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  1. lwien

    Old Everyday Things that Don't Exist Anymore.......

    So........we have an old candy thread and old toy thread. How 'bout an old miscellaneous thread, those everyday things or places that just aren't around anymore? How 'bout this? :
  2. lwien

    Childhood Toys........What would you bring back....

    I still remember the clickity-clack sounds this made as it went over the sidewalk creases as if it was yesterday. Street above is wayyy too level though. Need some downgrades going on. This too:
  3. lwien

    Worlds most honest city..........least honest city.

    Totally unscientific test but kinda interesting nonetheless. Most honest: Helsinki, Finland Least honest: (don't want to ruin the link ;) )
  4. lwien

    MJ and Football
  5. lwien

    Vaporizer Safety

    So I'm sittin' here a bit vaped and all of sudden, this question popped into my mind. We've had various in-depth discussions in different threads about different vapes in regards to their safety, with special emphasis put on the safety of the materials used in their construction. So as a...
  6. lwien

    Fuck you !!!

    This is the insults thread. Insult who ever the fuck you want to insult. And if you don't like it and you find this thread offensive.................FUCK YOU. !!! :argh: (brought to you by the kind, loving and compassionate members here at FC) Modnote: After 7 months it's clear that most...
  7. lwien

    How Smart are you...........really!

    So, how far do you think we've really come in the last 100 years? Do you think we're smarter? Do you think that the kids that are in the 8th grade today are smarter than those that were in the 8th grade 100 years ago? Do you college grads think you could ace a test that was given to 8th...
  8. lwien

    Something very special for those with OCD......

    .....and for those who don't.
  9. lwien

    This was on the front page of CNN's website: Check out the front page story. Don't know if it's still there, but it's titled: " 'She was slipping away'
  10. lwien

    Fox News gets owned...........

    This has got to be the worst interview that I have ever seen by a major news broadcaster. After the interviewer asks the stupidest questions that I have ever heard asked, the interviewee proceeds to just bury her in her own stupidity............kinda fun to watch actually.
  11. lwien

    In-Depth Discussion on the benefits of.......Weed !

    This looks like a good one........discussing the medical benefits of........our bud, from cancer to Parkinsons, to STD, etc etc. Set your DVR's. "Weed" on "Dr. Sanja Gupta Reports".....CNN..........August 11th, 8:00pm ET.
  12. lwien


    Ok, so we've got picture threads, guitar threads, movie threads, tv threads, gif threads, etc, but till now, we haven't had any dance threads, so........................ Check this guy out. OMG !!! :o I just don't understand how someone can have that much control over their body. Can't...
  13. lwien

    Is this the first Cylon?

  14. lwien

    One of the most inspiring things I have ever seen....

    One year ago, this girl, then 15yrs old, was shot in the head and neck at point blank range by the Taliban in Pakistan. She was shot in the head and neck for only one reason and that reason is because she was outspoken about her desire that all girls should have education available to them...
  15. lwien

    Liquid Glass Rain.....

    "The planet, known as HD 189733b, is a gas giant with a daytime temperature of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit where it possibly rains liquid glass sideways amid 4,500 mph winds, NASA says." The visuals that this conjures up is just mind-blowing. :o...
  16. lwien

    The Bridge

    Anyone catch this on FX last night. Looks pretty good. Really unique camera and lighting work. Good acting. Could be a keeper.
  17. lwien

    So what in the hell does THIS...........

    .....have to do with anything in this case? The is the most recent headline on CNN. Are they going to try and imply that because Trayvon Martin smoked weed, he deserved to die, or that in some way, it proves that if he was high on weed, it must mean that he was the aggressor. WTF??? What I...
  18. lwien

    How long does it take to feel effects???

    So here's the deal. Ever since I started vaping, I've noticed that the high takes much longer to feel (creep effect) than when I used to smoke it. Typically, for me, it takes about two minutes to start feeling the high and it takes about 15 minutes to feel the full effect...
  19. lwien

    Do you rent?

    If so, you may find this kinda interesting.
  20. lwien

    Guitar anyone?........

    So I just ran across this amazing guitarist. Just had to share. A technical monster to say the least.
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