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  1. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If you have a full, packed trench - 2 makes sense. Use the brush. Also, make sure it is clean. After an iso cleaning and dry, performance should go up.
  2. D

    Extreme vs. The Volcano

    I get the position of having owned both. I technically still have an E but have it out on extended loan to someone. I like the E for desktop sessions but I don't presently have that scenario. The Volcano bags bags a lot quicker w/less screen clogging. Filling and refilling itself are about the...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Now that the LB is going 'mainstream', we get the invasion of the lame non-issues. Do some research, don't buy it. If you really low on $, consider the light bulb vape. When I know I am going to be using the LB for an extended period (or have a friend try it), I always use the wand. The wand...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    LB TIP: To get 'bigger' 'quicker' hits, underfill the trench. This has the effect of getting the whole thing much hotter much quicker and if you are drop the hot trench for later and refill, this can be a very good thing. The same rules apply for shaking the LB during/between hits, but...
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    CVS - Your Local Vaporizer Accessory Store

    Useful vaporization-related items you should find at your local CVS: Lighters [VG] AA Rechargeables (both generic 2500s and Energizer 2450s) [LB] Eucalyptus (Essential) Oil (they sell it in the back, it says "De La Cruz") [Diffuser models, i.e. PD, Extreme] As they have taken over ever other...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    HeyHeyMandaKay, they sell Eucalyptus Oil at CVS - your BF will thank you! Just be sure to fill it before you move it onto the PD and be careful removing it. That smell has become a really after-session buddy! Good for the sinuses for sure!
  7. D

    V-Tower bowl stuck to heater element

    Happened to me once. Cold contracts, which is what you want to happen. I stuck mine in the freezer for 5 minutes cuz I'm impatient. ;) You MUST let it come back to ambient/room temperature on it's own - i.e. don't heat it up. Sunlight is good too and could kill a few germs. Sudden cold to hot...
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    Purple-Days availability

    So the wait is finally over for the wait list, eh? :lol:
  9. D

    New Vap User - Volcano questions

    3-5 bags to taste. Depends on temps, strains, etc. Your target color also varies as there is an obvious drop off curve to what is useful towards the end. I go for light and dry/crumbly and all the goodies are nearly gone. Better for your lungs at lower temps should be an obvious yes. Better for...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    HeyHeyMandaKay, sarcasm aside, the light went out long ago Wait 45 after plug in. Fill. Try. Refill.
  11. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I'd like to try that stickman, it's the Verdamper vaporizer, right? I'm curious as to why you hate Volcanoes, but that is another thread, I spose. The point I was making was about what I was doing w/post LB abv. (i.e. how it relates to this thread).
  12. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I figured I would ditto Hennessy's comments on a different but related topic I made in a separate thread about buying a Volcano (which I did and I know Hennessy is against). The "mercedes benz" of vapes, together w/my wooden "moped" or scooter. Maybe hummer and hybrid or e-mini? Okay, the V and...
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    <=-- Like DevoTheStrange, I also went "apeshit" on vapes. I broke down and bought a VG and my top 5 list of reasons are below. It even has that cool sticker under it. Note: None of my reasons have to w/butane (a nasty, dirty, smelly but plentiful gas). However, w/cheap lighters and in Mad Max...
  14. D

    VHW vs. PD

    Everyone hates comparing vapes just FYI. They are apples and oranges. Are you planning on plugging into a bong for sure? All the time? Different bongs? You may want to go vriptech, I hear they are great tho you could go home depot w/your own setup too. The PD is unlike most other vapes out...
  15. D

    Buying & Vaping Shake ONLY

    I should point out that the $5 shake is from a $65 flower. For strains, I'm covered. In this case, I go w/the herd and S in the daytime w/I at night and hybrids thrown in depending. The knowledge in this forum is crazy - I don't know bruised from not-bruised. How does this affect the...
  16. D

    Buying & Vaping Shake ONLY

    Lately, I have been buying really nice cheap shake at $5 a gram. I do think it is inferior to true flowers but I'm not sure I could pass a blind vape test between the two. Am I actually short-changing myself? Picking up on something normally reserved for the 'butter folks'? Has anyone else's...
  17. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Ouch! What happened to your LB? I bought the final version LB and I can tell you the production LBs are even better than the betas we received. The air outtake is lower, now under the screen instead - also the negative terminal mates w/batteries well. I have never tried the IO but from seeing...
  18. D

    Purple-Days availability

    It's hard to argue w/quality of life issues and the difference is obvious between your "Old-World Craftsmanship" and every other option out there. I have had both my own business w/payroll and done the solo work and agree that control w/the committee is easier when it is of 1. W/the new waiting...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    max, I wonder if those tubes have ever been in stock. I have been eyeing those since VapeNow started offering them. Hopefully, the stems will also get the new waiting list functionality VapeNow is adding for PDs! BTW - I bought a few lengths of that silicone rubber tubing. Very impressive...
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    Is Brass Safe?

    Your evidence to support this claim is where? Quite the opposite, if there were any hazard, however mild, it is much more likely to be unreported - a lot of these vapes are sold as 'novelty/gag items' and/or 'heater parts' - few will admit to breathing through such. No one is saying the safety...
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