Search results

  1. PPN

    Starry V1+Inhalater05 (Europe)

    Hi I'm re-listing this 2 vaporizers as a bundle and want to keep this offer like that. Both comes with included accessories, the Inh05 comes with only 1 capsule (not glass) and usb cord. Both units works perfectly and it's a chance to get 2 very good vaporizers for a cheap price. Price is 60€...
  2. PPN

    PRICE DROP Hydro9x2 and VaporCup (Europe)

    Hi, I'm re-listing this items for cheaper! The VaporCup was lightly used and IT'S SOLD!! A vaporizer Hydro9, used less than 10 times , works perfectly, last version. Just not my cup of tea. Comes with everything included in the box. Shipped to your door for 60€ (add 10€ for internationals...
  3. PPN

    Xlux Vixen wax vaporizer

    Hi, I received for testing/review a new wax vaporizer with a special design: It looks like a red lip stick and is perfect for stealth in a women (or men) bag. It comes with a dual quartz coil atty (+ a replacement) so nothing special on that side. Here the manufacturer link...
  4. PPN

    Hydro9 - 2 units - 100€ for 1, 180€ for both (Europe)

    Hi, I have for sale 2 Hydro9 vaporizers with all accessories included ( tools, usb cord, charger and replacement o-rings) for the price of 100€ for 1 unit shipped or 180 for both units shipped, add 10-20 € for international buyers. Don't hesitate to ak me for anything... Here the pic...
  5. PPN

    VaporCup - 90€ shipped (Europe)

    Hi, I have for sale a Vaporcup vaporizer in perfect condition except some cosmetic scratch. It comes with: - 4 glass stems (1 is brand new in the white wrap) - plastic straw (never used) - replacement screens - privacy sleeve - charging base - charger (not pictured, I can send it if...
  6. PPN

    The vape bundle! (Europe)

    Hi I have for sale some vapes cause VAS kicked my again for the Inst'Heat from Alan! - First there is a Vaporcup I bought from another member, it looks like he was quasi-never used but I used it myself for a month or so and it got some scratches, Except that it works perfectly. Comes with 3 or...
  7. PPN

    Any Movkin Disguiser around to help me, please?

    Hi, I'm a proud owner of a Movkin Disguiser I primarly bought to use with my SR-74 but actually paired with the DC Gen2 dry herb atty. I don't need TC with the SR-74 cause I only own the white rod but I tried the TC mode of the Movkin with the Gen2 and it doesn't work as well my Evic Mini in TC...
  8. PPN


    Hi my friends, I'm in search for a Vapolution3! Hesitated a lot several times but never took the plunge. Since I'm trying to sell a few vapes (looks at the classified post before this one) I'm open for a trade but will be not able to spend more money. So it's a trade only (or trade+ a few...
  9. PPN

    Vaporizers (Europe)

    Hi my friends, family life cost and i need to let to go some vapes to pay some bills or to offer something to my wife... Here the list with a descrition of the vapes (some are not in very good shape, it's mentionned) and where they come from: - Inhalater05 (got from the Indiegogo campaign) +...
  10. PPN

    Plenty 220V (Europe)+extra

    Hi everybody, Here for sale a Plenty in very good condition I received from a trade. That's an amazing vape which medicates very hard , clous&taste wise, that's a true powerfull desktop vape. I decided to let it to go cause I used it as a special occasion vape only and since this occasions are...
  11. PPN

    Weecke Fenix Svaty

    Hi folks, I saw this vape on Vaposhop since a few weeks... any inputs? Not thinking to buy one but I'm always curious .... I'll try to find a video. Just found a unboxing video, no usage here:
  12. PPN

    T° and reclaim amount.

    H Folks, Somedays ago @biohacker and me were disagree about something I personnaly noticed: The lower the t° for dabbing is, cleaner is my rig. The higher the t° for dabbing is, dirtier is my rig. Am I alone to notice that or I missing something? Any imputs appreciated!
  13. PPN

    FR Starry par X-Max

    Bonjour à tous et voici ma petite review du Starry par X-Max! X-Max est un fabriquant de vaporisateur qui a déjà produit quelques vapos intéressants mais dont on se souviendra surtout du X-Max V2 Pro qui a été un des premiers vapos "low cost" avec batteries remplaçables et surtout qui...
  14. PPN

    Portables vapes!

    Hi friends, Like a lot of us I spent too much recently and need to cut the cost, first I post this vapes cause I would like to keep the rest.... if possible. Here the pic showing the vapes: Sory for the dark pic, from left to right there is: flowermate swift pro, Guru,Hydro9, Odin, Zolo...
  15. PPN

    Is there any D-Nail Lotus thread somewhere..?

    Hi, made some searches but can't find any dedicaced thread... if somebody own one it would be nice to create a Lotus by D-Nail thread in the Unreleased section of Plugins Vapes. I'm curious about this one and would like to read more about it! Happy vaping for all!
  16. PPN

    Is it time to create more sections in FC?

    Hi, friends, lurker and mods, Do you think it might be the time to create more sections in FC.... I thought about an "e-nail" section or "concentrates dedicaced desktop vapes" , a butan powered vapes" section and change the "e-cig based portable vapes" section in a "concentrates dedicaced...
  17. PPN

    Edible vaporizer..... or April joke?

    Look what I see in GotVape: That's a joke I think....
  18. PPN

    Shipping issues

    Hi my friends, I get an issue with a shipment I sent to another member here in FC, it was a Classified add I made for a Milaana. The shipment was made the 7 of december and the package start to move the 8 , the same day, as stated in the tracking page, it was already outside of my country...
  19. PPN

    Winter sun enlights vapor so well!

    Hi guys, Did you notice how the winter sun is perfect to enlight your vapor inthe beginning of the morning or the end of the afternoon? It's mesmerizing to look at this clouds dancing in the air!
  20. PPN

    How to get Trophy points?

    Even if I don't really care about it I'm curious to know how to get Trophy points cause I noticed a lot of members get a lot more points than me.... I'm not jealous:drool: but I want to know if I missed something....?
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