
As it turns out, there are four choices when it comes to the material coming in contact with your lips....




Ti Glassy





I want one now!

@Squiby thanks for the information!
My wife took and put my LOTUS where I can't find it?
The VCAP I can keep stealth! (so I think)?

@Sand please forgive me?
I saw the wood and had a breakdown!
I'm hyper sensitive to things that touch my lips.
Breaking glass is what I do.
WOOD is very uncivilized in my world.
It's just me?
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I want one now!

@Squiby thanks for the information!
My wife took and put my LOTUS where I can't find it?
The VCAP I can keep stealth!

@ataxian you gonna love it! I got a Ti Glassy first because as you I love glass but at some point I broke it :(

Now I have a Ti Glassy and a titanium Omnivap. My favorite portable vaporizer when out of home, never have to worry about battery anymore!


Well-Known Member
Question guys....and I'm not beating up George on this...I did report it to him but it is a 3rd party item and he just resells....but:

Has anyone else had issues with the quad torch lighters that Dyna sells on their website? IN particular, any problems in filling them? When I got to fill, the gas in the lighter escaped and I could not fill. This is with a full can that then worked just fine with a Blazer. The valve just doesn't seem to work to allow gas in.

Now, I do understand that these are relatively low cost units (say compared to Blazer) but nonetheless, after lighting it only about 20 times its a bit disappointing.

Anybody else have issues with these torches or did I just get a bad one?


Well-Known Member
Could be a different nozzle size. A lot of butane cans come with little adapters for that. They're usually attached to the lid and you break them off from the inside. They're like little plastic stalagmites, but each one fits a slightly different nozzle.


Well-Known Member
Question guys....and I'm not beating up George on this...I did report it to him but it is a 3rd party item and he just resells....but:

Has anyone else had issues with the quad torch lighters that Dyna sells on their website? IN particular, any problems in filling them? When I got to fill, the gas in the lighter escaped and I could not fill. This is with a full can that then worked just fine with a Blazer. The valve just doesn't seem to work to allow gas in.

Now, I do understand that these are relatively low cost units (say compared to Blazer) but nonetheless, after lighting it only about 20 times its a bit disappointing.

Anybody else have issues with these torches or did I just get a bad one?
I've had no trouble at all. Compared to my other lighters the Dynavap quad performance has been seamless. I did find when filling it with butane that it fills better with the smallest tip. I bought some butane that had a ring of tips and the smallest one fit perfectly. I had another can of butane with no tip option and it did not work as well.

Another possibility is that there is air in the tank of the lighter. Take a sharpe object like a paring knife tip and depress the fill hub until you no longer hear air escaping. Then try filling with butane.

Maybe try bleeding the lighter tank and a different can of butane....


Well-Known Member
Could be a different nozzle size. A lot of butane cans come with little adapters for that. They're usually attached to the lid and you break them off from the inside. They're like little plastic stalagmites, but each one fits a slightly different nozzle.

I've had no trouble at all. Compared to my other lighters the Dynavap quad performance has been seamless. I did find when filling it with butane that it fills better with the smallest tip. I bought some butane that had a ring of tips and the smallest one fit perfectly. I had another can of butane with no tip option and it did not work as well.

Another possibility is that there is air in the tank of the lighter. Take a sharpe object like a paring knife tip and depress the fill hub until you no longer hear air escaping. Then try filling with butane.

Maybe try bleeding the lighter tank and a different can of butane....

Hi guys - thanks. Guess what....after the 7th or 8th time trying to fill it, it suddenly worked. :tup: :rockon:Now, I know...somebody is out there chuckling and saying to themselves "moron can't even fill up a lighter"...hahaha. But I'm actually an engineer (which doesn't really convey hands on hardware ability at ALL LOL) and pretty dang sure I know how to fill a lighter (or at least I pray I do...otherwise we have to consider early on

The valve must have been stuck in some way. Same can of Ronson, same tip (small one) but this time it worked and the lighter is now full! I laid the hands on it, smacked it in the forehead and said "Your are HEALED!". LOL

From George, with his permission to re-post:
Even though my lighters are relatively inexpensive (at least for now, because I am always on the lookout for improvement) they come with a lifetime warranty. If they malfunction, all I need is a picture of it, and I will send a replacement one no charge with your next order, or right away if you help me cover the shipping.

This is a pretty darn good policy of George's although shipping costs start to approach the cost of the lighter...lifetime warranty that is still above and beyond most others.



Somewhere North of The Wall

This is a Double HexaHelix Body.
ANOTHER stunner!
I really like the reversed Woody-Ti combo'.
I'm assuming that this is a conventional condenser, or have you discovered a way to fit a wooden mouthpiece to an Omnivap condenser?
The DHH tip really looks great too!

