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  1. Crohnie

    Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel Supports Illinois Decriminalization Bill

    Chicago's Mayor, Rahm Emmanuel, has thrown his support behind Illinois HB 4299. This bill would decriminalize cannabis possession up to 30g AND growing up to 5 plants. :evil: That may not sound like a big deal to some of you, but for Illinois, it's a BIG step in the right direction. There's a...
  2. Crohnie

    Primary Doctor Won't Sign My Medical Marijuana Recommendation

    I've been with my primary doctor for 18 years here in Chicago and I just learned he will not sign my marijuana recommendation. I am disappointed, but not surprised. Somewhere I seem to remember reading that in Chicago so far, patients regular doctors approved a recommendation for medical MJ only...
  3. Crohnie

    Illinois Makes Applications Available For Patients, Caregivers, And Dispensaries

    On Friday, it was announced that applications for patients, caregivers, and dispensaries are now available in the state of Illinois, specifically on the website: They won't be accepted until September 2nd for those with last names beginning with A-L. :brow: Those with...
  4. Crohnie

    Why Does Being In Love Suck So Much?

    For the 4th time in my 50 years, I'm in love with someone. I'm simply not the kind of person who can casually just doesn't work for me. The other 3 times I was in love, the person was either taken, or I knew they were wrong for me, no matter how much I loved them. This time is...
  5. Crohnie

    I Need Suggestions For Short Term Mobile Internet For My Laptop

    Hey there, FC gang! I'm going on a LONG train trip on Amtrak to Colorado next month, but the train doesn't have WIFI. Since I am technologically challenged, I'm looking for advice/suggestions on how to get some sort of short term mobile WIFI (Hotspot?) that will work with my Macbook. Please...
  6. Crohnie

    Lightly Used Limited Edition Herbalizer!

    I REALLY hate to do this, but I'm taking a trip to Colorado in 2 weeks for a chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity and I could use the funds. This is the Limited Edition Herbalizer which I got 3 months ago. It's only been lightly used since it's almost exclusively been my "in a hurry...
  7. Crohnie

    Looking For A Strong Edible For Long Train Trip To Colorado

    Hi, fellow FC members! I will be taking a long train ride from Chicago to Colorado this August. Amtrak obviously doesn't look kindly on smoking/vaping on their trains: If they catch you, the next stop will be yours! Fortunately, the friend I'm going to visit in CO has access to medical and has...
  8. Crohnie

    Colorado Legislators Pass Marijuana Banking Laws

    Colorado's legislators just passed a marijuana banking law. The Governor said he would sign it over the objection of the Colorado Bankers Association. Not too long ago, Attorney General Eric Holder proposed similar banking laws at the federal level, but no action has been taken yet. Kudos to...
  9. Crohnie

    Which States Will Legalize Next?

    Colorado and Washington started the ball rolling. Equally important are the decisions of Attorney General Eric Holder. He's declined to interfere with the new laws in those states and has even proposed new banking laws for the cannabis industry. Still, the uphill battle will take some time...
  10. Crohnie

    Chicago Is NOT "The Murder Capital of the US"

    As a Native Chicagoan, I'm really irritated at the media for ginning up this false story. Let me set the record straight. 1. The number of murders in Chicago has fallen every year (except one) since 1992 2. The number of murders in Chicago in 2013 was the lowest since 1965 3. The number of...
  11. Crohnie

    When Will Illinois Dispensaries Open For Business?

    It was announced recently that Illinois will be accepting applications starting this Fall for those wishing to open a MMJ dispensary in the state. Up to 60 dispensaries will be allowed, with the majority being in the Chicago area. :brow: Since the law requires a patient to "have an established...
  12. Crohnie

    Illinois House Committee Gives Unanimous Approval of Decriminalization Bill

    An Illinois House Committee unanimously approved House Bill 4299 about a week ago. It seeks to make the possession of up to 30 grams a civil offense, the penalty being a $100 ticket. The bill would also decriminalize "manufacturing or delivering" up to 10 grams of cannabis or for possessing up...
  13. Crohnie

    Sanjay Gupta's New Special "Weed 2: Cannabis Madness"

    CNN will be broadcasting Dr. Sanjay Gupta's newest special "Weed 2: Cannabis Madness" on Tuesday, March 11th at 10PM ET. Gupta will go further into the challenges of legalizing medical marijuana. I'm really looking forward to it since IMO, his first special was a HUGE positive influence on the...
  14. Crohnie

    Am I The Only One Who Hates Valentines Day?

    There have to be other people that hate Valentine's Day as much as I do. Am I bitter, you ask? ABSOLUTELY! What really grinds my gears is how many couples take each other for granted; how many wonderful people stay with someone who treats them like shit. I'd like to remind my fellow singles...
  15. Crohnie

    Why Are Cannabis Forums Always Such Sausage Fests?

    Why is it that just about every Cannabis forum is a sausage fest? Not that there's anything wrong with sausage, but I've always been puzzled as to why that's the case. Any insights?
  16. Crohnie

    Rep. Steve Cohen Is My New Hero

    I don't think I've ever seen ANY member of Congress get so passionate about marijuana reform. Ladies and gentleman: Rep. Steve Cohen from Tennessee. :clap:
  17. Crohnie

    The Stoner Bowl: Denver or Seattle?

    This year's Superbowl has been dubbed "The Stoner Bowl" since it involves 2 teams whose states both have legal cannabis. I never thought I'd see the day. So the question is this: Denver or Seattle? I'll kickoff with my choice: DENVER!
  18. Crohnie

    Marijuana Banking Regulations on the Way!

    Attorney General Eric Holder said the Obama administration is planning to roll out regulations that would soon allow banks to do business with legal marijuana sellers. This is HUGE, IMO. It sets the stage for the inevitable, but I never thought it would happen this fast. These proposed laws...
  19. Crohnie

    D.C Considering Decriminalizing Recreational Marijuana

    Since the Feds have oversight of D.C. , this should represent an interesting dilemma.
  20. Crohnie

    Do FC Members (Other Than Staff) Really Have Any Input?

    I'm a bit reluctant to start this thread, but I believe it's necessary. I realize that this is a private forum owned by VTAC and that the rules are made and enforced by him and other staff members. IMO, however, sometimes it seems that regular FC members have little or no input about things on...
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