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  1. D

    Best Vape for Water Filtration

    Thanks sm55 & marcuss - I guess I want a big hitter but like you, I can only fill my lungs w/so much. The sphere vs. tube thing I thought was about surface area - maybe one is better for hot strains, oils, etc? Style only? The big chore for me is always the reloading. That massive SSV chamber...
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    Best Vape for Water Filtration

    Sphere vs. Tube? What is the biggest 'hitter' of the water vapes?
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    Best Vape for Water Filtration

    Which one makes the least noise? Is the most quiet? :ninja:?
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    Best Vape for Water Filtration

    If you read my other thread. I have been chasing health problems and one big change I made was going from 100% water use in my bong to 0% use in my vaporizer setups. Now, I want to go the other direction and only work w/vapes that use water. I have the MacGyver setup high quality glass and a...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    Well to clarify, mmj was new and vapor was dr recommended but i knew mary well before. I'm trying to narrow down all possible big changes. I intended to loose weight, just not go into a little free-fall w/diverticultus flare-ups before 40, etc. So summing up so far: stopped pro-biotics for too...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    One other big clue: I stopped water filtration altogether when I began vaping. I have bought a bong but more out of what does it do w/a vape. Now, I'll return to only water filtering when vaping. Whatya think? Red Herring? Beezleb, what do you use?
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    chucku, you called it. cept' I'm nearing my late 30s so I didn't expect this for awhile... I eat tons of oatmeal and cream of wheat. My fav is cream of wheat yellow box + chocolate meds = all morning happiness. Lately, I haven't felt like eating much of anything though and am loosing .5 lb a...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    I did check this out but don't know how do to get diagnosed? About 3 months ago, I became a vegan which sort of started a chain reaction of less caloric intake, more exercise (not overly rigorous). When I 1st started the whole autolysis thing, of eating "me" for meals, I probably didn't drink...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    Beezleb, yes this and a colostomy bag are what I am afraid of! :o I'm not as young as you, but am well under the age of 65 where this is more common. kosh, reading about that, I have 3 thoughts: (good read: 1. Quit. "Cessation...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    No whip up my ass, lwein. If you read my post, I'm not using a whip style vape lately. Do you have some undiagnosed Indy-fetish? Maybe Mapplethorpe? j/lk! :P Thanks for everyone who posted. I already eat pretty healthy, meditate and those probiotics have really helped so I'm glad it isn't a...
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    Colon problems from vapor?

    Since I have been a MMJ patient, I have started vaping, lost weight (a lot) and developed a case of diverticulitis/osis (diagnosis so-far) which I can't seem to shake. Anyone else have similar symptoms of harsh bacteria wars going on in your guts? I bought some pro-biotics drink that does seem...
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    Is Brass Safe?

    tuttle, I stand corrected, anything besides our own human cells in the human body tends to have negative issues. I have learned this first hand as I live w/a partial cyborg (hardware in the bones). We are thinking about getting the screws removed. It comes down to longitudinal use for me. We...
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    Is Brass Safe?

    digglover, you are hurting (no vaping for a month!??). doh! Bet you can't wait to finish that test. :P I'll cite Tom's evidence from NASA (dated post-space flight era ;)) on brass's ill effects and lack of longitudinal safety. I agree about Penicillin's usefulness but as I said at the top, 300...
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    Is Brass Safe?

    I just saw someone posted in this thread and had to come in to see how this 'discussion' could possibly have come back alive! Hello dw238! Welcome to FC! It's always good to see new members post, glad to see you chose to make this thread your very first (and only so far) post! As to digglover's...
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    Anyone here pick up shake from the med clubs?

    Yeah, I write about buying shake all the time! Depends on if you get 'lucky' and the shake is what you like. I've had shake that is (still) waaay too potent for me - good for going straight to sleep I have shake that is good for just 'hangin out' and thus the cheap $ is gr8. I have shake that...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    Back to the topic at hand - I caused some possible damage to my LB so I figured I would retell the saga to you all. MF - I'll let you know if I would like a replacement but I'm hoping I averted danger. I set aside for my LB some good high grade material. For this particular strain, I usually...
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    Why SHOULDN'T I buy an SSV?

    Thanks for everyone who posted in this thread! I love that DIY SSV - I may look into that one! :D Based on all of this awesome feedback from everyone, today I am going to buy some glass instead to add to my vapes. EHLE, Roor, I dunno, I guess alls I need is a 14.5mm GG joint so we'll see what...
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    Why SHOULDN'T I buy an SSV?

    You guys know my story - I have an evolving 'vape collection' (in my sig, below the post). However, I feel there is the 'monster in the middle' missing. The Extreme used to hold that space but I found it to be a bit of a chore and have lent it out. Now, the Volcano is fine but besides being...
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    The Magic-Flight Box

    "Doh!" says Duh! I bought a blunt pac yesterday and find it a little too small which is why I figure what you are getting (the party pac containers) are a better fit for our, uh, magical needs. :D blazin, we ought to add that label thing to the faq - it's a known 'issue'. Also remember to...
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    Looking to get my first vaporizer, need recommendations

    Hey pyronym, I'm curious as to why you say this (start out with the LB) being a "proud SSV owner" and all. Why don't you recommend the SSV first? Granted the LB is not a desktop vape but still. I would recommend the LB used as portable 1st and therefore I highly recommend the LB as someone's 2nd...
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