Morning Vaporists! Hope you are all as waked and baked as I am today. All of my recent testing and experimenting has left me with a nice sized pile of ABV.
I am happy that it is ABV time again here at home! I will give you a brief recipe that I will be starting on in a while, and will show you...
I have been interested in a log type vape for a while now. I have been debating between PD ( I would have to get a cousin in next state to order for me- no big deal), MZ and WDZ
After seeing all, and much study I decided upon a Zap.
Coincidence, or Karma... an hour later a guy with a brand new...
I have not used a cigarette lighter or match in a month. Pure Vape.. that's it.
Of course I am arms reach from a unit, 24/7!
I realized today I am spoiled ~ my taste buds can no longer stand chemicals.
I smoked about a "J" a week... mostly to test out new strains flavor. I decided to stop for a...
A Tale of This Morning's Buzz
Some bud vapes better than others.
Once in a while you get some really rich vaping bud that seems to go on hitting forever.
I can finish off a wandful of most herb in about 10-15 "deep ones".
Today's stuff, even at just a pinch takes me 25+ "pulls' on the...