I can't remember who or on which thread, but another member posted that using distilled water worked really well for cleaning gunk out of the banger. I tried it and it works!
I put ~2mm of water into the cold banger and turn it on, when it starts bubbling I start swabbing with a q-tip and it helps to loosen/remove the gunk. Rinse and repeat until clean. Mine was about as dirty as
@StormyPinkness above and it took 2 times to get squeaky clean. Only takes a minute as the water boils off pretty quickly.
For after dab cleaning I was running through q-tips like crazy because that 30mm is ginormous!

So, I started wadding up about 6 squares of butt wipe and twisting it into the banger to get the majority of the residue out, unwad and repeat, then take a q-tip to finish and really get into the corners. Keeps it relatively clean and only uses 1 q-tip instead of 5 or 6. The wadded up TP works for the inserts too. I pull the insert and set it on a small Oil Slick mat, stick the wadded paper into it and start twisting. The insert sticks to the oil slick mat so only the TP spins.