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  1. lwien

    The youngest Bears fan ever..........
  2. lwien

    Win a Free Vaporizer......

    So here's a fun idea, although, I may get some nasty emails from some of the vape manufactures here for even suggesting this, but what the hell. Sounds like a fun idea anyways. So here's what I propose: Manufacturers post up their own threads for people to participate in, and here it is...
  3. lwien

    Is it allergy season where you live ??

    Well, it sure as fuck is allergy season here. And now, the Santa Ana's are going to pick up. Fuck...... :( Sniff, drivel, sniff, sneeze......... I need to buy stock in Kleenex.
  4. lwien

    Egypt could fall..........

    .....and if it does and it becomes a radical Muslim state, and if this has a domino affect, considering that the catalyst for this seems to be what happened in Tunisia, this could potentially have very dire consequences for Israel and US interests. We really need to learn that we can't support...
  5. lwien

    Soda Pot ... So how do you guys feel about this. Personally, in my opinion, this is wayyyy tooooo soon and potentially could hurt the future acceptance of marijuana being thought of as legal medicine versus just another...
  6. lwien

    Approaches for reducing cannabis dependency and tolerance......

    The following was just posted up at CRC (CornerStone Research Collective), one of the prominent dispensaries in SoCal who is very active in the medical communities as a service to their members. Some may find this useful, so I thought I'd post it up here as well. It's very rare that a...
  7. lwien

    Play-offs !

    So I'm in a real quandary. I'm a Steelers fan. Been so for decades ever since Bradshaw was the QB, but LA hasn't had a fucking team in years and now the Jets has an SC alumni in Sanchez which is almost enough for me to switch sides. FUCK !!
  8. lwien

    What causes a high or low tolerance ?

    I wonder, strictly from a physiological point of view, is it healthier having a low tolerance or a high tolerance? I would imagine it's kinda the same thing with alcohol. I mean, what causes a high or low tolerance after a certain amount is ingested? Someone could be vaping/smoking bud...
  9. lwien


    We know that shills visit most any site and FC is no exception and in a few threads here, it was and is painfully obvious that they were present. What I am curious about is how it works. Does one person use different names with mulitiple IP's, and if so, how does that work? Or, does a...
  10. lwien

    SUPER high CBD ratio.

    Awhile ago, I mentioned a special strain that my dispensary got in that had a really high CBD ratio formulated for being super active for pain management. They just published this analysis from the labs, for those that are interested:
  11. lwien

    Interesting Site..........Bud Analysis
  12. lwien

    How Much is Facebook worth?

    How 'bout 50 billion dollars. That's 50 BILLION dollars.
  13. lwien

    Drug company mix-ups......

    Holy shit. I just saw a segment on 60 Minutes about this. A major drug company got busted, not only for drugs contaminated with bacteria, but actual mix-ups on the assembly line where the wrong drugs were put into the wrong bottles, and even though this was brought to their attention, they...
  14. lwien

    Reindeers really DO fly......

    So do their herdsmen, but that's a whole other story. :|
  15. lwien

    Stumped on a Holiday Gift?

    How 'bout one of these:
  16. lwien

    Mixing Strains

    So, I just picked up some K5 which is a really potent King Kush (Indica) a few days ago. The general consensus from the tenders at CRC was that it was a bit stronger than some of the other highly regarded Indica or Indica Dominate strains out there like Skywalker/Lucas Valley and Romulan and I...
  17. lwien

    So How Cold's Your Winter So FAR..??

    It's gonna be 85 degrees here on Sat. Even by Cali standards, it's a bit odd.
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