I've got this that you could have for 150.
Mine is just as clean as the one pictured here.
Shipping is on me.
Yes, the MV performs just as well on the battery as it does plugged into an outlet. On the official minivap site the price appears to be 519USD for the battery set.
The minivap is being likened to a desktop unit because of it's ability to perform under stress. It can be plugged into a wall outlet with an adapter or be used with the battery.
Something I just had pop into my head. I don't have a cera to test this out so those of you who do may want to try this. It allows momentary function but if it were to be secured in an up position it would be like the locking switch. Construction is easy enough. Just need something that has...
There may be a screw or two loose. :mental: :p
I think the best comparison would be to a car. You've got an expensive ride that you want to keep looking pretty and funtioning. Are you going to fill it with low test or high?
Definitely have to wait about 10 minutes to get best performance. I'll turn mine to max, turn it back to noon 1-2 minutes before use, then the fun can begin.