YoMo Vape


Well-Known Member

i've built a vape, its name is YoMo and it works with 510 box mod.

It's a convective device with high mass and high dynamic. It works great with DNA box mod, but it can work with any 70 W capable box mod with Temperature Control and cruise mode.

The heater consists in a 304 Stainless Steel cable tie (300 mm length x 4,7 mm width), twisted around its main axis, and folded inside 4 borosilicate straws (5 cm ID 5mm OD 7mm).
The glass straws are sealed by a wood panel and located inside a 19/26 Female-29/32 Male Glass.

The YoMo core is then placed in a laser cut Paulownia body. Copper connectors, copper wires with high temperature silicone and a 510 male connector.

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Well-Known Member
Hi ! That is some cool design :)

Thanks 😊
I love to stare at the twisted coil, I think this is the most interesting part of the design.

The air is forced to move around and trough the metal ribbon and the real temp of the coil is lower than many other devices in this class. So the glowing coils “issue” is not a thing here. The system works better with some preheat but it is very dynamic.
My main usage pattern is 60s preheat and then clear the pipe screen in one hit, like in the video. But sometimes I just use it in the most raw way for 3-4 dry hits, 70W Power mode until the 10s cutoff, giving it a extra 10s preheat at the beginning of the session. In this way it can be used with any 70w regulated box mod.

The Temperature Control and the way I tune it it is also interesting imho
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Well-Known Member
From the beginning of the project my focus has always been on having the temperature control working and possibly with different hardware and firmware.

YoMo isn’t a low mass heater so my experience with the Dreamwood Glow and the iHeat 510 wasn’t enough.

I decided to play with Dna in the first place and then translate all to Arctic Fox and Tubo eventually.

There are a couple of nice thing about the DNA mod:

  • the PID is self-tuning
  • The “Puff info” menu is available on the box mod (no need to use a PC) and it is an appropriate tool to tune the Power Output. (It also has a couple of bugs but there is also a workaround.)

I went for 70W, the native TCR for 304 SS, 105, and the real temp of the coil on the screen. Then I found 60s preheat with 44-45W average delivered to be a good preheat session, changing the temp on the screen to have the desired power output for the 60s session.

So, I am using temp on screen to achieve the power output curve I want.
70W for the fist 10-11 seconds, then it goes to 40W at 31s and 30-35W after 60s.

(This Power Output curve for DNA, AF and Tubo is Here )

The Preheat session delivers 740-750 mWh in 60s.
The single hit session is a bit more variable, usually between 260 and 300 mWh In 20s.
In the graph you can see the power output (green line) rising from 20-25W to 70W during the hit.

It means 8 single hit sessions with my usual 21700 battery (Molicel P42A)
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for listening, for the words, and for the judgment. All very valuable things to me trying to build a vape.

It may not be something everyone aspires to, but being able to use something you build yourself is a satisfaction I wish for everyone who comes to browse this section of the forum.

I think I will post some of the photos taken during the development of the Yomo Core, the early versions of the build and maybe some thoughts on possible evolutions and improvements.
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Gearhead Gardenhead
That has to be some of the most lovely designs for a heater I've seen! That twisted coil looks wicked. How do the cables from the male 510 connector to the heating elements hold up in regards to heat/resistance? Seems like you'd be pulling quite a lot of current if you're running SS at 70w.
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Don’t make me blush 😊

It is inspired by the Möbius Strip and the work of the Swiss designer, Zurich-based, Max Bill, in particular the Endlose Treppe and the Bildsäulen-Dreiergruppe (even if here there are not three but four straws for obvious reasons of having both ends of the coil on the same side).

This is a bit of the evolution over time, from left to right. The first version with ceramic straws, too much mass, the second with zirconia balls, the third with the perforated ribbon, the fourth, without balls but with a 270^ twist instead of 90 and the fifth, the first laser cut which is what I then used for the first units like the one DeadRabb1t has.

After a few months I decided it was time to move on to something more stable and usable and so, with some other laser-cut pieces, YoMo was born.

There are several possible evolutions but I'm in no hurry, the most obvious would be to reduce the dimensions and create something more manageable. But I could also decide to keep the same body and use different cores, something with mesh coil or something using zirconium as coil material... or maybe switch to a AIO unit.

This is the latest evolution, with even more twisting of the ribbon, 450^. I think I prefer it to the model with 270^ for direct use, but the risk is to break more glass straws during construction so I don't know if it's worth the risk.

Sorry for the long wait, but i always take care of my things in the end 😉
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Well-Known Member
Fascinating i love seeing all this ingenuity . The origami style for the chamber is quite innovative. Kudos


Being a newbie i was wondering what the device on the bottom is then as i don't see any markings on it. Is it something that was used for e-cig type vaping? I have no clue what a box mod is.
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Well-Known Member
Fascinating i love seeing all this ingenuity . The origami style for the chamber is quite innovative. Kudos


Being a newbie i was wondering what the device on the bottom is then as i don't see any markings on it. Is it something that was used for e-cig type vaping? I have no clue what a box mod is.
I just happened to notice this. If you are still wondering a box mod is what they call the part of a nicotine vape that houses the battery and electronics, they have a screw fitting that is a standard "510" type (it stands for 10 threads at 0.5 mm spacing between threads). The "tank" screws on top. Box mods are also used to power some vapes like the RBT Splinter and cannabis cartridges use the same threading.


Well-Known Member
Being a newbie i was wondering what the device on the bottom is then as i don't see any markings on it.

That is a 510 box mod.
It’s a Lost Vape Thelema Solo Retro Gamer Edition but with a DNA 100c board inside (wich is way better the original board with Quest 2.0 chip).
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