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  1. Crohnie

    Latest Gallup Poll Shows Growing Support For Legalization

    The latest Gallup Poll, taken Oct 3-6, shows that 58 % of Americans are now in favor of marijuana legalization. :rockon: This figure represents a ten point increase just from last year. Please note that this poll wasn't just about medical marijuana, but recreational as well. Some of us are...
  2. Crohnie

    Federal Government Decides Not to Intervene in Colorado And Washington

    I can't believe no one's posted a thread about this story yet. The US Attorney General, Eric Holder, and the Department of Justice have decided they will not interfere with the legalization laws passed in Colorado and Washington. This is HUGE! Other states will now feel more secure about...
  3. Crohnie

    How Many Solipsists Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?

    Has anyone else puzzled over this age old question? Perhaps no question has stymied philosophers more...with the possible exception of "How many licks does it take".
  4. Crohnie

    Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill Signed Into Law Today!

    It was announced this morning that Illinois' Governor Pat Quinn will sign the Illinois Medical Marijuana bill (Illinois HB 1) into law today! :rockon: This announcement comes 3 days before the deadline to either sign or veto the bill. While it was widely expected that he would sign it, the...
  5. Crohnie

    New Hampshire Medical Marijuana Signed Into Law!

    New Hampshire's Governor, Maggie Hassan, yesterday signed New Hampshire's medical marijuana bill into law! NH is now the 19th state to legalize medical marijuana. Congratulations, New Hampshire. Hopefully my home state of Illinois will be following you in the next week and a half! :nod:
  6. Crohnie

    Pinnacle Portable Vaporizer!

    4 month old Pinnacle portable vaporizer for sale! It comes w/exactly what you see in the pic; no more, no less. Cleaned and works perfectly. I'm reluctantly selling it because I need to raise some money for a trip to Colorado next month. $135 including Paypal fees and USPS Priority shipping...
  7. Crohnie

    Any Classical Music Lovers Out There?

    Classical music has been my life long passion and my job. Certainly there must be other FC members who are classical music nerds. I thought I might start a thread just for us! Feel free to discuss anything about classical music, composers, or post videos of your favorite pieces, performances...
  8. Crohnie

    Why Cannabis in Colorado and Washington Isn't Really Legal

    I was watching a youtube vid yesterday featuring a CNN discussion about legalization of cannabis. Someone from youtube commented that; "Pot is legal in 5 countries: India, Iran, Jamaica, Pakistan and Uruguay." He had previously made a comment about marijuana being legal in the Netherlands. He...
  9. Crohnie

    Brand New, Unused Pax for Sale!

    Brand new, unused Pax vaporizer for sale. This is a warranty replacement for my backup Pax. $195 includes Pay Pal fees and USPS Priority Shipping with tracking in the USA lower 48. No trades, no international shipping, sorry.
  10. Crohnie

    The Flying Spaghetti Monster Or The Invisible Pink Unicorn?

    I say the idea of an Invisible Pink Unicorn is ridiculous! I mean, if you can't see it, how the hell do you know it exists? And if it's Invisible, how the fuck do you know it's Pink? :shrug: Sounds to me like The Invisible Pink Unicorn might buy Brawny Paper Towels for the packaging rather...
  11. Crohnie

    Is V.A.S. (Vaporizer Acquisition Syndrome) An Incurable Illness?

    There is very little information about V.A.S. in the medical literature. Some insist that it can be cured, but I've seen no peer reviewed studies to corroborate this. Symptoms include: 1. Credit card pain 2. Sudden mood swings, i.e. going from joy to despair and back again while waiting for...
  12. Crohnie

    Volcano Classic w/Solid and Easy Valve!

    Volcano Classic Vaporizer for sale. A little over 3 years old, but very low mileage: very little use, cosmetically excellent, and in perfect working condition. This offering includes both the Solid Valve AND the Easy Valve bowls. The Solid Valve will need a new screen in order for it to...
  13. Crohnie

    Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill Passes the Senate!

    The Illinois Senate passed the Illinois medical marijuana bill (Illinois HB1) today! :D This comes exactly one month after the House also passed (61-57) the bill. As expected, the Senate was a much easier lift than the House. HB 1 was easily passed by the Senate by a vote of 35-21...
  14. Crohnie

    Brand New Pax with Extras!

    Brand new, unused Pax with extra charger, extra mouthpiece, and extra oven lid. This is a warranty replacement from Ploom with the newest body. If you were to buy the PAX ($249) and these extras ($75), it would normally cost you $324. I'm asking $240 which includes PAY PAL fees and USPS Priority...
  15. Crohnie

    Are Vape Warranties Ever Transferable?

    I'm pretty sure when you buy a used vape from the FC classifieds, Craigslist, etc, that the new owner receives no warranty protection. Is that correct, or are vape warranties ever transferable? :shrug:
  16. Crohnie

    Should you buy a vape from the Manufacturer or a Distributor?

    This is something I always seem to struggle with when purchasing a new vape. My own subjective experience has led me to believe that buying directly from the manufacturer instead of a distributor might be the better option. Just curious to know what other people think and why.
  17. Crohnie

    Marijuana Repeal Considered in Colorado

    A proposal for a marijuana ballot measure came up as Colorado lawmakers were working on bills to regulate and tax recreational cannabis. The proposed bill would require a NEW ballot measure for voters to approve a 30% tax, in addition to the sales tax, on recreational marijuana. The bill's...
  18. Crohnie

    Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill FINALLY Passes The House!

    The Illinois House of Representatives FINALLY passed (This was the 4th attempt in 6 years) a Medical Marijuana Bill! This is only the first hurdle, but by FAR, the hardest. The Illinois Senate is expected to pass it and Illinois Governor Quinn has indicated he would support it! :rockon:
  19. Crohnie

    How Much Stuff Could H.R. Pufnstuf Puff If H.R. Pufnstuf Could Puff Stuff?

    I realize that I'm dating myself with this thread, but I feel that it's an an important philosophical question that has yet to be addressed. How much stuff could H. R Pufnstuf puff if H. R. Pufnstuf could puff stuff?
  20. Crohnie

    Illinois Medical Marijuana Vote Looming

    This is the 3rd (or possibly the 4th...I've lost count) time in about 5 years that a medical marijuana bill will come up for a vote in the Illinois Legislature. It looks like the present bill, Illinois HB 1, may come up for a vote within the next week. Illinois Governor Quinn has previously...
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