@MothChewMoth Vids are encouraged!
Well, Shane got me totally squared away with an awesome 25mm opaque quartz banger and axial coil setup with my Auber RDK-300 (shout-out to
@Baron23 for the recommendation). Really loving the banger and Shane's hands-on customer service approach. Very much above and beyond, and it's made the experience all the more enjoyable. Thanks
@710Coils !
Here's some cross-posted description of the video from VLF:
*Yes, I shot this purposely in a vertical landscape because I thought it looked cooler. You'll just have to turn your phone sideways

So I'd done another small sauce session immediately preceding this, then went and took about a 20 second rip. You see after my first exhale, I start to go in for another and my face said NOPE and I maaaaaaaybe drooled a little bit. Cough Cough. No one saw that, right?
Sauce used prior is Raw Garden Fruit Fusion #12 and is probably the tastiest thing in my life to ever knock me out
This dab was a very potent White Walker shatter that's pretty great.
Anyway, here's the video:
I also just realized I shot this wanting to look at my cool new 4/20 glass purchase, and the coil/banger is only in the background! Look how terribly I'm trying to show off this stuff! Got this glass, a glass dab pencil, and a whole bunch of free stuff from my local shop, then ordered a BCG with their sale