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  1. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Not yet, but hoping soon (before the holidays)... but I got an order in for a PA for my original Tubo too, so that might delay things for me as they'll be getting shipped together.
  2. Gray Area

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Looks like the app is released (for ios at least)... I'd post a screen shot but I'm on my way to work on my mobile, so you'll have to go look :D Ok try this...
  3. Gray Area

    Insta Heat (aka iHeat)

    :o That's beautiful (oh why didn't I get on the list sooner :doh: ). The whole thing must be tiny, with the blackwood base taking the place of the box mod...
  4. Gray Area

    Butane Face Off- Decisions

    This :tup: I've had a glass vapcap & a VG coil and in my experience with these two, the VG performs far better than the VC. Having said that, the VG does have a big ass bowl and the VC a teeny weeny one, and like most butane vapes it's a lot about torch control (I used a torch lighter with my...
  5. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    I get only light (but visible) clouds at 185C - but that's using cruise mode. Everything works better when the glass is warm. For on demand I don't use preheat mode exactly, but I do manually preheat the coils for a few seconds holding the fire button before drawing (slowly) and also tend to...
  6. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    You using cruise or "on demand"?? My temp range is 210c-225c and I usually fill the whole ground joint and cap the end with a basket screen... Try cruise :tup:
  7. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    I'll take 3-4 of those right off... even though I'll get screwed for the international postage. Iirc the stem length needed is 47mm before the joint, measured them for Pete when he was doing them. Been hitting mine at lower temps a bit after all this flavour chasing talk. 170c with stem...
  8. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    The water piece adapters are in the store under accessories... 14 & 18mm versions:
  9. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Yep as @Zementos said it's the PA. I have one on order too and it should come with my dual bat Tubo. I'm constantly charging batteries, so thought I'd grab one for home use :nod: Edit: just had a look and don't think either the PA or dual battery Tubo is on the website yet...
  10. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    :rofl:R2D2... what else of course :clap: Love the twin suns/hole in the wood effect :tup:
  11. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @kuzko @dapperdopamine They're Arizer EQ basket screens :nod:
  12. Gray Area

    Iconic One or Two Liners from Movies...(one per post)

    Not in the mood? Mood's a thing for cattle and love play, not fighting!
  13. Gray Area

    Hardest hitting vape for under $150...

    Nah, nano ALWAYS with water... ;) :D
  14. Gray Area

    Hardest hitting vape for under $150...

    I use mine 99% of the time dry with the aluminium stem tbh :nod:
  15. Gray Area

    Hardest hitting vape for under $150...

    The VG Coil is great :tup: I bought one as a throw-away vape for a trip to Amsterdam, keep meaning to grab another (or a hand carved tbh). I have a lotus which I love (esp for trad hash) and it's probably better as far as flavour/control of the session, but the coil is a real heavy hitter...
  16. Gray Area

    Discontinued Supreme Vaporizer

    I have pretty much exactly the same results as this through water... only split over two hits from one heat up to 185C (mr iron lungs ;) ). But tbh if i reheat, even to 190C on the same stem, there's pretty much nothing left over. I always put the die off of vapor down to to the load being...
  17. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    @WafflesVape Not negative at all. I meant what I said. That's great you do what you do :nod: I simply questioned your comments about how long another person had been a member of the forum, as if it somehow meant their opinions didn't hold as much weight as yours (as you've been a member for so...
  18. Gray Area

    Hand Crafted Custom RBT Milaana

    That's great... but come on, you know we want some pics from ALL angles :nod: Nice work man :clap:
  19. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Good for you :tup:
  20. Gray Area

    TUBO evic/dual

    Ffs you've made 20 posts and none in five years... and you're commenting on how long someone else has been a member?? Technically Vape Donkey has contributed considerabley more to the forum in the last 2 years than you have in 7 :rolleyes: I'm afraid you'll probably find nobody cares. But I...
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