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  1. lwien

    So what needs to happen..... lessen the amount of carnage and lessen the frequency of shootings like what happened in Connecticut. Here's my list: Put additional funding into our mental health care system so that mental health care can be more accessable, even to those that can't afford it. Right now, the law...
  2. lwien

    A Newbie Question.....

    Ok, I know you're gonna say this sounds like it's coming from a vapor newb. Hell, I think it sounds like it's coming from a vapor newb, but fuck it, I'm gonna ask anyway. ;) Using the same bud, with the same grind, same temp, bla, bla, bla, do you find that you use more bud when going through...
  3. lwien

    Oh God..............

    Connecticut Elementary School Shooting. Dead count is now up to 20. This dwarfs Columbine. These are just young children for Christs sake. Soooooo fucked up. This WILL raise the gun control debate to a whole new level.
  4. lwien

    Ravi Shankar....

    Most here probably never heard of him, but for those that have, he died today at the ripe old age of 92. Life well lived and provided to us that heard his music, some truly artistic moments.
  5. lwien

    Medical marijuana helps stem 6-year-old's seizures
  6. lwien

    Ecstasy to treat PTSD........Study.
  7. lwien

    Ya like sports?

    Some of the most amazing sport photography right here:
  8. lwien

    PD to LSV ???

    Ok, so I've been a die-hard PD user for over 4 years now. It's the ONLY vape I use and I primarily use it thru a HVY mini-beaker. My PD runs on the hot side, so I have no problem in totally milking the HVY with a hit that is more than my lungs can handle if I so desire. So my question is this...
  9. lwien

    Foam Rollers……...

    Anyone here use one. Thinking seriously about getting one. Heard that they can be pretty painful, but great for loosening up muscles. I'm a runner and I think that my quads are getting kinda tight which is causing me a bit of knee pain and i heard that these can be a godsend in that regard.
  10. lwien

    60 Minutes…….

    60 Minutes tonight. Doing a story on the medical marijuana industry in Colorado. Check it out.
  11. lwien

    This could be kinda fun………..
  12. lwien

    We won one for our side……….
  13. lwien

    Smoked cannabis for spasticity…...

    This along with my previous post regarding PTSD were both posted up by my dispensary on their twitter. Just thought I'd share:
  14. lwien

    Cannabidiol may be useful in treating post traumatic stress disorder
  15. lwien

    Some of the better logo's out there:

  16. lwien

    God, I hate these guys.............

    No, not REM, but Fox News. I know, my ranting about this station is getting a bit much, but every time I turn around, they say something else that pisses me off. So REM sends them a cease and desist order NOT to play "Losing My Religion" on their station, and Fox has the gaul to say that it...
  17. lwien

    I LIKE this guy............

  18. lwien

    Jewish Hurricane Isaac Bearing Down on the Republican Convention...

    Republicans are running in fear with Jewish Hurricane Isaac threatening to ruin the convention. What, in Gods name, does this all mean? Where in the fuck is Pat Robertson now that we need him? Can he decipher the ancient text in the Kabbalah to give meaning to all this? Maybe the Torah? Can...
  19. lwien

    Is there a "left winged liberal" media bias.......?

    (open for discussion)
  20. lwien

    Israel's most popular female singer is Iranian….

    If I was ever asked, what was the most precious gift that God has bestowed upon the human race, or, if you will, the most precious gift that the human race has bestowed on itself, the answer would have to be………………….music. All we have to do is…………..listen.
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