
Grass Yes

Staff member
would love to see a pic though!
Here is an old glamour shot:

And here is one I happened to take today for a friend on Discord:

The pear is the one by the yellow egg in both photos.


Well-Known Member
Don't know why but this time of year makes me want to use Vapman more. Must be the festive mood, trees, lights.

Fed up with digital stuff and feeling more analog perhaps? :)

Butane vapes from here on out for me. The solo 3 was my last endeavour into electric vapes, whilst it's an amazing vape it still doesn't satisfy as well as my much cheaper butane alternatives.


Well-Known Member
Butane vapes from here on out for me. The solo 3 was my last endeavour into electric vapes, whilst it's an amazing vape it still doesn't satisfy as well as my much cheaper butane alternatives.
I'm in a major butane Renaissance myself. I'm using Nova/SB Runt on the mornings and Vapman Click on the evenings. Potent, efficient, big bowls, and very different vape sigs.

There is definitely something magical about these kinds of butane vapes. Most my vapes are now manual. I'll only use battery or plugged in vapes if they are very special.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Looking for advice on best method to reach Vapman.

Follow ups to a faulty station have went unanswered for a month now using email.
Greetings Sometool,

If INHALE does not respond via email then, try Instagram message or simply try to contact them here...they will respond to you. Right at this moment they are dealing with the huge orders they received last week. They are a small operation and may take a few days to respond...THEY WILL RESPOND...

Just know that INHALE is amazing and the people that run it Michael and David are really super...they are honest. Just keep trying...

Cheers and I hope you solve your Station problems soon. I love mine and cannot think of living without it. Take care.



You need balls in your life
Now that I have Pure Cherry Click as my first VM and still learning at first on the torch, sometimes the outer flame tend to touch the pre-charred and continuing on charring. So I am deciding for a Classic Walnut. What will be the pros of buying classic aside from avoiding charring? or the one that has mica. Thanks
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Well-Known Member
What will be the pros of buying classic? or the one that has mica
Classic is with the mica layer. This layer mainly avoids charring of the wood which happens when heating the wok, and the smell that can go with it. And mica gives an overall different aspect to the VM. Pure would fit better with the station and classic with butane. But maybe there are some other pros (or cons). I would say : « try them all ;) » :D


Well-Known Member
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