Search results

  1. Vitolo

    Completed POTV ONE Brand New

    I offer here a Factory Fresh POTV "ONE" still in the shrink wrap I accept Paypal. I pay insurance and shipping. Price- $70 $60 NOTE- The purchase of this vaporizer, will help me provide consumable goods for local patients, as well as helping me get my car registered, and insured, so that I...
  2. Vitolo

    Completed Fury 2 Unopened box Brand New

    This is a factory fresh Fury 2 in the box... unopened. I accept Paypal. I pay insurance and shipping Price- $70 NOTE- The purchase of this vaporizer, will help me provide consumable goods for local patients, as well as helping me get my car registered, and insured, so that I can get back to my...
  3. Vitolo

    Completed Ceroma/Taroma Kit- Complete

    In Brand New Condition. This unit was tested once for a write-up. It is one of the most intense flower vape experiences I have had. I pay shipping and insurance. I use Paypal This complete set is $150 THIS ITEM IS SOLD
  4. Vitolo

    Completed Herbie V2 Bundle by Vape Engineering - NEW

    This Herbie V2 bundle is brand new and unused. The Package was opened to be certain that all was intact inside.... it is complete. The Mechlyfe Paramour side by side mod is still sealed. More information is at: The Herbie V2 alone costs...
  5. Vitolo

    The Buzzle and eDex from Aovape

    Aovape's new Buzzle and eDex AOVAPE - Most manufacturers in the Wax/Dab Pen Industry stay the same, and just keep selling the same designs. Aovape continually shows real growth and development. With each new release, Aovape introduces new innovations in Wax and Dab pens. Ease of access to...
  6. Vitolo

    Free 2 Vapor Brothers Dabbler Heaters

    I'll pay the postage to get these two Dabbler Heaters into a Dabbler User's hands! First P.M. to my inbox gets them! PLEASE NOTE: These can be used with, although not made for... the Eleven pen. It does the job, but the appearance of the unit is not "seemless".
  7. Vitolo

    Completed RBT Walnut Milaana - New

    SOLD I have a brand new Milaana that I will sell. The patients I am working with now, do not have the patience required to become a master of On Demand units that have no temperature setting. I have had only one patient that loves the technique of feathering the button to achieve perfect dense...
  8. Vitolo

    Completed Large BCG w/Medium Plate- Brand New

    Brilliant Cut Grinder Large Medium Plate $85-I pay Shipping This cost is only for shipping within the USA. Shipping out of USA, I will have to charge shipping- to be determined. SOLD
  9. Vitolo

    Completed NEW- Ed's TNT Woodscents Vaporizers

    FOR SALE: I received a generous donation of 5 Brand new Woodscents Vaporizers, with kits. The needs of the patient population at this time, dictates that I let these units go, and use the proceeds to obtain a number of Fury 2 units, to better meet the immediate needs of a larger number of...
  10. Vitolo

    Completed Ghost MV1s

    These units have been sold I still have 5 totally rebuilt MV1 units, that I am unable to place with patients. These are all made with new parts, and came with full warranty... Although that warranty is likely worthless now. Due to the size and weight of the MV1, I have not been able to place...
  11. Vitolo

    Howling Hills Zingers

    I know that everyone that was here before 2015 knows what a Zap is.... Myrtlezap, Aromazap, Ceramic RockZap Log vape history... made by one of the greatest people I know.... Rick Harlow. Pat used to make beautiful dragonflies of wire and intricate beads to enhance the brass "aroma flower" that...
  12. Vitolo

    NFC ABV Firecrackers

    Preheat oven to 300. I use Graham crackers. I put 1 gram in a small desert bowl or a cup. I add peanut butter and mix thoroughly. It will become stiff like clay. Spread it on one side of a graham cracker.. and then cover the the abc/peanut butter with another graham cracker. Wrap snuggly in tin...
  13. Vitolo


    I have been making CannaButter in this exact way for 50+ years. I do not believe that there is a shortcut, and I do not mix any additive to "boost" THC content.. I personally have tried a few dozen butters made by others in various ways, and did not find the potency to be present. I DO NOT use...
  14. Vitolo

    NFC ABV Crystal Pie

    I am an ABV fanatic. I love to use it for a couple hundred recipes, tinctures, Butter, topical preparations and more. I still love to make all of the above, with fresh flower, and I do so in profusion... ...But I never waste one drop of ABV. Why: Once you vape out the THC, there remains...
  15. Vitolo

    BRAND NEW FLASHVAPE and all accessories X 2

    This is a gonga for anyone that has been wanting a Flashvape. Extra accessories included. 2 Power supplies. 3 Flashvapes in total. I have moved from an 11 room house, into a very small room and a half, with NO room to store anything. I will post other items here for sale at a later date...
  16. Vitolo

    Splinter Z with Lost Vape Paranormal Box

    Splinter Z with a Lost Vape Paranormal Box; The complete deal is $210 SOLD
  17. Vitolo

    Dr. Dabber Switch and Extras

    Dr.Dabber Switch with extras: 1- the set-up + an extra water piece 2-an unopened Budder Cutter 3- A load of tools (quartz inserts, ceramic inserts, and titanium inserts... plus more.... and an extra glass cleanout, and load tool/carb tool plus the original: Asking $268 (postage paid of...
  18. Vitolo

    MAV Pacifica Bubbler with Carb Cap for Dr.Dabber Switch

    Brand New! The Pacifica Switch is the newest collaboration with an attachment for the amazing dr.dabber switch ! Comes from a very limited batch Features: • Made per order • 9 inches tall • dr. dabber switch compatibility • Recycler function • Vortex drain • upside...
  19. Vitolo

    S&B Plenty (with PLENTY of extras)

    I have tried for a long time to find a home for the Plenty It appears to not suit the patient population with which I am involved, so I decided to sell it, and use the proceeds to provide parts (and some meds) for those that I work with. The coils get hot, and it intimidates the patients that I...
  20. Vitolo


    I was given a ThermoVape, with Everything included. The 6 included Batteries charge, but they do not charge enough to operate the TV. I can not give this unit to a patient, as they can not afford the new batteries to maintain proper function of this unit. I wish to give this vape to one of you...
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