Zeal, Ω, and Epitome

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
What bowl(s) are you guys using for those lower temps? I’ve bumped up and settled at 585 for the thick CC glass one to get the abv a little brown in it 😬

Actually I mostly use the thick CC glass one, too. For a one hit extraction I would go 550+, yet at the moment I tend to use it at 480 dry with a U-hook and get 3-4 decent hits out of it.


Well-Known Member
Actually I mostly use the thick CC glass one, too. For a one hit extraction I would go 550+, yet at the moment I tend to use it at 480 dry with a U-hook and get 3-4 decent hits out of it.
:tup:Thx. Guess I’ve been in the mindset to use this (and screwball) for 1-2 hit, higher temp extractions with larger rigs. Gave 500 a go with the lil mobius sidecar, minimal water, full bowl. Bout 6 tasty clouds! :science: Bumped to 515, half bowl, for another 3. :smug:uhhhh, huh.

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Guess I’ve been in the mindset to use this (and screwball) for 1-2 hit, higher temp extractions with larger rigs.

Hehe, me too! I thought that was THE right way to use it.

Gave 500 a go with the lil mobius sidecar, minimal water, full bowl. Bout 6 tasty clouds! :science: Bumped to 515, half bowl, for another 3. :smug:uhhhh, huh.

Now we both know it better… :brow:

Enjoy! :science:


Well-Known Member
i got the vulcan bowl in today. i was happy they shipped it quick. i like it and i like how heavy and thick it is. i wish they sent it with a smaller screen that fits in the grooves. it came with 2 big ones that fit at the very bottom at least.
Biggest gripe...

I guess it doesn't come with a heatsink when you buy the full bowl assembly. there isn't enough thread on the 3d printed handle to clamp to bowl so, it doesn't work at all. It's really confusing when the heatsink is on the kit pictures but not on the bowl assembly, but it doesn't matter because it doesn't work without a heatsink with that plastic handle. at least send a grub screw for the other side. i mean i got it heat up so plastic against it isn't great anyway

Grass Yes

Staff member
it doesn't matter because it doesn't work without a heatsink with that plastic handle.
Before there was the wireless adapter, there was no reason to have a heat sink on the Vulcan. So the full bowl kit didn't ship with one.

It sounds like your handle may be defective? I have several and all of them fit in the ring hole with no issue. I don't think a heat sink would fix this for you.

I assume you are heating yours wirelessly?

Drag about the screen, although I think mine shipped with zero screens 😄
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm using wireless. The screw has to go all the way through the hole to clamp the ring to the bowl. my screw doesn't go that far through.

i tried to fix it but the the 3d printed handle are printed so the layer lines make it super fragile. it needs to be printed flat with supports to be sturdy. So yeah mine broke short and now it locks but it spins. just sucks not really happy with it. ill buy a real handle i guess so i use it wireless. Not selling it with a heat sink or letting anyone know you need it just sucks ass

i don't mind getting another handle but i just walked to write something somewhere so future people who buy it know in advance. it's not like the website is a wealth of information. There was no way for me to know ahead of time.

Grass Yes

Staff member
eah I'm using wireless. The screw has to go all the way through the hole to clamp the ring to the bowl. my screw doesn't go that far through.

i tried to fix it but the the 3d printed handle are printed so the layer lines make it super fragile. it needs to be printed flat with supports to be sturdy. So yeah mine broke short and now it locks but it spins. just sucks not really happy with it. ill buy a real handle i guess so i use it wireless. Not selling it with a heat sink or letting anyone know you need it just sucks ass
I do think you should reach out to iDB. The screw being too short sounds like a defect.
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
A quick tasty rip with the CC setup 😋 This drop down is making things real smooth on various rigs.


New Member

Hi everyone! I've been reading through this thread and exploring elsewhere on FC, but figured I would just ask here since I just bought an Epitome + Vulcan Combo. I'm really excited!

I'm trying to transition from 100% rosin to much heavier mix of flower, hence buying what I think should be an extremely hard hitting vape setup. I've got a mighty and an Eds TnT aromalog, and while they are great for what they are, neither really pulled me away from rosin.

Hopefully this setup will shift the tide, but one thing I really want to work on finding is a glass piece that will do the best job possible to ease the harshness on my throat. I use a coil around my banger set anywhere from 480-540 and I generally have a bit of a cough each time. It may be that I just take too many big hits too close together or something, but I'm trying to see what I can do. My piece right now is a 14mm recycler that's pretty small. I'm not sure if something with more volume is the key or the shape, percolator size, water or not, or likely just some combination of all of that and more.

Any guidance on this?

Edit: Could I get a discord link please?


