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  1. lwien

    Being the first on your block....

    I've been around here for quite awhile but there's something that always seems to happen and yet, the practice continues and that practice is the desire to purchase a brand new vaporizer design as soon as they become available, or even before they become available. In just about EVERY instance...
  2. lwien

    Medical Marijuana and Autism
  3. lwien

    What is the best tasting spirit you ever tasted.....

    Ok, not the ghostly kind of spirit, but the drinking kind, served straight up or on the rocks. No beer here, no wine. About 20 years ago, when I was working as a marketing manager, I did tons of advertising in local newspapers and radio stations here in Los Angeles. Around Christmas...
  4. lwien

    Trivia........back in the day.....

    In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters were not based on how many...
  5. lwien

    How to Keep Bong Water Hot.....

    I like vaporbonging through very warm water. The problem is, is that the water cools down really quick so if I want to take another hit, in say 10 minutes or so, it's below the temp that I want and I then have to dump the water, reheat new water and refill. Pain in the ass. Found this...
  6. lwien

    A REALLY Clean Vape...

    So someone over at another forum came up with this idea, and while he may have been kidding, I think it could be a very marketable idea. All of us constantly talk about wanting a clean vapor path, a clean air path. We tout that glass on glass is the cleanest route to get our vapor, but what...
  7. lwien

    More Americans want Pot Legal (headline)
  8. lwien

    Stunt Kites.........

    So, this guy is in his 80's. He comes to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. He's deaf, so when he flies, people hold their hands up and wave them for applause. He flies 2 kites with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist. You gotta watch it to...
  9. lwien

    Crocodile and other Skins.........

    So over in the DaVinci Ascent thread, it was mentioned that they are considering using Croc Skins on their vapes and someone piped in and said that if that was done, they, and probably others, would not buy an Ascent, any Ascent, if this was done. So my question is, do others here feel the...
  10. lwien


    It's supposed to get in the low 20's here this weekend. THAT is COLD for SoCal. 1949 was the last time it ever got that low here in Pasadena.
  11. lwien

    So......suck on this.... ;)
  12. lwien

    Notre Dame or Bama............???

    Notre Dame has God on their side. Alabama has peanuts, cotton and apples. Gonna go with God. Go Notre Dame !!!!!!
  13. lwien

    Portable Charts

    Don't know if this has been posted here before, but if not, these are pretty nifty charts and lists. Edit: Chart does not include the FlashVape, the Hammer nor the new Cera.
  14. lwien

    Riff Raff.........

    Has anyone else noticed that we've got a wave of riff raff goin' on here lately? It's kinda like they all got together and decided to pay FC a visit...........all at once.
  15. lwien

    So you want that McRib, eh?

    Would you still want one if you knew that: It is 500 calories. 26 grams of fat. 980 milligrams of sodium and, are you ready for this? There is no rib in the sandwich at all. It is made of pork tripe, pork heart and scalded stomach. This concoction is then processed down with water and...
  16. lwien

    HAPPY NEW YEAR.......

  17. lwien

    If robotics interest you, you HAVE to see this.....

    What was once science fiction is now here. THIS is a game changer and the path that this takes us down is both exciting and a bit scary at the same time when one considers future applications.
  18. lwien

    How cute is THIS ??!?
  19. lwien

    Volume Comparisons...

    Can anyone venture a guess as to the volume difference between a HVY Mini-Beaker and an Ion Matrix?
  20. lwien

    Most "UNIQUE" Christmas Displays....

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