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  1. Crohnie

    What's the most efficient portable vape?

    I used to own a Pax, and though it's a fine vape, I found it to be an herb hog. I'm looking for a new go to portable that's stealthy, fits in a pocket, and efficient. Right now I'm considering the Inhalater XP, the Pinnacle, and the Ascent. Not really into the MFLB, but I'm open to other...
  2. Crohnie

    Cannabis is completely legal in only one country. Can you guess which one?

    It's a common misconception that Cannabis is legal in countries like Portugal, Spain, etc. As with the Netherlands, however, cannabis is not legal in those countries, but decriminalized. The same can be said of places like Colorado and Washington. Personal possession (with limits) and growing...
  3. Crohnie

    Crohn's Disease and Vaping Cannabis

    I can't be the only one on this forum with Crohn's Disease, so I decided to start a thread about the benefits of vaping cannabis for those with Crohn's. Crohn's can have different symptoms depending on what part of the bowel is affected. In my case nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting...
  4. Crohnie

    Illinois Medical Marijuana Bill is Dead...for now.

    A vote for Illinois' Medical Marijuana Bill (HB 30) had been scheduled for the "lame duck" session (Jan 2-8) of the Illinois House of Representatives. It now seems unlikely that the bill's sponsor, Rep. Lou Lang, will put the bill up for a vote before the Jan 8 deadline. Today Lang said...
  5. Crohnie

    Invisible vapor?

    One frequently hears fellow vaporists speaking of "visible" vapor. This implies that there is such a thing as "invisible" vapor. Does invisible vapor actually exist? If it does, what makes it different from visible vapor? Is this a stupid question? Am I vaked out of my mind?
  6. Crohnie

    Is there a scientific answer to how long Cannabutter should cook?

    I've heard everything from 20 minutes to 2 days. Anecdotal evidence is great, but is there any scientific answer to the question? How long does it REALLY take to extract all the cannabinoids?
  7. Crohnie

    Illinois medical marijuana vote deadline Jan. 8th. Will it pass this time?

    The Illinois State House will vote for the umpteenth time :horse: to approve Illinois' medical marijuana bill, HB 30. The Senate has already approved it, and Illinois Governor Quinn said he would sign it if it passed. :rockon: The deadline for the vote in the Illinois House is January 8, 2013...
  8. Crohnie

    To deoxycarbolize or not to deoxycarbolize? That is the question.

    When making edibles with ABV, obviously it isn't necessary. But what about making edibles with fresh cannabis? Should the ground up cannabis for making cannabutter be deoxycarbolized or not? I've heard both. I know that this is done to make tinctures. e.g. Green Dragon where the herb is ground...
  9. Crohnie

    Colorado and Washington Voters Legalize Marijuana!

    Ballot measures in Colorado and Washington to legalize marijuana have been passed by voters! This is an historic day :spliff:
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