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  1. Jambi619

    Arizer ArGo

    Just finished my first sesh with the ArGo, fkn diggin it It's a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but still packs a fkn punch! Draw resistance much lower than the Solo, but still pays to hit it long, slow, and hard :brow: Not sure if anyone else figured this out, but I threw an O ring on...
  2. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    ^ mine's working perfect since tree update. Might be worth it to get a usb to usb c and just try the firmware yourself. Then return the drive to best buy or where ever
  3. Jambi619

    Steam Chalice?

    Yeah man, that's where I went. Paypal wasn't working for some reason, but I'm not worried. I wonder how it's put if the kutchie is removable....and if the down stem could be somehow modified to work as a 14mm female joint that could run a lotus or omnivong...and still hold the...
  4. Jambi619

    Steam Chalice?

    Welp now I'm getting one
  5. Jambi619

    Steam Chalice?

    Well according to that thread, the one guy who ordered one never got it, but that's one dude. I'd also like one for ornamental/ceremonial purposes... I imagine it takes a lt of herb and isn't very efficient
  6. Jambi619

    Steam Chalice?

    I stumbled upon this today Seems to work like a hookah almost, hot coals on that top of that plate and herbs in the chamber so you get "steam" (vapor) rather than smoke. Any of you vape fiends have experience with such a tool?
  7. Jambi619

    She does not like me getting high

    Sounds like you need to keep looking, man.
  8. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Heat n hold, but you can release early depending on how the vapor feels. If it's hot/ near combustion, obviously stop the heat
  9. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Delayed charge and bad seal/no vapor.
  10. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Just wanted to share some thoughts on the Square after owning it about a month. I find I'm falling into a pattern of vaping a pod a day while I'm out at work, and just rotating each day till I'm out. So that means I'm only having to fill it every couple days. I usually charge everyday just to...
  11. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I've done light packs, just enough to cover the bottom of the pod, worked well enough. Def get better results with a full load tho. Might do some experimentation using the oil pad as a spacer. Put the pad in then drop herb on top so when I hit it button-side up the herb is on the pad is...
  12. Jambi619

    Do you notice an increase in mucus production from frequent vaping?

    Something I'm starting to notice, and was about to post my own thread about before seeing this, is the amount of fine particles that come through in the vapor. I've been using a glass J hook and there are bits of debris all the way up to the end of the stem, so some of that is making its way in...
  13. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I had my first was light, only a few black specks in the abv but I could taste it. I had the pods packed pretty much full, a lot fuller than I usually do em. Thinking it was just too full/tight.
  14. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Just confirmed it works. Now to see if I can return this drive...
  15. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I had vapor issues, still have some other minor issues but I'm confident that @Haze Vaporizers will have it sorted out soon enough. Their customer service is on point. The Square is a fkn beast of a vape in a nice travel-size package. Having 4 pods is awesome, it's super easy to use, on-demand...
  16. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Shit takes time to produce and if their review is going to be good, they're gonna need at least 2 weeks of testing working units. There will probably be one before June...if YouTube doesn't delete em
  17. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I think when you restore defaults it automatically transfers but with my customs I named and transferred but they don't seem to be saved
  18. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    Shit....I just tried resetting mine to the factory defaults with the app and it put everything in reverse order. Easy enough to correct manually, but a PITA!!! Also, is it supposed to save our settings in the "Preset History" box? That's completely blank
  19. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    I'm having false starts as well, along with charging issues. Not sure if they'r related?
  20. Jambi619

    Discontinued Haze Square

    @Haze Vaporizers, any plans for a car charger? Is the PC cable able to plug into a car USB adapter?
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