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  1. Grass Yes

    Fake News

    To be clear, I think browsers just can't tell the difference between legit images and tracking pixels. Also it's just a theory 😄
  2. Grass Yes

    Fake News

    I suspect you have social media trackers turned off. The above images are served from, which is Twitter's image domain.
  3. Grass Yes

    Best Non BAKX 510 DHV on the market

    Currently on the market, I'd say the best is the TetraX, Cosmic Xtractor, and Shammer. My favorite in this category is no longer made but is easy to get secondhand: Splinter Z.
  4. Grass Yes

    The "Coil Cap" Coil Heating System for TRWW Quartz Vaporizers

    Just a heads-up, I've seen a few people shatter glass ashtrays with the heat from a ball vape. Ceramic seems to tolerate it fine, but I would be careful with this. I suppose a quartz dish would work too 🙂
  5. Grass Yes

    New to vaping

    I'm not a fan of concentrates in convection devices myself, but it is very popular. Many folks especially like the sandwich method or simply a bit on top of a bed of flower. I feel like the best temperature for flower and concentrates are too different. So I feel like it wastes both and it's...
  6. Grass Yes

    New to vaping

    In my opinion a true "ball vape" has a heat danger as part of it. Many people use coil guards. This can be effective for wired and wireless vapes. I still consider that an exposed coil. The old Cannabis Hardware B1/B2 puts the coil inside a housing, but it is detrimental to the performance and...
  7. Grass Yes

    Scammer - TinyMight 2 $150

    It's no problem. I'm glad you caught this. I'm hoping no one got scammed. Please use Purchase Protection everyone, even when it looks legit there is always a risk. Edited to add: there is evidence that this account was compromised. Stay safe out there and please use strong passwords. Consider...
  8. Grass Yes

    Scammer - TinyMight 2 $150

    I've removed this post while we figure everything out. In the future please feel free to report problem posts directly.
  9. Grass Yes

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    I still see at least two:
  10. Grass Yes

    Best desktops for flavor chasers

    That's surprising! Alan can disappear for long stretches but I haven't seen him drop the ball completely. I waited about 2 years for my custom logs, but friends of mine got readymade ones from him much quicker. Not sure what happened there, but that is a drag.
  11. Grass Yes

    Best desktops for flavor chasers

    The Heat Island is less expensive and is also my favorite in its class. I think the bamboo HI start at like $50. There are loads of options. I'd reach out to Alan and see what he can do.
  12. Grass Yes

    Best desktops for flavor chasers

    I have two so hopefully I can keep them alive. However, I did fling one across the room once because I accidentally palmed it when it was hot. It was completely unscathed. Obviously stoned luck, but I'm happy they aren't fragile.
  13. Grass Yes

    What are some of the most open pull, smoothest vaper choices without needing a torch, & likely won't burn you by accident

    All along I thought you meant the HLT until just now. Love those Misty logs and definitely have considered making a rustic someday.
  14. Grass Yes

    Best desktops for flavor chasers

    I had not realized he stopped making them! To bad, it's great! I suppose the new quartz lotus is an option as a replacement but it is much more expensive. Yes. These are probably my top two picks after the CouchLog. Yes and yes! The Musa 2.0 is a pretty good approximation of the Halo...
  15. Grass Yes

    Best desktops for flavor chasers

    I love my ball vapes. And I adore my halogen desktops. But I'll tell you that some of my most satisfying sessions have been with a nice log vape. Flavor that keeps on going and just a nice cozy experience. I would never keep to one vape only for life, but a good log is a nice way to pass the time.
  16. Grass Yes

    Random thoughts

    Lol, Mayor Pete.
  17. Grass Yes

    7+ Years of Work for this Vaporizer Ecosystem

    I think it's always the case here, the more detailed you can get the better. It's my belief that you won't find a collection of more experienced vaporists anywhere. Although it also might be useful to hear who you view as your target customer. There are many great vapes out there but I know we...
  18. Grass Yes

    Healthy Rips ROGUE 2

    Yeah, I'm going to give you the warning point you missed with your first message. I would hope you took the hint rather than arguing with a mod decision to NOT give you a point.
  19. Grass Yes

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I love my MFLB. I'd never recommend one over a modem vape but I'll keep mine forever. 😄
  20. Grass Yes

    Mininail PID pin arrangement?

    Unfortunately it is not just the pin out. They use mini XLRb instead of the larger version found on most PID controllers. From their FAQ:
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