Well-Known Member

Hi everyone! I've been reading through this thread and exploring elsewhere on FC, but figured I would just ask here since I just bought an Epitome + Vulcan Combo. I'm really excited!
I'm trying to transition from 100% rosin to much heavier mix of flower, hence buying what I think should be an extremely hard hitting vape setup. I've got a mighty and an Eds TnT aromalog, and while they are great for what they are, neither really pulled me away from rosin.
This aughtta do it!
Hopefully this setup will shift the tide, but one thing I really want to work on finding is a glass piece that will do the best job possible to ease the harshness on my throat. I use a coil around my banger set anywhere from 480-540 and I generally have a bit of a cough each time. It may be that I just take too many big hits too close together or something, but I'm trying to see what I can do. My piece right now is a 14mm recycler that's pretty small. I'm not sure if something with more volume is the key or the shape, percolator size, water or not, or likely just some combination of all of that and more.

Any guidance on this?
Depending on your recycler it may be fine for the job. I use them with ballvapes and those that can function well are a great experience.

Otherwise it will probably depend on your budget and your hitting style. If you like lungbusters or longer sessions you might try something like a TAG Vapor Rig. If you will be doing smaller flavor hits, something like the Texas Hot Glass Sherlock Shredder might be better. Another great choice that's midway between, the Goo Roo 3-piece bubbler is wonderful. The two smaller handle flavor well and cool better than you'd expect. The large one cools really well. They all are modular, allowing you to use a hose in place of the MP, or just a variety of MPs for fit or style.

All three are very high quality.
Edit: Could I get a discord link please?


New Member
Depending on your recycler it may be fine for the job. I use them with ballvapes and those that can function well are a great experience.

Otherwise it will probably depend on your budget and your hitting style. If you like lungbusters or longer sessions you might try something like a TAG Vapor Rig. If you will be doing smaller flavor hits, something like the Texas Hot Glass Sherlock Shredder might be better. Another great choice that's midway between, the Goo Roo 3-piece bubbler is wonderful. The two smaller handle flavor well and cool better than you'd expect. The large one cools really well. They all are modular, allowing you to use a hose in place of the MP, or just a variety of MPs for fit or style.

All three are very high quality.

Thanks for the help! I'll give my recycler a try, but it's small and I definitely seem to gravitate towards lungbusters so need all the help I can get cooling it. I was going to get a globe, but then was reading how it's not the best shape and started wondering...

The Tag Vapor Rig looks sweet, but is out of stock for now. I see the general idea though and will search around for stuff like that. I guess I'm hoping to spend around $200 or so.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thanks for the help! I'll give my recycler a try, but it's small and I definitely seem to gravitate towards lungbusters so need all the help I can get cooling it. I was going to get a globe, but then was reading how it's not the best shape and started wondering...

The Tag Vapor Rig looks sweet, but is out of stock for now. I see the general idea though and will search around for stuff like that. I guess I'm hoping to spend around $200 or so.

I would recommend going with the new FC mod, diffusion downstem, instead of the goo three-piece, you don't need to spend anywhere near that amount of money for a great piece, FC 199 is also an FOL fab variation of the TAG piece, these are all so much better than the orbs or globes...


New Member
I would recommend going with the new FC mod, diffusion downstem, instead of the goo three-piece, you don't need to spend anywhere near that amount of money for a great piece, FC 199 is also an FOL fab variation of the TAG piece, these are all so much better than the orbs or globes...
Awesome, thanks! I just saw the TAG you linked was $200 and realized that yeah, that's about all I would spend. I have a shop nearby that sells locally made glass, so now I can go in there with a basic shape in mind at the very least and see if I can find something around that price.

If not, I'll probably wait for that TAG. Your suggestions look great, I just had a bad experience with SAML that I won't get into here, so prefer to shop elsewhere. If I can swing the cash to support a local artist I'd love to do that.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Awesome, thanks! I just saw the TAG you linked was $200 and realized that yeah, that's about all I would spend. I have a shop nearby that sells locally made glass, so now I can go in there with a basic shape in mind at the very least and see if I can find something around that price.

It should not be $200 ever really, unless you want one with color, mine was only like $75 on sale, but it came with less then, it has been around that cheap with their sales, and factory seconds...

If not, I'll probably wait for that TAG. Your suggestions look great, I just had a bad experience with SAML that I won't get into here, so prefer to shop elsewhere. If I can swing the cash to support a local artist I'd love to do that.

Oh that's fair, bias against them is not uncommon, I will say these recent pieces are really nice and they have come a long way with the quality, I also have had really great service and fast shipping with them... So if you're feelings are from past experience long ago, I would suggest maybe reconsidering?

But yeah no reason not to support those you really want to! There are plenty of options, Texas hot glass could make you a large shredder custom, you also might like some other stuff but these are the better pieces for vaping imo

In a local shop tonight find something decent enough, but probably won't be perfect in a few ways, likely could be pretty thin, and overpriced, but you never know!


