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  1. lwien

    Great Places to Slip into Z-Land.

    Conrad Hilton Maldives Rangali Island........
  2. lwien

    Tornado's...........they keep comin'.

    Hope everyone's ok here. Major tornado just hit a big city.......... Joplin, Missouri. Reports that John Hopkins Hospital in Joplin blew up, which I hope to God didn't really happen. Reports saying that 75% of the city is totally gone...
  3. lwien

    Train, a soldier and something very, very special.
  4. lwien

    Does Bad Taste and/or Bad Smell raise a health concern ??

    I'm raising this question because of the following quote and because I think it really warrants a general discussion without mentioning any one particular vape. While I agree that it doesn't "necessarily" mean that there is a safety issue, does it not raise the red flags that there very well...
  5. lwien

    Morpheus (Mike) from CRC.....Video. ESPECIALLY useful for first time

    .......medical users. I know that some of you have seen me post menu's and stuff from my go-to despensary and talk about the owner, Morpheus (Mike) along with why I like this place so much. Just came across this interview with him that I think some of you may find interesting. Most of...
  6. lwien


    I don't know if we have any members or any of our members have acquantences or family that live in the Southern States in the US, but if ya do, my thoughts go out to you guys. Just saw some video on TV. Wow.......... :o F5's !!
  7. lwien

    Has anyone been watching Game of Thrones on HBO?

    .....Game of Thrones on HBO. Man, for TV, it's one helluva production. Very well done.......... Modnote: Title edited. Please use a meaningful and descriptive title for your threads. It goes a long way for searchability. :)
  8. lwien

    Beam me up, Scotty.
  9. lwien

    Interestring described by CRC.

    "The White Visitation" - cannabis indica ssp. indica x cannabis indica ssp. afghanica - indoor organic hydro - Super Silver Haze x White Rhino male into a Trainwreck. Fireworks ensue. Taking its name from Pynchon's fictional WWII mental hospital that housed the British Secret Service classified...
  10. lwien

    Part of the operating system. Not an app. Does this bother you?,2817,2383908,00.asp
  11. lwien

    If you love animals, you're gonna love this.........,28804,2066018_2066006,00.html?hpt=T2 Make sure you see all 12 videos. All something VERY special.
  12. lwien

    Another Drug War Death in Mexico.........."We have had it up to here."

    This open letter by a Mexican poet that has watched his son die in the Drug War raging in Mexico is devastating and it's definitely worth a read. We get numb to violence and the violence in Mexico is so overwhelming that we lose our sense of what's actually happening there. Javier Sicilia's...
  13. lwien


    I don't know if any of you have been watching what's happening in Japan right now, but man, those live shots of a 24+ foot tsunami rolling through those farmlands was...........well..........I was fucking transfixed to the TV. Un-fucking-believable. :uhoh...
  14. lwien

    Best Dispensaries in SoCal.

    So I posted up a poll over at Weedtrackers and asked the opinion of it's members which dispensaries did they consider the best in Southern California. The following were the top 10 with 229 votes cast in the top 10: NNCC (Nature's Natural Collective Care)...Northridge/Reseda HR (Humbolt...
  15. lwien

    Here's sumpthin' for all you old fucks out there...........

    So yeah, I'm turning 67 next month, and I'm thinkin', "Fuck..........that's fucking old", that is until I saw this 67 year old guy. LOL !!! :lol:
  16. lwien

    Medical Marijuana News Thread

    Figured it'd be a good idea to have one thread that contained all the latest news on the medical front, so, here's the first and latest contribution. Seattle Farmers Market
  17. lwien

    Another great case for medical MJ.
  18. lwien

    Vaping in a Car.....

    I was reading this thread >> and it got me thinkin'. Why? Why would someone feel that they want to use an SSV in the car? Why not just use a portable that doesn't require a power converter or vape BEFORE you get into your car...
  19. lwien

    Donald Trump may run for President.

    What da ya think?
  20. lwien

    Queen Noor of Jordon

    Just saw her interviewed on CNN. Wow. Impressive. Very charismatic. Super smart, super articulate, and just a very impressive lady. So much so that it really too bad that she's not involved in US politics. She would be more than just a welcomed addition. Queen or not, just a very...
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