Dustin McKief

Well-Known Member
Can anyone explain to me if the M7 XL is any sort of an upgrade? I have an Omni, a Vong, a Woodwynd, a TitaniuM, a 2021 M+ and a Revolve stem... this new one isn't going to give me anything I don't already have, hey?
If you have large hands, you may find it easier to handle. The XL doesn’t require x rings on the condenser, and the mouthpiece can be used to set the CCD in either setting. Since you already have the Woodwynd and a M+, not an upgrade unless you prefer the new tip and mouthpiece.


Well-Known Member
If you have large hands, you may find it easier to handle. The XL doesn’t require x rings on the condenser, and the mouthpiece can be used to set the CCD in either setting. Since you already have the Woodwynd and a M+, not an upgrade unless you prefer the new tip and mouthpiece.
Exactly, the handling and slight cooling is the improvement, maybe the bowl too. The airport & rocker are probably a bit improved too for handling. Hopefully the mouthpiece will mate nicely with other Ms too. Otherwise it's mostly new texturing and other aesthetic changes to thwart copying.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately does not seem so.

I’ve been waiting a good while for DV to make an XL bowl.
I don't think they ever will. I think the cap is their center and everything revolves around it. The changes we've seen so far have all fit the cap. My understanding is that quick heating and cooling are key features so more massive solutions beyond the AC seem unlikely and larger bowls may require that.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they ever will. I think the cap is their center and everything revolves around it. The changes we've seen so far have all fit the cap. My understanding is that quick heating and cooling are key features so more massive solutions beyond the AC seem unlikely and larger bowls may require that.
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s not going to happen either.

A year ago an employee told me there were the beginnings of something to fit high tolerance users needs but nothing still.

Which is fine, just a shame. I love Dynavap and what they’re about (especially because they’re all US made) but other devices fit my needs better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s not going to happen either.

A year ago an employee told me there were the beginnings of something to fit high tolerance users needs but nothing still.

Which is fine, just a shame. I love Dynavap and what they’re about (especially because they’re all US made) but other devices fit my needs better.
For me they haven't lost any utility at all, but I did add an Anvil and now a Thermal Accumulator to my arsenal. DVs are still in my pocket when I leave the house; neither of the others would be as useful to me out and about or in the woods.


Well-Known Member
For me they haven't lost any utility at all, but I did add an Anvil and now a Thermal Accumulator to my arsenal. DVs are still in my pocket when I leave the house; neither of the others would be as useful to me out and about or in the woods.
I wouldn't say they lost utility as much as they didn't keep up with my changes in tolerance.

For the better part of a decade I always carried a DV on me out and about and I've since moved to alternatives, often a wax pen, xmax v2 pro or mighty (depending on pocket space) because I can pre-load doses and swap on the go much more readily.

It takes me 2-3 fully extracted bowls to get where I want to be with a DV and while I can just reload more I can also just load up another device that does it in one pass.

I probably just need to take a nice t-break at this point honestly.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say they lost utility as much as they didn't keep up with my changes in tolerance.

For the better part of a decade I always carried a DV on me out and about and I've since moved to alternatives, often a wax pen, xmax v2 pro or mighty (depending on pocket space) because I can pre-load doses and swap on the go much more readily.

It takes me 2-3 fully extracted bowls to get where I want to be with a DV and while I can just reload more I can also just load up another device that does it in one pass.

I probably just need to take a nice t-break at this point honestly.
Yeah, idk what's up with my tolerance but even though I can currently sustain massive blows from my ballers with only minor brain damage yet my DVs still get me baked. Maybe it's the conduction?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, idk what's up with my tolerance but even though I can currently sustain massive blows from my ballers with only minor brain damage yet my DVs still get me baked. Maybe it's the conduction?
Yeah. I think it's the ballers that totally shredded my tolerance... I vape SO much more than I used to when home because it's just so damned good.

But it is not kind on the ol' wallet or the frequency of side-eye from the missus lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I think it's the ballers that totally shredded my tolerance... I vape SO much more than I used to when home because it's just so damned good.

But it is not kind on the ol' wallet or the frequency of side-eye from the missus lol.
You are singing our song, my friend. It's nice to have enough tolerance to be able to use the heavier vapes comfortably but I'd hate to have my smaller vapes rendered unworthwhile, so I try an d keep it in check. But for whatever reason, these still always hit for me.

