The Nomad From Morwood


The Universe is our endless supply
Yep I made 4 years paid yesterday amd still somehow ended up in batch 3. So even further out lol. Hopefully soon tho. I love the Toads and always throw my name in the hat for the drawings but I kinda agree that it's time to put the effort into getting these out. 11 extra to raffle off is a bunch when we all been patiently waiting. The email updates atleast kept me at bay. I think what bothers me is that we were being told things to speed up the process were being implemented during the first batch and we should have seen the future batches sooner but I think we're getting close to surpassing the first maybe. Again I love love love Dan's work and totally understand there's a process and things take time but at the same time I feel like priority should be given to these. Listen I want a Toad and I'm on the list but those people would for sure wait a bit too and will definitely still be there if the wait went to those for a bit.
I've been plenty tempted to offer Dan a couple hundred to expedite mine to skip all you foos 😆 but honestly don't think he'd take the offer.


Well-Known Member
I paid for my Nomad 1,554 days ago. Really hope we see these in 2025.
Paid 1678 days ago. 4 years, 7 months, and 3 days. I’m growing really tired of the excuses, especially seeing batch after batch of Toads go out. And also since we were really supposed to have seen the final photo update by now. A lot of the Toads look like they took a great deal of time, care, and close work. I bet they were fun to work on. I bet the Nomads aren’t as fun. Too bad. I’ve been holding back on commenting on the Toad thread but this is really bad. If I can wait for better than 4 1/2 years, Toad buyers can wait too.
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Well-Known Member
Any of us brave enough to send this thread to Dan? I ask cos a bit of people power might work hold some power here. Cos these grievances are more than fair. I understand the nomad process needs to be rethought, but how many toads have been released since our money was taken? The way I see it, the nomad release hasn't slowed, it's stopped entirely, and that's a bit of a piss take in my mind. Plus, I'd disagree with the email updates sustaining me, I haven't had one of note since March. I dunno, I'm willing to wait cos it was always gonna take a long time, but it has become a bit of a joke...

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member
Seems like I have to keep chiming in here once or twice a year as well... Paid in full for a Batch 2 Nomad II four years ago, and then voluntarily passed (DOH!!!), and put myself in Batch 3!!! So now I dont know if I literally may have another 4 or 5 years to wait after the Batch 2's go out. Really just trying to remain patient, as I love Dan's work and have a Toad already too.

I have to agree that the toughest part about this is watching dozens of Toads being made, with larger and larger numbers going off in lotteries. Please Dan, I hope you can at least come on here to tell everyone whether the Batch 3 Nomad IIs are still going to be made, and what a REALISTIC plan for them might look like... could allow us to make some reasonably informed decisions. I think we all deserve that at least.


Well-Known Member
When/if I send an email to Dan it will be a refund request. Love the design, no longer want/need the vape. $690 for the vape,, $75 for the case. I am kind of punching myself in the face for my investment. I have lots of other more pressing issues that could use the cash. I was fortunate enough to own a Nomad 1, and I hope it is giving its new owner lots of joy.
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Well-Known Member
I’m half tempted to reply to any “I got one” post in the Toad thread with “Enjoy my Nomad.” EDIT: I am not planning on actually doing this.

Day Vaper

Well-Known Member
I've kind of lost hope of ever receiving my Nomad II if I'm being totally honest. I had time to start college, finish college, start a career, move up in my career... all while waiting. It's crazy! Will I receive it before I'm 6 feet underground?


Charles Mingus
I've kind of lost hope of ever receiving my Nomad II if I'm being totally honest. I had time to start college, finish college, start a career, move up in my career... all while waiting. It's crazy! Will I receive it before I'm 6 feet underground?
Literally where I'm at too...

How this time and excuse issue is responded to in the coming months will determine whether or not I personally ask for a refund
I was part of a group from batch 2 that got theirs 2.5 years ago. I sold mine 1.5 years ago for 3 g's to a happy buyer to help fund Customflowerhardware's start. Are they still on batch 2?

Yes, batch 2 is still being worked on. Do you recall your unit #? I wonder how many Nomad IIs have actually been completed and shipped to date.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
The only reason we got ours is most likely we had to wake the sleeping giant (my good buddy vgez) to poke the bear and get them out to us! His was also in that group as well as Ed's.
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