Hi gang. Okay Im in a momentary dilemna. I have 2 different bubble caps in basket and am torn as to which way to go.
One is the Quartz Pi.
The other is the Gordoscientific riptide from Vapefiend UK.
It wil cost me £38 to get the Quartz Pi shipped here. £50 if it picks up customs.
The Gordo is £70 but Im hoping I can get it for £60 except the Hi5 discount code isnt wirking atm.
Our good friend
@gunmetalshark is a big fan of the Gordo cap. He says it is his outright favorite, and I respect this man. He thinks the Quartz Pi is pretty standard for the potential £50 price tag.
However he told me the Gordo cap has more restriction. Some prefer this.
I prefer more open, but I have no experience with bubble caps to know what I like best.
Shane also said I may need to raise my temps a bit because the Gordo cap lets a lot of air through.
I dont know how much of a downside that would be? Maybe better for my sensitive system to seek the lowest dish temp possible?
But then I was under the impression that the pearls enable a lower dish temp? Which may even things out?
Now what seems to be the main attribute and selling point of the Gordo cap- how it will spin the pearls really good, much better than the Quartz Pi.
Is this the only benefit to the Gordo? I have pearls coming. If I get the Quartz Pi cap, would the pearls not be much use? As in no point using them?
And would it be so much better to use the pearls always with a cap that allows them to spin properly like the Gordo? I mean if price is no issue, what would be YOUR preferred setups?:
Standard bubble cap like Quartz Pi, slightly less restrictive, slightly lower dish temps, but wont spin the pearls (or not so effectively).
Or Gordo cap, slight added restriction, but will spin the pearls real good?
@gunmetalshark tells me the cheaper caps should also fit and work good. If my cheap Dhgate banger bubble cap fits okay, then the Gordo may be worth having to make good use if the pearks, as a pose to the standard caps only.
Sorry no need to answer all Q's at all, just sharing my thoughts so any coming advice can be desd simple. Just a little unsure about the benefits overall of proper pearl spinning vs regular cap and what is ultimately better.
There must be a lot of members using Shane's bangers with the pearls WITHOUT the Gordo cap?
Atm Im kind of leaning towards the Gordoscientific. It seems a shame to not utilise the pearls properly. But I will see what anyone might have to say. Its really no big deal, just want to set myself up for the best experience for ny buck.
Thanks guys hope you are all good today.