@Copacetic I can send you up a sample of hemp seed oil and beeswax if you'd like to try it. I have no idea how it will go on the damascus but it can be iso'd off easily if you don't like it.
Thanks very much Phat's, that's very generous of you, and it does definitely sound worth trying.
It certainly sounds perfect for wood!
I'll PM you my address :tup:

That's a lovely caddy dude, well done :clap:

Has anyone else had issues with the quad torch lighters that Dyna sells on their website? IN particular, any problems in filling them? When I got to fill, the gas in the lighter escaped and I could not fill. This is with a full can that then worked just fine with a Blazer. The valve just doesn't seem to work to allow gas in.
Sounds to me like you may have been unlucky enough to get a duff lighter.
Have you tried checking the action of the valve by pressing down on the centre tube of the valve with something like a jewelers screwdriver?
It shouldn't take a great deal of force to feel the centre tube move in a mm or two.
You'd do this anyway to 'vent' the lighter when empty (which seems to help greatly with the function of all torch lighters, when done prior to re-filling).

If you can't get it to fill you should get in touch with Dynavap as they're great folk who will bend over backwards to help you I'm sure.


Damn you, party liquor
@Baron23 glad you got it working! Next time you run out of butane I highly recommend getting any other kind of butane besides Ronson. Colibri or Vector are well known brands that I've had good luck with. I've emptied non-working butane lighters that were full of Ronson fuel that wouldn't light and fill them back up with anything else and they work. No clue why, but try some out next time.


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 glad you got it working! Next time you run out of butane I highly recommend getting any other kind of butane besides Ronson. Colibri or Vector are well known brands that I've had good luck with. I've emptied non-working butane lighters that were full of Ronson fuel that wouldn't light and fill them back up with anything else and they work. No clue why, but try some out next time.

Hi Alltoreup - I agree about Ronson. I was a long time cigar smoker (cubans, baby...give me dem cubans) and so also have long experience with torch lighters and in particular Blazer pocket torches. Crappy butane seems to result in the jet clogging up faster than otherwise.

But Ronson was what I had to hand so.....

I think the valve was just stuck and I didn't know it until I went to fill it and now I seem to have broken it free. All good and as always George's policies seem very customer focused and friendly.

The lighter warranty seems too good to be true. I've yet to meet a torch lighter that lasts more than a year (often more like 6months).

I agree about torches, particularly $10-15 ones like this. Non-premium butane seems to cause the jets to clog eventually. Please note, George's policy is that you get a replacement lighter. If you have an order in with him (or your next one), you will get it piggy backed on to it for shipping. If not, its going to cost $7 for RMA shipping from him and the dang lighter was only $10. So, yes its a good policy but its not a give away.



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Accessory Maker
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Well-Known Member
@Aezhenn lovely looking case. May have to give one a go myself .

I've seen both Jerline and Lotus offer lifetime warranties on their torches. My spoon carver friend bought a Churchill and told me about it.

@ataxian Take a look at this site it has a lot of good info on sensitivity.

Thanks....what George sells for a quad is a Vertigo. Slightly different model but pretty much the same.

Fat Freddy

Symptoms are that yes, it will click....but very softly (much softer than before) and way too late. Herb is toasted all to hell by the time it clicks. Same on cool down click. This a definite change in behavior from when I first got it about a week ago.

Any word from George on this issue? I've had quite similar issues with my ti woody, from the get-go actually.

Please keep us posted.


Fat Freddy,
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Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
This thing is awesome! :)

If you get your ABV pretty dark is that OK? I have no ash but it is definitely darkend passed brown.

This thing is fun. I bought a quad torch locally. Heats it quick! Gotta be careful!

ABV is very similar to the Vapman and this other custom Peace style Vaporizer I have.
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Well-Known Member
Any word from George on this issue? I've had quite similar issues with my ti woody, from the get-go actually.

Please keep us posted.


Yes, George and I cooresponded and piggy backed an RMA onto another order I had. You should get in touch with him as I don't want to quote his RMA policies and get them wrong nor do I want to try to speak for him and your specific information. I can say that I am happy with Dyna Vapcap's response and I have a new cap (and a new Ti Woody) coming in the mail to me.

I did find, however, that a slow count of "one one thousand, two one thousand" was about right and took the worry out of if the cap was working right or not. I will probably have to find a new count for the Ti Woody and its larger heat sink of Ti.


Well-Known Member
This thing is awesome! :)

If you get your ABV pretty dark is that OK? I have no ash but it is definitely darkend passed brown.

This thing is fun. I bought a quad torch locally. Heats it quick! Gotta be careful!

ABV is very similar to the Vapman and this other custom Peace style Vaporizer I have.

HI Slow Draw - I'm a fairly new user myself but when my cap was working perfectly, then AVB was darker brown (not combusted or burnt, but pretty dark). Dark enough that I trash it rather than save with Volcano AVB. I would get three draws from a fluffly load of fine grind. First was real tasty with a bit of visible vapor, 2nd was the visible vapor money shot, 3rd was to clean it out....and the one time I went for four it was not combusted but tasted very burnt toast and AVB was very dark (too dark for me).

Hope this was a little helpful.

Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Whoa whatever waxing/oiling you did to that stash looks great!
I used the treatment @RastaVapa sent me with my HomeGrownLog.

How's she working out for you mate?
Working great so far. Using the quad flame lighter. My ABV is coming out about as dark as my Vapman ABV. It's well passed brown, but definitely no combustion. I feel like I'm getting the hang of it.
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