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  1. VaporEyes

    More diffusion, less, or none at all?

    I've come to enjoy them myself. I blame lwien for that.
  2. VaporEyes

    More diffusion, less, or none at all?

    True :D I think I need to take some classes on money management. I've been looking at it long enough. Might as well have my name on it.
  3. VaporEyes

    More diffusion, less, or none at all?

    Save money or buy new glass? Decisions, decisions...
  4. VaporEyes

    If the fattest-hitting vape you've used was rated 10/10, how would other vapes you've used rate ?

    Supreme Vaporizer - 8 Life saber - 8.5 Vaponic - 7 MiniVap - 9 (only because I have battery issues) Vapro - 8 GnOme Cone - 8 Cloud - 10, obviously HerbalAire 2.2 - 6.5 Vapocane - 7 Magic Flight Launch Box - 5.5
  5. VaporEyes

    Vaponic Herbal Vaporizer

    Been a while since I've used my Vaponic so I decided to get it out the other day. Came up with a "new" screen design and I'm getting far better results than I typically would.
  6. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Vapexhale isn't able to fully dedicate themselves to being a full fledged company just yet(Think most members still have day jobs) so some slip ups will happen. But don't let that discourage you. The Cloud is one of the best, if not the best vaporizer on the market right now. No other vape(aside...
  7. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I suppose it's just my ever so slight OCD acting up again. Don't want to lose any actives, do we? :freak:
  8. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Does anyone else remove their ELB after each hit? Furthermore, do you shake it?
  9. VaporEyes

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    As long as I cover the screen well(wand and WPA) I can get the LSV to output large hits. How much do you use?
  10. VaporEyes

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    The LSV is no lightweight when it comes to vapor density, that's for sure.
  11. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I want to be home and using my cloud right now... :(
  12. VaporEyes

    Vapman Basic

    This still available? If so, I'm interested. Wouldn't happen to have any pictures of the "insides" would you?
  13. VaporEyes

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Two o'clock seems a tad high to me. Have you checked your ceramic rod to see if it's out far enough? Two would be combustion for me.
  14. VaporEyes

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    I think my design would circumvent some of these concerns. The connections could be an issue but some Keck clips would solve that.
  15. VaporEyes

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    A little too vaked to properly diagram this but I can put it into words. This is rather simple but who said things need to be complex? Number 1 will be the standard ascent tube with an 18mm joint. This would allow hydrotubes and other pipes like them to be used. Number 2 would fit on 1 to...
  16. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Most certainly the latter. Sitting here using my cloud now... I can't help but be impressed. :chill:
  17. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Oops, must have glanced right over it. I am most certainly loving my cloud. It makes itself very hard to hate. :luv:
  18. VaporEyes

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I assume you have the cloud plus. How long was your warm-up?
  19. VaporEyes

    More diffusion, less, or none at all?

    Have run a few tests with this and the helix does function as described. With vapor it is rather hard to see but with correct lighting the spiraling action can be seen. Using just the mouthpiece I get significant cooling. Will post back more results later once I am at home. Think I'll try the...
  20. VaporEyes

    have any glass you dont use? ill buy it.

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