinitely.

I should also clarify this method doesn't get anything outside of the inside of the banger wet, no water or baking soda will get on your coil unless you're quite careless.
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I usually just grab the cold coil and give it a bit of a reverse twist, the banger usually falls right out.

Worst part is I had just got done spending like 30 minutes cleaning up my rig spotless! Figured I'd clean the nail real quick before my maiden breakfast hoot, but the world had other plans!

I still say my method (which works for all nail/insert materials except perhaps porous ceramics) is much, much faster and as good if not better at cleaning, not to mention breaking your banger with this method would be quite difficult unless you were being flat out careless (shrugs)

For what its worth, yet again,

Leave everything attached to the banger (minus power), take a half a teaspoon baking soda in the banger, a few drops of distilled water to make a thick paste, rub either gently or hard with a qtip or 3, everything will be clean in less then a min if you do it correctly, then take a few droppers of water and fill the banger to the neck, then wipe and dump a few times....while it is a bit more work, its so much faster (total time is like 3 mins tops) then any soak method and I put the results up against a soak any day.

Also should go without saying (unless you use "dirty" rosins) that a proper clean routine after every dab will mitigate having to do a deep clean like this almost indefinitely.

I should also clarify this method doesn't get anything outside of the inside of the banger wet, no water or baking soda will get on your coil unless you're quite careless.

I was trying to get the banger off to clean the reclaim out of the neck though, my nail wasn't all chazzed up or anything.

Is your method effective for removing black spots that have burnt in?

IMO even Simple Green struggles a bit with lifting some of that carbon off opaque quartz. Self Clean on the MaxVapor or a quick blast with a torch seems to work the best with those little stubborn bits. TBH 2 years ago I was in love with opaque quartz, I'm kinda over it now since its always more effort to keep clean. I usually dab off sapphire though these days which wipes up like nothing. Although I find regular clear quartz almost wipes up just as easily - it's probably the reduced surface area of an insert that simplifies the swabbing.
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Well-Known Member
@invertedisdead the banger should not be tight in the axial coil when cold. The banger should come out freely and if it doesn't. Its most likely due to the coil being too tight. Shoot me a message and I will get you some free replacement bangers and can help with the proper fit to keep the bangers from breaking

The axial coils only need to be snug to the bottom of the coil and not the sides. So if your banger is snug. You need to loosen it a little when its cold =)
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Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
I use iso to get the guey then some pbw to get the crusty. My clear bottom from 710 swords fits a little loose but the opaque fits snug need to twist coil to remove. Perfect.:nod:IMO
So sorry @invertedisdead that really sucks. I feel blessed to have 2 bangers in rotation always have one soaking. Thanks again @710Coils
Quick question my son has a dhgate controller will your axial coil work with it?


Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I do iso for the goo and simple green for the rest. I put them both in my sonic cleaner and just use the heater to have the water at around 40f. It get's 95% of everything off pretty quick, sometimes I just have a ring around the top of where the axial coil sits and in the bottom corners. Pbw/baking soda works to get some of it off, but I usually just scrape the wall with my finger nail and put it back into a fresh batch of simple green. I rotate 2 bangers so I don't mind if I leave it soaking for a day or several, especially now that I let my ruby insert get dirty first before vaping off the banger.

I originally wasn't impressed with simple green, but with enough time it's been able to remove anything so far.


Well-Known Member
Got more Ruby inserts ordered and I made sure to add 1mm to the width to give them a better fit. Pre orders are up if anyone wants to lock one in ahead of time. Otherwise I expect them in a few weeks =)

Fully stocked on bangers and coils!!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day

Your ever loyal coil and quartz monger



Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I'm loving my current ruby insert, can't wait for round 2.

Also tried 6 8mm ruby pearls, definitely too many. 5 was also too many, 4 seemed to work really well. Though I think I prefer the 6mm pearls, they're easier to get moving. I don't care if they spin, I just want them rolling around. I've only been doing 4 of those, I'm going to try adding more and see if I like it.

Edit: I really hope the green mats are in stock when the new ruby inserts come in so I can grab one. I might get 1 more set of 6mm ruby pearls to see if I like 5 or 6 in the 30mm too. Also anything else new in the store probably...
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Well-Known Member
@710Coils - Hi Shane, still loving my quartz bangers and coils. I was using the OG opaque with a barrel coil but when it needed some deep cleaning I put the newer opaque version with the axial coils into rotation.

I needed to up temps maybe 30-35 degrees F for the axial (I mean, after all, I have a Shane, perfectly fitted, barrel coil for the other one! haha)

You and your wife are great people and I'm so glad that this business seems to be working out well for you. Great products and great service = success.



Well-Known Member
I have some 25mm SiC inserts coming to test out and if they work well. Will be adding them to the lineup and also will work on getting a 30mm version made =)

Also ordered some more 4 prong jewelry tools. These are from a different manufacturer and are gold. So I am hopeful they will be better than the last ones were. If you know of any shops that need 720 coils gear in them, please let me know and I will reach out to them

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!

Your ever loyal coil, quartz, and ruby monger



Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I have some 25mm SiC inserts coming to test out and if they work well. Will be adding them to the lineup and also will work on getting a 30mm version made =)

Also ordered some more 4 prong jewelry tools. These are from a different manufacturer and are gold. So I am hopeful they will be better than the last ones were. If you know of any shops that need 720 coils gear in them, please let me know and I will reach out to them

Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!

Your ever loyal coil, quartz, and ruby monger

Will want those with a tighter fit I imagine? ... they don’t expand the same way ruby does I don’t think ...
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