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  1. D

    Looking to get my first vaporizer, need recommendations

    Obviously the LB FTW (I prefer it) but it sounds like you have some bad info about the VG. There are not that many models out there. There are a lot of knock-offs but really only the basic version in wood (different colors) or in glass. Also, look for the sticker - I bought the wrong one twice...
  2. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I found the ultimate containers! I shoulda known better... (i.e. duh!) :P Tight pac is the big container leader for these types of products - they have a cool pen-like line that is perfect for travelling (I want 2!) - Check out this Partypac Series...
  3. D

    vaporgenie vs majic launch box

    Clouds? Dude, you are NOT smoking. Clouds in vaping is kinda besides the point. :P A good really really kick-ass, good vape session could be invisible. ;)
  4. D

    vaporgenie vs majic launch box

    I own both. The VG is not :ninja: at all. Read some of the recent posts in the LB thread about a VG owner who bought the LB because of these issues. LB is mostly wind-proof. No butane. Tiny. If you are planning on doing a lot of off'grid stuff (i.e. remotely camping), unless you have a good...
  5. D

    decisions decisions please help me make up my mind

    I have written about my health concerns on the MZ repeatedly. As a LB user, I know the thing is fine. The only possible advantage of the MZ over the LB is the wall adapter and that is moot if you buy a quick charger (you can vape the batteries while others are charging and NEVER EVER EVER run...
  6. D

    Vape Accessory Idea: Stem Loader/UnLoader (Direct Draws,PDs,*Zaps...)

    I'm only trying to speed up time between hits. Prepping for the big vake-off! Is it a real problem? No. Could it save time? Yes. Why would it never happen? No $ to be made. Mark my words, I'll post this today, here and now, if legalization occurs, this point is moot anyway. I fully expect...
  7. D


    Hey, it's not everyday that we get someone with "personal knowledge and experience with metals, specifically lead content in brass" so I think their conclusion could be valuable, assuming they are qualified to make such a claim.
  8. D

    Increased pain when vaping?

    Yes, schwag=lower end stuff. It's mostly in the eye of the beholder. A good salesperson would tell you. For example, when the flowers don't turn purple, they sell it as something else, etc. On my website, I have a blog post on "Those Crazy Strain Names" and the consensus is that they just make...
  9. D

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Awesome!!!! I am so jealous! Thanks for thinking of us in Amsterdam! :D Yes, I did suggest emptying batteries as a way to help clean the LB. Supposedly, many of these modern rechargeables don't have 'memory effects' - that is charging a half empty battery. However, I like to KNOW that a battery...
  10. D


    And your qualifications are? What is this "personal knowledge"? Are you a metallic man? Perhaps Magneto? Please illuminate us.
  11. D

    Increased pain when vaping?

    Go to a different place. Try the 'schwag'. The whole high/low end is mostly, but not entirely subjective. For a weird reason, I find indica shake to work better for me - and it often has a nicer taste.
  12. D

    Vape Accessory Idea: Stem Loader/UnLoader (Direct Draws,PDs,*Zaps...)

    Good idea! That way you can set the pack level so as to not over-pack it. I also imagine the Magic Flight people have a giant Tesla coil (or two). Maybe a Delorean. :P EDIT: If by digital you mean by your fingers, that's cool too. Maybe you have Bruce Lee reflexes? How long does it take?
  13. D


    It looks like I missed all the fireworks! :mad: The funny thing is I imagine Rick started this thread to drop the very same argument this thread turned into - "the whole lead thing". Why not just do some R&D and replace the parts and compete on equal ground? The ferocity of "Madcap Laughed"...
  14. D

    Vape Accessory Idea: Stem Loader/UnLoader (Direct Draws,PDs,*Zaps...)

    If you have read any of my posts, you may know I am a lazy MFer. I mean some may say, "quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide". Anyway, even dealing w/a vape is a bit of 'work' - I have said before I'd like to just Think...
  15. D

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Wow, what a nice post! I also went from the Extreme to the PD and now the E is extended loan out to a friend. You start to realize that those little PD hits were all that was needed all along and that the rest of the vape exprience was more like the Wizard of Oz - all show, little effect. :D
  16. D

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    lwien, I know you are on to something as I have been in a serious mood lately and will come back to ponder this later. ;) Having said that, I also want to include another quote, The reluctance to put away childish things may be a requirement of genius. However, I just some how doubt Einstein...
  17. D

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    Happy Father's Day to all of you. Ironic I get to type into this thread - I don't mind mentioning I am a father, but that is, of course, beside the point. To extend lwien's invitation to vape w/strippers, I can't knock it till I try it, so I'll get back to this thread if it ever does happen. :P...
  18. D

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    DUDE - I LOVE A HOT ASS - BUT THE WEB AINT IT. Same reason I hate strip clubs. Ever go to a restaurant just to look at pictures of food? I'll take a real woman in the flesh any day of the week but when it's time to vape, it's all vape business for me.
  19. D

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    Super-over-medicated-tired-stressed? Yeah, maybe my posts have taken a turn recently. I have been dealing w/a ton more stuff than I expect and I spose my fuse has been running short. :o This reminds me of the Myrtlezap thread where I tore into Rick's cut and paste job - people are annoyed w/how...
  20. D

    Jiggling Ass Profile Pictures

    hmmm. maybe it's time for me to move on then. ;) I'm really not trying to enforce anything. It says on the homepage, "a vapor enthusiast community". This thread was an open question to those wandering off topic w/their avatars.
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