Vaporizer lifetime/ durability


Well-Known Member
i've been a very infrequent marihuana smoker smoking around 5 joints a year and i think about maintaining this frequency and starting vaping instead of smoking. For how long do you think would a vaporizer like the Mighty last me before it stops working if its only used 5 times a year? I ask this because i dont wanna spend 300 bucks on the mighty, ending up using it 10 times total before it dies 2 years after i got it right after the warranty expires because that would make a cost of 30 bucks per session. Can you imagine it holding up for 10-20 years? I know you can't give me a guarantee, i just need an evaluation of somebody who has used a vaporizer like this for some time.
Thanks in advance!


Chronic vapaholic
The only way to bullet proof your vape against time would be to chose one having user replaceable cells. So that rules the Mighty/Crafty out.

Whether you use them or not, Li-Ion batteries do degrade over time. Even when stored at the right voltage, the capacity will drop. Your vape might still be usable but the battery life will be very short (like an old laptop computer for instance)

That being said, it should still be good for at least one session... so 1/5th of your annual consumption! :)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Vaporizers have been around for awhile. I hear people that have had their Volanoe for 10 years or more. A desk style unit will generally last longer that a portable.

There are no guarantees unless you have a lifetime warranty and that's the life of the company that made your vape. There aren't too many with a lifetime warranty. The Enano log vape used to have a lifetime warranty now it's 3 years. The Grasshopper portable has a lifetime warranty but folks are having to send theirs back for repair all the time!

I would imagine a log vape would last a long time. I have 3.

I've had my Solo OG portable for 5 years with no problems. It has an internal battery that can be changed out by the owner. There is a video and several FCers have done it with no problems. It really is a crap shoot. The heater could go bad, then it would probably need to be thrown out. 5 times a year is very light use. I used my 2012 Solo everyday a few times a day for 18 months. It's still going. I still use it but use my newer Solo from 2014 more.
The 2012 Solo still gets 4 twelve min sesh per battery.
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Well-Known Member
After that try the Supreme V3 thread which is the daddy of the lifetime vapes i own a Mighty and talked about immortal vapes recently and im going to get a second Mighty and hope. The pass through works i think that you should be able to vape from it when plugged in at least lol it would be in really bad shape if you could not i guess?

I dont know really its not 100% clear how a Mighty with degraded battery would function but i dont see S&B refusing repairs anytime soon. But if you must have complete lifetime guarantees then you have to go butane and i would get a Supreme V3 after the Vapcap M.
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Well-Known Member
i've been a very infrequent marihuana smoker smoking around 5 joints a year and i think about maintaining this frequency and starting vaping instead of smoking. For how long do you think would a vaporizer like the Mighty last me before it stops working if its only used 5 times a year? I ask this because i dont wanna spend 300 bucks on the mighty, ending up using it 10 times total before it dies 2 years after i got it right after the warranty expires because that would make a cost of 30 bucks per session. Can you imagine it holding up for 10-20 years? I know you can't give me a guarantee, i just need an evaluation of somebody who has used a vaporizer like this for some time.
Thanks in advance!

As much as I love my vapes, if I only were to use one five times a year, I'd probably stick to joints. 5 a year is not going to cause serious problems. Either that or get a small pipe. Or eat it.

If it has to be a vape, I'd second the vap cap m, although I have no personal experince. It's cheap and easy tho with not much to go wrong.

Btw, do you just buy a gram at a time, or do you buy more and store your herb? If so, how? Medibles could be stored frozen for a long time too. Buds stored for a long time, like over 6 months naturally decarb, and you can eat them for a surprisingly good buzz.......just saying......


Well-Known Member
After that try the Supreme V3 thread which is the daddy of the lifetime vapes i own a Mighty and talked about immortal vapes recently and im going to get a second Mighty and hope. The pass through works i think that you should be able to vape from it when plugged in at least lol it would be in really bad shape if you could not i guess?

I dont know really its not 100% clear how a Mighty with degraded battery would function but i dont see S&B refusing repairs anytime soon. But if you must have complete lifetime guarantees then you have to go butane and i would get a Supreme V3 after the Vapcap M.
As much as I love my vapes, if I only were to use one five times a year, I'd probably stick to joints. 5 a year is not going to cause serious problems. Either that or get a small pipe. Or eat it.

If it has to be a vape, I'd second the vap cap m, although I have no personal experince. It's cheap and easy tho with not much to go wrong.

Btw, do you just buy a gram at a time, or do you buy more and store your herb? If so, how? Medibles could be stored frozen for a long time too. Buds stored for a long time, like over 6 months naturally decarb, and you can eat them for a surprisingly good buzz.......just saying......
i buy a few grams at a time and smoke that within a weekend or so :)


Well-Known Member
Get a Vapcap.

The top of the line, indestructible, titanium Omnivap model will last a lifetime and will perform flawlessly with no future obsolete parts like special batteries to replace.

This is a vape to write into your will. It is a beast and will be working after all other vapes fail. Simple genius design. Efficient effective performer.


Well-Known Member
I am going to recommend the vapor genie over the vapcap.

The vapor genie is a BIC / soft flame lighter vape that is very easy to use and near impossible to combust with.
Also you don't have to suck your eyeballs in to get a hit.

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
+1 for the Vaporgenie. Basic model is about as cheap as a Vapcap too, and imo there's no contest in performance. VG wins hands down every time for me.

Although maybe the ceramic filter might need replacing, but only after a long long time at 5 sessions/year...
Gray Area,


know someone with the original volcano (knob) still working today. its how you handle it imho + luck of the draw in the specific unit you have. for models like the vapor genie unless you drop it or abuse it on purpose there's no stopping it...the ceramic filter only needs replacing if you physically damage it (dont touch it). long term use might shrink it some but unless you use a torch throughout the day i doubt you will get temps high enough to cause excessive shrinkage. vg filter potential risk thread

vaporizers that are electric will always have the possibility of something wearing out (heat up + cool down cycle) vs you dropping it and breaking it (like glass) so its a risk when you go that route...if you get one you absolutely love maybe just get one more as a spare if concerned with it being discontinued.

year 7 of vg glass sherlock reporting in.
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