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  1. Grass Yes


    For me I easily roll it between my fingers while drawing. Works fantastic. I keep nearly every vape activity as a one-handed operation.
  2. Grass Yes


    I think there are more interesting things to be done with airflow and stem options. Mostly stuff above the pan. I could also see them improving the mica portion. The pre-char is a really nice idea and I'm curious to see how it works in practice. That's the more interesting upgrade for me...
  3. Grass Yes


    I wish them absolute success, but I don't think a larger pan is anywhere near the top of my list of improvements for the vapman. I hope this is just an XL and not a replacement for the original. I was disappointed with the 2.0 upgrades too and I wish they still produced both.
  4. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    My advice would be to slow your draw a bit. Also I don't put much stock in duff color, I just judge by flavor and vapor. So the major flavor downgrade and fiddling with the capsules would never be worth it to me.
  5. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yeah I have definitely killed a screen or two that way. But I mostly consider them consumables. I get as much use out of them as I can through cleaning, but eventually they give up.
  6. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I have never liked that stem myself (bad mouth piece), but if I wanted it to hold more I'd just use a rimless dome screen and push it up the stem a little higher. I use those in most of my TM stems and they work great.
  7. Grass Yes


    This feels like a giveaway. As my friend, @4everpushingaboulder suggested, it's probably an indicator. Probably bimetallic discs.
  8. Grass Yes


    Well shit, I guess everyone knows but me.:lol:
  9. Grass Yes


    I'm curious if the new pan will work with the station.
  10. Grass Yes

    Hot Hole Depth

    I have several depths of 25mm coils and several heights of ball vapes. The tallest vape of the bunch is the Chaos. I believe the shortest is the TKO. While I have found with the TKO and the Epitome, a bit more coverage is better, the shallower coils just take more time to saturate the thermal...
  11. Grass Yes

    Hot Hole Depth

    Are you looking for heating gavel bangers or wireless ball vapes? I don't actually use my coils for bangers anymore but I do have a bunch for various wireless ball vapes. For ball vapes, an axial coil is fine but usually not necessary and sometimes a waste. I typically use barrels, or even the...
  12. Grass Yes

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    I have seen all of my enail/ball vape coils glow during initial heat up from cold many times. It is typically in a dark room or very low light. Most of the time I don't see it. I chalk that up to too much ambient light or I'm just not in the room. Anyway, I would not worry about it.
  13. Grass Yes

    Tornado by Vestratto

    I have removed a bunch of off topic stuff from this thread. To be clear people are welcome to post in device threads who don't own the device. We do not allow harassment to anyone and our number one rule is Be Nice. Please do not respond to this message. If you have an issue feel free to PM me...
  14. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Walrus oil is good. You can also make your own very inexpensively with beeswax and mineral oil. A lot of wood workers, including Ed, sell their own too.
  15. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I clean all my wood pieces, bowls, stems, etc. with wood wax. I slather on a healthy amount. Leave it on for a while, it pulls out the reclaim (it's fat-soluble). Wipe off the wax. That's it. I keep all of my wood devices, including the Tinymight, in dry storage. The US Pacific Northwest is not...
  16. Grass Yes

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I have an Ed's TNT stem and a WPA. Both are great. They are unlined but easy to clean. Although honestly I haven't used the stem I quite a while. I just have a lot of glass ones that I prefer. And I take those out on dog walks and hiking. Probably tempting fate but yolo, I guess.
  17. Grass Yes


    A lot of CouchLog fans have a metal vaping surface that keeps the vape secure. This magnet would keep the tool from rolling away, I believe.
  18. Grass Yes

  19. Grass Yes


    Cocobolo according to the original post.
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