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  1. Gray Area

    Supreme V3 gongs

    I picked up my beta gongs from the post office today :clap: nice work @PeteSeattle They're great. The 14mm joint seals great without sticking. Bit too long, as @VAPEHUNTER said, but otherwise perform just like the others. Wall thickness is identical to the straight cut ones I have...
  2. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Why would they need changing?? :huh: I only ask as I've had my eye on them myself, so wondered what you had in mind..? Thanks :tup:
  3. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Well I can see now what all the hype's been about. What a fantastic creation FJ's come up with here :clap: Haven't got enough time here to write as much as I'd like about how much I'm impressed, but I am... and will be jumping right back on the list for a dual battery ver (and I haven't tried...
  4. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Picked up my Tubo from the post office. Battery's charging as I type... it's so small (but heavier than I expected) and beautifully made :clap: that bare poplar is just begging for some bomb ass butter though :brow: Testing will commence in a couple of hours or so (when the battery has...
  5. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Postman tried to deliver my Tubo today while I was at work (of course) :doh: Should be able to grab it tmrw from the local post office though :tup:
  6. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    @Tommy10 i have a Blazer GB2001 "copy" which is the perfect height (guess the original would be too)... This is the one I have: One each side of the block would be perfect :tup:
  7. Gray Area

    Supreme V3 gongs

    They look fantastic... and I don't have a Vapcap... :wave:
  8. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Yup, hold "+" & "-" while off :tup: Apparently... edit: beaten to it... :D
  9. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @leveltree mine's got to get to the UK, so hoping for a fairly quick shipping experience... Yeah, just like being a kid at xmas :D
  10. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Well my Tubo's ready and invoice paid :tup: was told to expect 5-6 weeks but it's only been 3 :clap: so I'm well pleased :D Opted for natural poplar wood and a white evic :cool: Can't wait try this thing...
  11. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    :o wow, they look fantastic all lined up like that :clap: Was wondering what (if anything at all) folk are using to treat the wood casing? I'm assuming the usual sort of stuff would be fine... I have a tin of Ed's bomb ass butter I was planning on using...
  12. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Only time the heat jumps around for me is if the flame gets a little too close to the thermometer's wires that are next to the block (under the silicon sleeve). Try aiming the torch toward the upper part of the block (well away from the wires) and see if it stabilises...
  13. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    Yeah, I've had the gasket come off a couple of times, and have done exactly the same as you to combat it. Just leave a little of the tube sticking out from the bottom of the gasket. It still works down from time to time, but this way gives you that extra time to notice, and re-adjust... A...
  14. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Well I've just taken the plunge and made an order with funkyjunky. Few more weeks and I'll be joining in with all the fun :tup:
  15. Gray Area

    TV Shows - General Discussion

    Really enjoying American Gods... very good :tup: Thought season 1 of the expanse was pretty good too, going to start on s2 of that and s3 of Fargo next up.
  16. Gray Area


    @maremaresing I did exactly the same as you last summer, and bought a coil to take (unused) from the UK to Amsterdam. I found it performed much better than I expected and was really impressed tbh. Fantastic vape for the ridiculously low price it costs. I'll never get why this thing (and VG's...
  17. Gray Area

    Supreme V3 gongs

    I agree... People have been using the med walled glass tubes for some time now and are happy with them. The plan was always to produce these with a gong end originally I guess, so I'd continue. There are many people (me included) that would love to have one (or four) of the stems you've made...
  18. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    You're going to love it... it's certainly the vape (from my collection) that the combusters are most impressed/hit hard with :D My current favourite mo is to torch the block to around 100C without the bowl inserted. Then after insertion (and attachment of J hook) continuing to 180C... no second...
  19. Gray Area

    Vaporizer lifetime/ durability

    +1 for the Vaporgenie. Basic model is about as cheap as a Vapcap too, and imo there's no contest in performance. VG wins hands down every time for me. Although maybe the ceramic filter might need replacing, but only after a long long time at 5 sessions/year...
  20. Gray Area

    Supreme V3 gongs

    Nice one :tup: better pick a few up I think (although I expect I'll have to order them from Germany, as they're not so easy to get this neck of the woods)...
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