The Auber RDK-300A controller
is 110/220V, it’s not sold in two versions because it will work worldwide. The coil’s voltage is the only thing that’s region specific.
@anycolouryoulike is correct, the controller works like a CPU & other electronics in that it will automagically work for both voltages.
This is one of the main reasons why I prefer the Auber to other controllers, since I could have to relocate quickly to another part of the world (even back to US), and wouldn’t have to buy a new controller.
Fortunately, I know a solid connection for coils and this guy can get whatever I need, wherever I am.
I’ve confirmed all of this recently with the people at Auber so I feel like I know what I’m talking about.
@710Coils I may get very unpopular for saying so, but I don’t feel like you need to do anything this year. This is still very early days for a spanking new startup and EVERYONE agrees that the products and service you provide is a ridiculously good value. You’ve been nothing short of amazing right out of the gate, and I cannot see how anyone could expect more from 710Coils. I say roll the coupons back into inventory and the other branded items that you want to bring to market in the new year. Also, don’t forget that Christmas is coming up & your wife probably deserves something nice for putting up with you.

I know that mine does...