New Member
It should not be $200 ever really, unless you want one with color, mine was only like $75 on sale, but it came with less then, it has been around that cheap with their sales, and factory seconds...

Oh that's fair, bias against them is not uncommon, I will say these recent pieces are really nice and they have come a long way with the quality, I also have had really great service and fast shipping with them... So if you're feelings are from past experience long ago, I would suggest maybe reconsidering?

But yeah no reason not to support those you really want to! There are plenty of options, Texas hot glass could make you a large shredder custom, you also might like some other stuff but these are the better pieces for vaping imo

In a local shop tonight find something decent enough, but probably won't be perfect in a few ways, likely could be pretty thin, and overpriced, but you never know!

Welp, I checked out the local shops and they're basically carrying all 14mm and the 18mm stuff was more like a straight tube and not really suited. So I went back online and was searching around all these sites and trying to find the right piece for the right price and realized how stubborn I was being about SAML, so just went with the FC-mod. Thank for the suggestion @Shit Snacks!


If anyone has any CC 22mm thick glass diffusers lying around I'm a happy buyer. They ran out just as I was checking out the Epitome/Vulcan bundle lol

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
I just received my custom DFreeZ set and I'm absolutely blown away! It includes two handles (one for Omega, one for Shovelhead) and two diffuser bowls (one regular size, one micro). The wood is stunning King Cocobolo, adorned with purple and blue opals.

Not only was working with DFreeZ a dream (incredibly friendly people, super fast and detailed communication), but the set itself is breathtakingly beautiful and professionally crafted.

So far, I've only tried the micro diffuser bowl and it's a revelation. The vapor is incredibly smooth, the flavor is fantastic, and the aesthetics alone create a cozy, homey feeling during use. A huge shoutout to @coolbreeze for the always awesome recommendation.

Bravo, DFreeZ Designs, you've nailed it! I'm absolutely loving this set and thank you so much! :love:


Well-Known Member
I just received my custom DFreeZ set and I'm absolutely blown away! It includes two handles (one for Omega, one for Shovelhead) and two diffuser bowls (one regular size, one micro). The wood is stunning King Cocobolo, adorned with purple and blue opals.

Not only was working with DFreeZ a dream (incredibly friendly people, super fast and detailed communication), but the set itself is breathtakingly beautiful and professionally crafted.

So far, I've only tried the micro diffuser bowl and it's a revelation. The vapor is incredibly smooth, the flavor is fantastic, and the aesthetics alone create a cozy, homey feeling during use. A huge shoutout to @coolbreeze for the always awesome recommendation.

Bravo, DFreeZ Designs, you've nailed it! I'm absolutely loving this set and thank you so much! :love:
Incredibly gorgeous set! I feel good just looking at it! : )

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Incredibly gorgeous set! I feel good just looking at it! : )

Your comment made me smile - thanks for that. :luv:

I've been vaping a few bowls and it's amazing! It's so convenient to remove the bowls right after a session without waiting for them to cool down. Cleaning wood is super easy too. And the initial beeswax scent is just fantastic. With it being 0 C degrees outside here in Switzerland, the warm bowl feels extra cozy. :zzz:


Well-Known Member
I just received my custom DFreeZ set and I'm absolutely blown away! It includes two handles (one for Omega, one for Shovelhead) and two diffuser bowls (one regular size, one micro). The wood is stunning King Cocobolo, adorned with purple and blue opals.

Not only was working with DFreeZ a dream (incredibly friendly people, super fast and detailed communication), but the set itself is breathtakingly beautiful and professionally crafted.

So far, I've only tried the micro diffuser bowl and it's a revelation. The vapor is incredibly smooth, the flavor is fantastic, and the aesthetics alone create a cozy, homey feeling during use. A huge shoutout to @coolbreeze for the always awesome recommendation.

Bravo, DFreeZ Designs, you've nailed it! I'm absolutely loving this set and thank you so much! :love:
Wow stunning pieces! I might look into dfreez aswell as my omega is still suffering with some quick and dirty diy handle solution...
May I ask how long it took from order to deliver and how much the cost was including shipping, tax and everything? (I can also pm you if you're not feeling to post this here or if it isn't allowed.)

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Wow stunning pieces! I might look into dfreez aswell as my omega is still suffering with some quick and dirty diy handle solution...
May I ask how long it took from order to deliver and how much the cost was including shipping, tax and everything? (I can also pm you if you're not feeling to post this here or if it isn't allowed.)

I think it's okay to share this info. If you live outside the US: DFreeZ doesn't ship internationally according to their online shop. However, you can contact them via email and they'll take great care of you. The whole process from ordering to receiving the package in my mailbox took about 4 weeks, with about 1 week for shipping. I paid $200 for the set (two handles and two bowls with custom wood and opal inlay) and $25 for shipping. Considering the quality and customization, I think it was a great value.
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