The Lotus has a standard stem and a 14mm water tool adapter (WPA). They're separate bowls.
Don't own another butane vape but can highly recommend the Lotus. Very versatile and hard hitting :tup:
Might want to check out the VapCap thread, it looks great and there are plans for a 14 or 18 mm...
I originally found FC about four years or so ago when I was playing with the idea of switching to vaping from combustion and was looking for a portable vape... Google I guess - did some reading, didn't join and decided to get a MFLB.
I didn't really get on with it the LB tbh (mainly due to the...
So it is, andf I'll be straight back on it as soon as paypal?my bank let me have my money back...
@VapCap the new page only has a funding goal of $1,000 (of which 60% is already met)... this an error, or limit on the new site or something?? :hmm:
Yeah 100% go with vapefiend for everything that they stock - the CS is second to none....
Your're spot on when you say it's a shame they don't sell the nano. @ACE OF VAPE this is the guy to speak to ( ) if you want a serious entry into the UK market - which is growing quickly...
Think I'd have gone with the O ring mod if i'd thought of it first... :tup: Less chance of damage, and you could adjust the depth of the wong/stem by moving the o ring up or down the core...
This would do...
Yes, I have a WonG and stem that both had this issue... I fixed it by VERY GENTLY and ONLY VERY SLIGHTLY pinching the end of the metal with a pair of small pliers, a bit at a time until it stopped at the "stop" and wouldn't slide down. Have done this with my stem too and it works fine.
Sorry for...
I thought they had found one tbh... Just got four gongs sent out to the UK couple if weeks ago (3x18mm and 1x14mm) and have to say I was impressed with them, all fit perfect, were nice and long (adjust a bowls), thick and had good welds...
I love the ease of cleaning of the adjust a gongs...
Last hit on the dirty gong.
Pop out the screen and into tub of ISO.
Pull wadded/rolled up kitchen towelthrough the warm gong a couple of times till it looks new.
Pop in new screen.
My 6.5 might be the same/similar to your 7 for all we know... that's kind of all I was meaning in the first place tbh :D I get fantastic tatsy vapour at 6.5 and can milk a bubbler opaque so the downstem isn't visible easily.. :tup:
My ABV is medium to dark brown at 6.5 and although lighter in...
For me it's vapour production that will tell you.
Normally one setting will do most herb, but I have an old school skunk x blueberry that needs about a quarter to half of a level higher on the dial before the herb starts producing vapour of the thickness/density/potency etc that I prefer...