Recent content by badbee

  1. badbee

    Bud Bee Grinders

    Except I'm not. I'm guessing based on years of observing conversations and recommendations about grinders. I only own one grinder and it doesn't come with optional plates. Is it your personal philosophy that it's impossible to know anything because all knowledge is subjective? It must be...
  2. badbee

    Bud Bee Grinders

    Well sure, everyone has their own preference. But realistically, do you think Brilliant Cut sells more fine plates than coarse? I would bet it's at least 5 to 1 for coarse. I wasn't trying to speak for you, or myself, I was speaking about the market for grinders.
  3. badbee

    Bud Bee Grinders

    This is great to see and might give MedGrind a run for their money. It's nice to hear actual specifications and alloy designations for the materials rather than just marketing speak. If you wanted to target vaporists primarily it might have been better to release the coarse grind plate first...
  4. badbee

    Discontinued Firefly 1, 2, 2+

    This is generally a bad idea that will degrade your batteries. I can't speak for the Firefly specifically but most cheap built-in chargers do not turn off when they reach full charge. This semi-continuous trickle of charging is bad for the cell and reduces capacity over time. You should...
  5. badbee

    Anyway to modify Green Dragon?

    That's just an ethyl alcohol extraction, right? You can evaporate off the alcohol and dab it or add it to flower in a vape, like any concentrate. Don't allow high heat or a flame anywhere near it, a small glass baking dish on a gentle heating pad (the kind that can touch skin) will help to...
  6. badbee

    YoMo Vape

    I just happened to notice this. If you are still wondering a box mod is what they call the part of a nicotine vape that houses the battery and electronics, they have a screw fitting that is a standard "510" type (it stands for 10 threads at 0.5 mm spacing between threads). The "tank" screws on...
  7. badbee

    Tafée Bowle

    I'm sorry but if you aren't filled with petty gripes why are you even on the internet? :) Merry Christmas Dr G and to all!
  8. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    I find rimmed baskets hit just a little bit better and there are fewer green bits around the edge after a no-stir session (TM1). My theory is that it allows some air space between the screen and glass so there is a little bit of air flow through the sides and less heat lost into the glass via...
  9. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yes, it is possible. I don't have the instructions handy but they were posted in this thread in the past. If you are having power fading problems with a TM1 the first thing to try is new cells. If that doesn't work try cleaning the battery door and the underside of the top plate, by rubbing...
  10. badbee

    Tinymight 2 TEARDOWN

    The heater is below the chamber in virtually every vape I've ever seen. Nothing keeps debris from falling through the air holes of the Solo, Fury (clones), etc. Is it being able to see it that you don't like? Out of sight out of mind? The great thing about the TM is the ribbon heater, it has...
  11. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    @Mukmuk, the cells going dead is the most interesting part of this. The energy from that cell has to have been converted to heat, there is no other path for the energy to get out. If it was all turned into heat, why aren't you experiencing heat? I'm wondering if you have a massive air leak...
  12. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    That's an unusually low sale price, worth buying (maybe) at that price. Typically they are more like $9 - $12. Edit: only buy from a well known online store, cells from Amazon are often rewrapped fakes.
  13. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    The P30B has 7% more capacity, so no you won't get another full load out of that, at most one more hit. They probably have a little bit less fade as the voltage drops so your last hit before the battery dies will be stronger. They aren't worth twice the price of a P28A for use in a TM.
  14. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    To replace the coil you want 12 AWG Copper Magnet wire, it costs about $12 for 2.5 ft on Amazon. This is solid strand wire with a very thin enamel insulating coating. To solder you grind the insulation off the cut ends with sand paper. It won't matter if the coil is centered in the magnet...
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