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  1. badbee

    Ispire Wand, enail&vaporizer

    I salute your dedication to science my friend. I might need one of these on Black Friday.
  2. badbee

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    This is true, but also true of every appliance in your house. You are more likely to get shocked by one of your lamps or a poorly wired wall switch. The design of these things is incredibly simple, there just isn't much that can go wrong. The trick is in the tuning of the power level and...
  3. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    @GI , I wanted to see you experiment with the 1S just so I could see the result. Unfortunately failure and some waste of money was the most likely result... Does that make me a bad friend? Good luck with your project.
  4. badbee

    The HighLighter (Glass-Core Open-Source Halogen Log) Kit Hosted by REFC Labs

    What exactly is that and where did it come from (I just mean the glass)?
  5. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Yeah, I probably should have stressed that these units were only sort of close but still not powerful enough. A 2S battery is really the effective minimum.
  6. badbee

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Shave some off with a razor blade\exacto knife and mix half and half with regular flower, see how it goes. If you want to use more increase the ratio of moon rock to flower until the bowl starts to be left too dirty, stop there before you get to the point where it will drip into the heater...
  7. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    @GI , that's not what you need that is a buck circuit that lowers voltage, doesn't raise it. I looked around and boost boards that support a < 4.2 V input and > 60 W power are hard to find, you might need to build it yourself. I imagine this is why we don't see single cell IH's. Edit: Spoke...
  8. badbee

    Help with my box mod experience

    That's interesting, it must take a lot of experience and technique to make that work. If you like to tinker, and save money, look into the HighLighter home build kit vape. It's inexpensive and works really well, I would guess much better than your freestyle approach. Sorry I'm no help on the...
  9. badbee

    These girls look moldy or not?

    Holy crap, that looks dangerous.
  10. badbee

    Help with my box mod experience

    In the cannabis vaping world it's usually the vape that is considered most important rather than the mod. There are a variety of really good vapes that fit a 510 thread mod like the Stempod from ModPodLabs, the Musa and the Splinter from RBT (no longer made but available used). I haven't...
  11. badbee

    These girls look moldy or not?

    It's very unusual for "older" dried buds in a jar to go moldy. If there was that much moisture present they would have molded in the first couple of weeks. Without moisture it will never mold. It's normal for some strains to turn a more golden color over time (like a year). So best guess is...
  12. badbee

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    That's not an argument, it's just an contradiction objection.
  13. badbee

    Selling above retail value

    My favorite was the guy recently asking $300 for a barebones G43 sled (on Reddit). It's a fun novelty vape but hardly a collectors item.
  14. badbee

    Hijacked Member Account Posting Classified To Scam

    I am also strongly in favor of G&S being required here with a permanent ban to anyone, on either side of the transaction, who requests\requires F&F. Not everyone will agree but it's the right and safest approach.
  15. badbee

    Cartridge heater discussion

    I've seen the pictures of the IDB Atlas but don't know anything about it. I have a Silver Surfer modified with ruby balls and much prefer it over just the bare cartridge. Without the ball mod I found it required too slow of a draw (and I'm fine with 20+ sec draws). If you turn it up the temp...
  16. badbee

    Cartridge heater discussion

    That's a small cartridge and that limited surface area probably means it needs to be pretty hot to adequately heat the air. That could result in an unstable system where the temp varies widely based on inhalation strength (and ambient temps as you noticed). Bury that baby (or maybe a slightly...
  17. badbee

    Lower taxes at dispensary on reservation land?

    That doesn't sound too bad, in WA the excise tax on cannabis is 37%.
  18. badbee

    On Patents and Induction Heaters

    I vote this the stupidest thread on FC...
  19. badbee

    The HighLighter (Glass-Core Open-Source Halogen Log) Kit Hosted by REFC Labs

    I know what you mean but don't have an alternative for you. It would be great if we could find something a little "chunkier" to put on the intake side of the bulb fitting. A disk or short cylinder of silicon that was stiff enough to hold shape and grab the side walls would be great. Maybe a...
  20. badbee

    On Patents and Induction Heaters

    Apart from all the philosophical differences in this thread there seems to be a lot of misunderstandings of what patents represent. A patent doesn't prove you have the right to a design or technology and isn't a government issued proof that the thing patented is original or significant or that...
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