Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Back from 2009 until about 2015 a retail company called BlissSville was a main distributor of MFLBs to the public, they handled warranty as well.
At one point Forest (Mahgic Flight owner) made his own company the sole warranty provider, and seller.
I loved BlissSvile, and Ariel, it's owner, and working with them was a pleasure.
Ariel is an aromatherapist... Old School... original, and one of the first out there providing essential oils and wellness.
During the first year that I started using the Launch Box, I bought over 100 for the community from her.
That was before all that arrest and Federal Prison shit.
She believed in my mission of Paying it Forward, and helped a great deal.
I am as guilty as the next Vaporist, in letting my MFLB gather dust, in it's special travel container...'s diminutive size letting it fall to a lower spot in a drawer full of portables.
Today, I ground some great bud, and it was pretty dry.
I looked at the fine herb, and thought of it as the perfect grind for a Launch Box.
The brain went to where I saw in last, and after finding it the memories came flooding back.
This was not my first MFLB.
I used to swear by the technique of "kissing" the box... not using the stem, but after a time, gooey resins started oozing out, and required cleanup, which using the stem prevented.
I prefer the original acrylic stems to the glass ones.
Back when I was still in a wheelchair, my original fell into a sewer grating as I forged forward in heavy rain.
I watched in horror through the grating as my MFLB floated out of site into the bowels of Sewage System mystery.
A Magic Flight Rep (Hobbit was his name) honored the warranty, and sent me a new one. The one I still own all of these years

Above: Good MFLB grind texture
After getting all of my possessions back when I got finished with parole, I found that one of my two gold batteries
had fizzled. Looking for the glass to be half full, I was glad to have a good battery so I can travel down memory lane with you.
I consider it sort of messed up that I just put both capped batteries in the same fist, which means I have to re-establish which is the good one!
Above: an early MFLB video
OK... battery mystery now to be untangled, as I "take Flight".
Brother I have one in the drawer I bought off you years back! I'm gonna pull it out tonight! Heck yea God Bless you guys down there and only the best wishes for you and your crew buddy! Here's a cheery vid to make you smile!!...
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