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  1. S

    Yo les montréalais, c'est quoi la meilleure place pour acheter un Bubbler?

    Coudonc est-ce que c'est nouveau comme place? Je suis un amateur du Schwartz pis ça semble être juste en face selon street view. J'ai jamais vu ca avant pis ca semble vraiment nice. Surtout comparez au dep a coté qui vend de la crap importé de chine... Polmol , en ligne j'ai acheter de...
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    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Je trouve que l'odeur dpends beaucoup de l'odeur de l'herbe que tu consommes. Si tu as quelque chose qui sent la bte puante disons que a risque de pas tre trop discret. Par contre une herbe commercial a basse odeur a beaucoup plus de chance de pass inaperue. C'est assez subjectif.
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    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Salut Aezhenn! T'as premire question est difficile a rpondre. Y a tellement de facteur qui entre en jeu. Qualit , niveau d'humidit , la puissance de tes piles. Ce qui me surprend plus c'est que tu dis que ton abv ne deviens pas plus foncer ou plus brun. Ca pourrais indiquer des piles faibles...
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    Vaporizer portable?

    Tu peux pas te tromper avec le Supreme. Bonne dcision, j'adore le mien. C'est mon vape prfr quand je voyage et il tiens aussi tte a mon SSV a la maison.
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    IMO while it's possible to use a torch with the coil but it works better with a candle type flame. And this is coming from a die hard vg torch user. It is the only vg in my collection ( wood , alu , glass , coil) that I use this way. My main reason for not liking to use a torch is that you...
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    One of my favorite dubstep track on youtube: Liquid Stranger slaying The Colossal Event
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    Vaporisateur maison (ampoule), questions !

    Je te conseillerais de regarder des vidos sur youtube si tu dsire vraiment parfaire cette mthode de vaporisation. C probablement la que la meilleurs info a ce sujet ce trouve.
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    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Definitely sounds like a a break between the probe and the thermometer. It's a really small solder point . I posted a picture a couple pages back of what the thermometer looks like out of the supreme if you are interested. I'm sure ed will take care of you , probably by sending you a replacement...
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    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Here's a pic I took when I last changed mine , just to illustrate better for people who have never done it before. My first thermometer broke as well (as seen above) and I was able to solder it back with a fine point soldering iron. It wasn't easy and the use of more solder then with a micro...
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    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Here are some ambonya shots. I have to say the grain on the ambonya tube is really amazing , the pictures don't do it justice. First one with a companion cocobolo tube Second one , just the ambonya on the more figured side but it doesn't really pop out as much on the picture as it does irl...
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    One has holes in it (perforated) the other one is solid. Should be easy enough ;)
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Since those things are made by hand they vary in size quite a bit , hence the shims. I'd say play it safe and try without first. If its snug then you are good to go , if not add the shims one at a time. Don't use force , it should go on easily.
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    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    I'm the bastard that grabbed it lol. Sorry to the other people who were waiting for one but I knew waking up early on a Saturday had to have some kind of benefit.
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I've had mine for about as long as you have (June 08) and I would tend to agree with you. I have to crank mine up higher then before too. I doubt that this issue crops up too often due to the fact that 3 years ago their certainly wasn't as many SSVs being sold. The way it's used would probably...
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    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    It's called a Launch Tube. It was Magic Flight's first foray into the vaporizer market. Which is probably why your stems fits so nicely in it. Works well but it's not as stealthy as the box. It never caught on like the box did either. I've been rediscovering it recently, I find the wood stems...
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    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    In honor of Ed finding new ways to make me spend more money , here's a pic of the vapor accessory collection as it stands. From left to right : cherry stem , figured walnut tube , walnut stem , blue mahoe tube.
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    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Nous sommes une communaut de passionns de la vaporisation! Il est vrai que nous avons commenc comme une communaut anglophone, mais nous pensons que la vaporisation, et le dsir d'apprendre ce sujet, sont mondiaux et sans frontires! Dautant plus que depuis le dbut nous comptons parmi nous des...
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    Here's sumpthin' for all you old fucks out there...........

    This cracked article gives a bit more background on the "epic beard man" video for those interested. Not to be a party pooper but that video is more sad then anything else when the reality of the situation is exposed.
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    very nice inexpensive wood pipes, dugouts and one hitters....

    Got my mahoe tube today. Even if in my head I was picturing a more blueish wood tone, it's still very nice and the workmanship is top notch as always. Thanks for making great products Ed.
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