Exactly, the handling and slight cooling is the improvement, maybe the bowl too. The airport & rocker are probably a bit improved too for handling. Hopefully the mouthpiece will mate nicely with other Ms too. Otherwise it's mostly new texturing and other aesthetic changes to thwart copying.
I just went and read the dang description and the condenser/mouthpiece is actually much cooler than I thought. It has 6 adjustable depths for the tube so that you can open or close the gap between the condenser and tip, a la the Omni! (but you'd have to take it out and set it, and then replace it, rather than just screwing/unscrewing.) This means you can adjust the richness of the vapor/air mixture to your liking. It also clarifies that it fits everything!
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Well-Known Member
Buyers of the M7 get a free M Plus (available through March 28th while supplies last):

I’ve gone to their site and several other ones and have a question. Does the free M+ ever show up in your cart prior to payment? I’m unsure of it thinking it might be me not adding it properly…,


Well-Known Member
M6.5 foretells good things...

My apologies to the OCD for the gap. Apologies to everyone else for pointing it out.


Well-Known Member
I really like the M7 (XL).

My first impression is that it feels more refined than the m plus even though the price is lower. The condenser almost ‘snaps’ into the body and the tip makes a satisfying little ‘plop’ sound when it’s inserted. The texture of the body is smooth, but still ‘grippy’. The handfeel, in other words is great.

Edit: I forgot about the cap! You also hear a little snap sound when the cap goes over a little ‘ledge’ on the tip. The captive cap has reached its full potential on this tip.

The rocker is always a something that is modified in the new M iterations. The rocker of my M plus felt a bit sharp and that isn’t the case anymore. It is aesthetically pleasing and functional, but I do prefer (slightly) the rocker of the 21M.

Now I mention the 21M, that one has for me the airflow gold standard. The airflow of my M7 is more restricted, but slightly more open than the M plus. Especially with the new XL mouthpiece and the six airflow options I hoped that the most open airflow setting would resemble the 21M. That is something I would like to see in a (hopefully) next XL M iteration.

But people, the taste of this M! I don’t know what the magic is, but somehow this seems to be the best tasting M so far! I’m very curious if other people notice the same. It also seems to retain the taste longer.

Now I mention retention, the M7 tip retains heat well. After one heating cycle I can take a few more cloudy rips compared to the 21M. The tip doesn’t have the heating dots like the m plus, but I believe that this one doesn’t need them because of the added mass to the tip.
I’m not chasing the one hit extractions, but I can easily get darkened avb in one heating cycle.

And the new XL mouthpiece? The mouthfeel is great and it looks stunning on the M7. The option to reduce the airflow is a nice touch for people that like to tinker with the airflow. It is quite easy to adjust it by pushing or pulling the condenser in or out the mouthpiece if you concentrate well.

So overall I’m super happy with the M 7 (XL). It feels more refined, the taste is great and I’m a big fan of the new looks. In my opinion it surpasses the M plus. The 21M was my gold standard M. The M7 doesn’t match the airflow and feel of the rocker of that one, but I think the M7 is better in all other categories.
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Active Member
For me they haven't lost any utility at all, but I did add an Anvil and now a Thermal Accumulator to my arsenal. DVs are still in my pocket when I leave the house; neither of the others would be as useful to me out and about or in the woods.
Totally agree on that. I also now take the camouflet convector when going out. Really in love with it !


Well-Known Member
For me they haven't lost any utility at all, but I did add an Anvil and now a Thermal Accumulator to my arsenal. DVs are still in my pocket when I leave the house; neither of the others would be as useful to me out and about or in the woods.
A question: how do you prefer heating your DVs outdoor, torch, or The Wand?
Because if it is relatively windy outside, I face different heating times and different behavior than indoor.


