Has anyone here herd of Assembly Bill 390 (AB 390) I have read the California is trying to pass a bill to legalize marijuana so they can tax the shit out of it, they said something like $14 billion in revenue for the state. If this passed do you people think that it would be long before it was legalized all over? I ask because if one state made it legal then there would be no way for the DEA to arrest everyone therefore there would be a influx of marijuana on the market which would make it cheaper and more readily available to other states. Not to mention that other state would realized how much money California is making from taxes and tourism, that they would have very little options but to legalize it, because in this time of economic decline to refuse such a new reliable resource for new jobs and taxes (not only taxes from the MJ but from property tax from new businesses as well) would be irresponsible of our states to burden people who need not be burdened. Well that?s just my
please let me know what you all think.