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HI guys - me, the potential click cap killer, back again.
I'm getting a new cap, but as I mentioned the $30 OG was to see if I liked this style of vape and do I ever.
So, along with my new cap I want to order my next Vapcap but have some questions that perhaps you guys can help me with. As soon as I can ferret out answers to these, then I can order my next Dyna product:
1. I’m looking a Ti Woody S. The S seems to have the spinning mouthpiece but contents listing does not show the plastic carrying tube. Are the vapes with the spinning mouthpiece now too long to fit in the tube? If not, does it come with the plastic tube (which I actually really like).
2. Looking at the Ti Wood (Stem):
a. There is an option for “double crown”. What the heck is this…I have looked all over the site and haven’t found anything about a “crown”
b. The TI Wood XLS option puts the longer condenser tube in the vape, right…I think it says in the parts section that the XL adds 17mm to the length. Does this still fit into a carrying tube as I see it does include one in the contents listing (and if this does, then certainly wouldn't the Ti Woody S?)
Lastly, the website still says the Omnivap is still pre-order. I note some folks have gotten them, beta testers maybe??
Thanks in advance for your help. I know these are answered somewhere in this thread, but 215 pages...sigh. LOL
Hi man,
Hope I can get you on track to getting one asap!

1. yes, it'll come with a plastic tube. No, a Ti shorty is not too long to fit. It's regular sized. Shorty body + spinnable mouthpiece = regular size
2. a) a double crown is having two stainless steel rings protecting the wooden body. Each side one. One crowned units only have the "crown" at the Ti tip end.
b) no, with the xl kit attached to the body the unit will not fit into the tube anymore. You will likely receive two tubes. One with the vapcap and one containing the xl kit.
Right, the OV officially still is not final. I think George and Matt like to gather feedback first to implement further potential improvements. So, we're testers in a way - which is Great fun!!

Now you're set, I hope. Get one