Well-Known Member
A question: how do you prefer heating your DVs outdoor, torch, or The Wand?
Because if it is relatively windy outside, I face different heating times and different behavior than indoor.
For sure, and even a slightly lower temperature affects it. I use a double or single torch if I can get away with it, but a Fluxer Flite otherwise. I prefer the torch but , yes, an IH can be necessary if you gotta be outdoors.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Is there anyone that can help me?
I'm looking at getting a dynavap but I see that it has gone through a lot of changes. so is there any version that I should avoid? Also what is the difference between ti tips & steel tips? Btw I will be looking at both new and used, want something good so that I dont have to buy more parts later but would also be happy if i can spend less

My use for one - I like hiking, sometimes for several days and and want a vape with me that i can use with both fire & battery (wand?). :)


Well-Known Member
Is there anyone that can help me?
I'm looking at getting a dynavap but I see that it has gone through a lot of changes. so is there any version that I should avoid? Also what is the difference between ti tips & steel tips? Btw I will be looking at both new and used, want something good so that I dont have to buy more parts later but would also be happy if i can spend less
Nothing I'd avoid. The steel tips are forgiving and reliable; the Titanium tips are a bit more finicky and different per model in terms of performance. Most perfer them for their flavor presentation and quick heating/cooling. In my experience they are also easier to push into roasty flavors. The Helix is wonderful with the perforated cap and very different from other DVs because of the increased airflow.
My use for one - I like hiking, sometimes for several days and and want a vape with me that i can use with both fire & battery (wand?). :)
Maybe the new MXL? The Stainless Steel bowls will hold temperature better outside and are generally more forgiving, unbreakable, etc. If you have a very strong inclination for waterpipes, get the Vong instead and try out various tips as you get the chance.
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Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Nothing I'd avoid. The steel tips are forgiving and reliable; the Titanium tips are a bit more finicky and different per model in terms of performance. Most perfer them for their flavor presentation and quick heating/cooling. In my experience they are also easier to push into roasty flavors. The Helix is wonderful with the perforated cap and very different from other DVs because of the increased airflow.

Maybe the new MXL? The Stainless Steel bowls will hold temperature better outside and are generally more forgiving, unbreakable, etc. If you have a very strong inclination for waterpipes, get the Vong instead and try out various tips as you get the chance.
@coolbreeze Couldn't ask for a better answer really thanks

Only one more question then, if I prefer more hits per bowl is there any tip that is worse for that? And the new MXL & m 7 look interesting too I didn't know about them. Was a couple of weeks ago i did some quick reading on dynavaps and before that I didn't know much. I guess then most differences are just about needing/ preferring different techniques? That's the feeling i got


Well-Known Member
@coolbreeze Couldn't ask for a better answer really thanks

Only one more question then, if I prefer more hits per bowl is there any tip that is worse for that?
The B bowl holds half the amount of the normal bowl, otherwise it will mostly be how you heat it that determines the number and density of hits. Again I think the Stainless M bowls are more forgiving and probably easier to regulate that on, at least initially.
And the new MXL & m 7 look interesting too I didn't know about them. Was a couple of weeks ago i did some quick reading on dynavaps and before that I didn't know much. I guess then most differences are just about needing/ preferring different techniques? That's the feeling i got
Yeah, for the most part. The Omnis and other titanium setups tend to be premium pieces and can really makes some great flavor and the more massive Ti Vong and M tips can hold heat, make big hits, great for waterpipes, etc, but can also be used more lightly as desired. They're workhorses to the more precision TI pieces, is one way of thinking about it , I guess. But as you get handier with your torch you can pretty much get what you want out of any of them. One thing I would suggest is if you come across a '21 M or the tip at least, grab it. It has the most open airflow of the M tips and it's just nice to have for times when that's desired.


Land of the long vapor cloud
A question: how do you prefer heating your DVs outdoor, torch, or The Wand?
Because if it is relatively windy outside, I face different heating times and different behavior than indoor.

Wand outdoors for the win. :spliff:

Is there anyone that can help me?
I'm looking at getting a dynavap but I see that it has gone through a lot of changes. so is there any version that I should avoid? Also what is the difference between ti tips & steel tips? Btw I will be looking at both new and used, want something good so that I dont have to buy more parts later but would also be happy if i can spend less

My use for one - I like hiking, sometimes for several days and and want a vape with me that i can use with both fire & battery (wand?). :)

If you can get a secondhand one cheap then any vapcap will do the job for sure.
The omni and vongs are super nice but probably a bit of an overkill for tramping.

I love my 19 and 21 M's, gave away my 18 and 20s. The BB9 is great and my most reached for around home.(14mm water piece compatible)

The M7XL is tempting me, looks to be a more refined and mature offering.

Get a Wand, best portable IH out there. Works in the wind, swappable batteries and you can easily vary your heating technique, its kind of like an electric torch. :tup:
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